Originally Posted by Hiponic Oh fun! Now just tell me where to go and play Capture the flag and Ill retract my PVP statement. Oh it's not accessible? I see. Did they do something to the npc outside every brawling pit that allows you to create a CtF match?
Orien: ~Erofen (30 Assassin Rogue) ~Erofenlock (30 EB Warlock) ~Erofenmonk (30 Light Monk) ~Erofentrap (30 Roguerficer (1st TR/Legend Build ever)) ~Erofenbarb (30 Barb) ~Erofenbless (30 FvS Chest Blesser) ~Erofenthree (30 Bard Dualbox) ~Erofenten (30 Barb Triplebox) Originally Posted by MadFloyd Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'? Kex! Stop It! O.o
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