Like no joke, I have been followed to every tavern by warlocks and all they do is spam hurl. This game is just coming out with things that is so cheap for pvp and just ruins it. Then when you try to fight someone, some level 15 iconic who clearly made the character to stun in pvp jumps down and uses disable construct, then before you can get out of it, they song of capering you and keep you stunned. Song of capering is just making people make level 15's and not playing the game. Hurl just makes a lot of people go warlock and never spend a drop of money on the game because they got what they want and spam hurl. But if hurl was banned, people would spend money to go different things and the same goes for caper. If you ban caper, then the people who just make level 15's and not spend any money or what so ever, will stop doing this and actually spend money to level a build they actually care for.