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Mythdrannor. 2nd ed. My first gaming session with a new group, using a rogue created and then boosted to L14 to join in.
Mythdrannor was new enough to us that the party insisted on making noise and casting spells, just to see what would happen.
I could end there and let you fill in the blanks because anyone who knows anything about Mythdrannor knows that's a really bad plan. I was not one of you at that point...
So anyway. A short while into our exploration we're quite injured, and fighting a tanari, a wyvern and a young dragon (possibly green, can't quite remember).
The latter we had discovered in an abandoned roofless tower. Spells used in the fight caused the summoning of the tanari which came in through the front gate, blocking off our escape route. This protracted fight attracted a wyvern.
My rogue was sneaking up the stairs to jump onto the dragon and backstab it, but spotted the wyvern circling overhead. Deciding we didn't need more things in the fight, I ran up the stairs and heroically leaped instead onto its back as it flew past, and immediately backstabbed it with my precious wrist daggers, critting, and killing it instantly! Go me!
I'm awesome.
However, being as we were about a hundred feet up at this point, thing rapidly and literally went down from there. At high speed.
Landing on the injured dragon with the blunt trauma force of a wyvern falling as a dead weight from the sky killed it, just after it's last attack had finished off the the tanari (and injured some other party members). The party members (including me) survived that last breath weapon + the wyvern/rogue impact, but had mere moments to revel in the awesome before the tanari, having been killed, exploded as they are wont to do and threw the usual treasure shrapnel all over the place, lacerating the party and bringing down half the tower, ending the lives of all but the ranger. The ranger who was now stuck in the middle of myth drannor alone, following a massive battle and a huge explosion, which inevitably was going to mean more bad guys to deal with.
The ranger got away and eventually managed to get the party resurrected blah blah blah.
The point is I had to buy the pizza, for having nearly caused a TPK of a 2 year running L14 party in three dice rolls my first time out.
I'd be bitter if it hadn't immediately made me legendary enough to make me friends that I still have today.
EDIT: also, failed to connect to server. Tried argo and wayfinder.