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For me, it feels like all the latest updates have been giving more attention to unappreciated/disliked quests in an effort to get people playing them. I thought 3Barrel was a big success, because the dungeons were familiar, but tweaked a bit and new things added to give them a slightly different experience from the heroic versions. Personally, I'm not a fan of epic Orchard. A couple of the quests are highly annoying, namely Inferno and Fleshmakers (who likes air elementals? they're only slightly behind FR shadows for sheer annoyance factor), and the named item droprate is hideous. Remember that most longtime players have farmed the pants off these quests for sigil pieces long before we had to farm them again for new junk.
The reason I mention annoying monsters is because the Madness quests, while some may like them, were extra heavy on beholders, and as far as debuffing, level draining annoyance goes, they top the list of enemies I'd rather avoid. Thus, I tend to avoid all the Madness quests. All the chains were pretty heavy on requiring DR breaking weapons, which was also somewhat irritating, but the beholders made me want to scream sometimes. If you can manage to avoid the heavy handed use of beholders and the subsequent need for multiple pale lavender ioun stones just so you don't have to rebuff yourself every 2 seconds, then you might have something that I'd like to play. I've always hated those quests for that fact alone. I can't say I'm super thrilled about more of those. Please don't make us build a bed airship or other similarly goofy tasks the start to feel like drudgery after the third wave of beds all succumb to another endless wave of enemies.
I'm not very familiar with the original Temple of Elemental Evil module, but I was very happy with Haunted Halls. Personally, I still love to do EN runs with all the optionals for something easier and super-fun at the same time. I really look forward to another huge, immersive quest in the future. Breaking the regular and extended contents into two different level ranges would be really nice. Heroic could use some more content at level 9-11. Possibly doing a heroic CR9 regular and heroic CR11 extended, with an epic CR23 regular and CR26 extended?
I'm incredibly sick of Shadar-kai chain whipping stuff and the Netherese storyline. I think most players will be fine if we never hear about it again. Maybe it's just because Wheloon and Stormhorns pay decent XP, so I tend to run those a lot. I hate shadar-kai assassins and shadows so much now.
Also, can we please fight more living enemies at end game that aren't spellcasters? If I'm not in wheloon or stormhorns, I feel like all I'm ever fighting are undead, more undead, constructs, a couple elementals and the odd enemy that we can score critical hits on who is usually a spellcaster. Personally, I just want a change of pace. Rust monsters, oozes (yes, they're crit resistant but still classic and interesting) or even a new enemy like an Otyugh or Basilisk? Both would present interesting challenges. Could you imagine a Basilisk boss fight where Stone to Flesh becomes a must have spell? It would be nice to possibly rework an older enemy to challenge epic players, rather than throwing more undead at us over and over.