Partycrashers is definitely a unique quest and this makes it even the more unique- The Uniqueness of Partycrashers
Partycrashers is definitely a unique quest and this makes it even the more unique- The Uniqueness of Partycrashers
Leader of the Crypt Crawlers on Thelanis:
Erdrique's Blog
Partycrashers really should have won an award of some kind. When I took some time off from DDO, one of the first things I wanted to do when I came back was play Partycrashers - just for the fun of it. Cyan is one of my favorite NPC's in DDO. She doesn't hurry for anyone.
It definitely is a fun quest. I just ran this again with my Level 9 Favored Soul. I enjoy being able to complete the quest in more ways than one buy going down different paths and avenues. Very fun indeed!!
Leader of the Crypt Crawlers on Thelanis:
Erdrique's Blog
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
btw, the "floating plants" from your link are really the hind cheeks of a Vine Stalker. Apparently, a party guest told him there were bathrooms down the hall and he got lost and then stuck when he tried to squat in the darkened room on the other side of that wall.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how the flowers were later added w/o it being a spoiler.
Leader of the Crypt Crawlers on Thelanis:
Erdrique's Blog