Let Me Know
Looking for any variant of TP Code - Prefer to discuss the pricing in game (I am always on Zonixx) - however you can also send a forum PM (it may just take a day or two to reply)
Willing to pay well for any code, but I prefer larger codes and will pay much better for them.
-80,000,000+ Plat (20+ Capped Characters)
-2,000-10,000+ Astral Shards (They come and go quickly)
-1,200 Unbound Major Mana Pots
-80,000+ Greater Cannith Essences (Ranging Between 4k to 22k of each essence, the most of which are Arcanes)
-600+ Small/Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragments (~450 Small & 150 Medium)
-500+ Larges/GS Mats (~100 of each large, hundreds of signet stones & mats to make any GS weps/gear)
-~200 FRDS / ~50 FGDS -- ~200 of each of the new Flawless Black/Blue/White Scales
-Most/All U14+ Named/EE Loot Including U17 EE GH Items - I have about 30 pieces of EE named loot on me, but can get any other piece I need within a few hours by sending a few tells, just let me know what you need.
-If you need something that isnt on this list, I can probably get it quick either by farming it or by getting it from a friend. Just let me know.