hey, im looking for a average price for a EE nether grasps, i just want to know how much i have to pay to get these.
I've sold two pairs for 2500 TP so far, and i'm about to sell a third for 2500.
I'd say they are about equal value. Similar drop rate and demand.
Could be argued that the treads have higher value - gloves slot has to compete with 30% heal amp options.
However, sellers in the forum may prefer TP. So treads+mill plat probably make the deal much easier.
There is low supply and any trades are likely for immediate use (removing supply) and not resale. Any pricing model is tricky when there are only a few items of a high demand unit for sale at any one time.
That should be a fair trade, Treads for Nethers, especially EE.
Smrti on Khyber