A little late to the party yea.. Haven't had a ton of time to devote to DDO like I use to.
But yea an ultra hard raid down none the less.
Group was 5 from crush it and 7 others, each of which I believe was from a different guild.. So yea Khybers pug scene alive and strong, even for ultra hard ee raids =)
Here's the pic you want to see - the loots!:
Was pretty nice, no bugs. Think it was 4 or 5 named items, all fully upgraded already. I got bracers, plus the 3 others shown in the shot, and several lvl24 augments too.
Full screenshot
Max favor or just abouts (havent messed with the so-called fixed challenges yet)
Completion time listed 58 mins, maybe accurate, not sure.
Deathcout was 50ish (with our sub lvl25 caster managing a nice 11 deaths hehe.. Twoheals, who just got back to the game after playing guild wars several months only had a single death heh, hes awesome)
Potcount was reasonable considering i think since it was mostly melee dps, 10-20ish each healer, dunno for arcanes.
Fun raid, definetely tuned right for ultra high, but beatable difficulty.
Shame most of the raid loot is fairly boring, most ppl seemed more interested in the commendations. Least we all got 2 or 3. Seems to be 1d2+1 as expected for those on EE.