Mainly posting this so my girlfriend can look it over for me, but here is my plan for leveling.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.02 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male (2 Rogue \ 18 Wizard) Hit Points: 276 Spell Points: 1333 BAB: 10\10\15\20 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 18 Will: 10 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (34 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 10 12 Dexterity 8 10 Constitution 18 21 Intelligence 18 29 Wisdom 8 8 Charisma 8 8 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Strength used at level 2 +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 2 +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 2 +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 2 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 6 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 6 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 6 +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 6 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 3 4 Bluff -1 -1 Concentration 6 28 Diplomacy -1 -1 Disable Device 8 33 Haggle 3 9.5 Heal -1 -1 Hide 3 4 Intimidate -1 -1 Jump 4 5 Listen -1 -1 Move Silently 3 4 Open Lock 3 23 Perform n/a n/a Repair 4 10 Search 8 33 Spot 3 3 Swim 4 5 Tumble 3 4 Use Magic Device 3 23 Level 1 (Rogue) Feat: (Human Bonus) Insightful Reflexes Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Artificer Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I Level 2 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Empower Spell Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I Enhancement: Flame Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I Level 3 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Enhancement: Wizard Improved Empowering I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Combustive Spellcasting I Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I Level 4 (Wizard) Enhancement: Deadly Acid I Enhancement: Deadly Flame I Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II Enhancement: Flame Manipulation II Level 5 (Wizard) Enhancement: Human Adaptability Intelligence I Level 6 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Necromancy Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Level 7 (Wizard) Enhancement: Flame Manipulation III Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II Enhancement: Wizard Pale Master I Enhancement: Shroud of the Zombie Level 8 (Wizard) Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV Enhancement: Flame Manipulation IV Level 9 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II Level 10 (Rogue) Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration I Enhancement: Rogue Wand and Scroll Mastery I Level 11 (Wizard) Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V Enhancement: Flame Manipulation V Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III Level 12 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Quicken Spell Level 13 (Wizard) Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VI Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence III Level 14 (Wizard) Enhancement: Wizard Pale Master II Enhancement: Shroud of the Vampire Level 15 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Spell Penetration Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VII Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VII Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration II Level 16 (Wizard) Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I Level 17 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Enchantment Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Level 18 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment Level 19 (Wizard) Level 20 (Wizard) Enhancement: Human Versatility I Enhancement: Wizard Improved Quickening I Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration III Enhancement: Shroud of the Lich Enhancement: Wizard Pale Master III
to note i would be changing out the fire enhancements for force eventually. just hard to do on char planner.