Hi guys, I have an exclusive pet. The granite gargoyle which doesn't (yet) exist in the store. I'm thinking about selling it!
Hi guys, I have an exclusive pet. The granite gargoyle which doesn't (yet) exist in the store. I'm thinking about selling it!
Where does such a thing come from?
(Also, whats the app for that info display you have, bottom-left of your screen setup?)
The exact origins of gargoyles lie so far back in the mists of time that we have no certain details as to how they came about. We do know that they are descended from other gargate species, and not aliens or creatures of magic. Gargoyles were the first of the Three Races to come into existence, preceding humans, who themselves preceded Oberon's Children. Gargoyles are, however, younger than the extinct Lost Race. They enjoy a close link to the Earth that may be the result of their great age, and which strongly affects their stone sleep and strict breeding cycles.
they also come from a small piece of paper in one's inventory.
Last edited by Syllph; 10-04-2012 at 10:59 AM.
If I were on Khyber, I'd bid 2 FRDS. But I'm on Thelanis
Anyway, is it from the MM, and if so was it a hidden bonus?
Or is this some kind of compensation or a lotto reward or other event reward?
If its not from the monster manuel prizes, Fawngate is interested in bidding.
She is progressing slowly but surely on the monster manuel.
The wraith the rust monster the bat the spider earth ele seem to b the only mm pets
Demons run when a good man goes to war
What I can tell you is that it was said that the pet was exclusive. I don't believe you can get this from the MM, but anything could change in the future. This is a unique pet. Maybe a few other people have it, but I'm fairly certain that not more than a dozen people have it across all servers. I don't want to say more than that so as not to get anyone in trouble!
For price, I'm thinking 2x the price of a standard pet = 1K TP or best offer.
200k = 150 TP
400k = 1 FRDS
From what I understand the Gargoyle was a small gift to those who lost pets. An apology of sorts.
God I wish I had the money for this I collected every pet cept the winter wolf
Demons run when a good man goes to war
I have some 2k tp cards.
I will offer one of them since I don't have any 1k cards, which is double your 1k.
Should you wish to give me something for the extra tp, we can work that out when we meet up.
But I will leave that up to you.
Look for Fawngate on Khyber and we can make a trade.
Last edited by Silverleafeon; 10-05-2012 at 10:44 AM.
Would give you 5 reds for it
Correct, it's a compensation item/pet that was given to everybody that lost cosmetic pets and filed tickets to regain those lost pets, as compensation for how long it took to get those pets back (for me, that was close to 2 months). The mail that was included with it specifically stated that it was a not yet released pet, so you can expect these in the DDOstore within a month or two. Only reason to pay much for em is the "ohh shiny" syndrome though.
The pet isn't exclusive, it'll be in the DDOstore, the mail included said as much, also, as everyone who had missing pets got these, I'd expect there to be several hundred across the servers.
Just to note, I didn't get this for losing a pet. But if what you're saying is true, I apologize for any wrong or misleading information in this thread.
My offer stil stands. 1K TP (or equivalent) or best offer. If anyone is still interested, please contact me in game.
In store now for 495 TP