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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Make the "buy with Astral Diamonds"-only airships have no minimum guild level

    With renown decay, my guild doesn't have a prayer of hitting 30, let alone the 80+ required for a decent guild ship.

    Meanwhile, I have a lot of real-world money, and would not mind shelling out some actual cash for the big ship. Even if we couldn't use all the ameneties, I, for one, am willing to pay TP to have that big awesome ship.

    So, why not drop the guild level requirement on those ships? Keep the ones that you buy with in-game money, but let me spend real money on a big ship for my tiny guild.

  2. #2
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    I hope this makes you feel better: My guild is level 81, and we wish we could go back to the level 60 ship. The level 80 ship SUCKS BALLS.

    Anyway, you'll be able to purchase a ship soon, and trust me, it's just as good as the one we have, if not better.

  3. #3
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    What don't you like about the level 80 ship?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by countfitz View Post
    I hope this makes you feel better: My guild is level 81, and we wish we could go back to the level 60 ship. The level 80 ship SUCKS BALLS.

    Anyway, you'll be able to purchase a ship soon, and trust me, it's just as good as the one we have, if not better.
    We already have a ship, its just not great. We could buy the smallest astral-diamond ship but its not worth the money. With renown decay we'll never reach 31 let alone 50. Wouldn't mind shelling out the TP for one of those things but reaching the guild level... not happening.

  5. #5
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    If your guild can't hit level 31 it's not the decay that's the problem, it's the guild.

    /not signed

    Just because you're a level 1 guild doesn't mean you should be able to have the largest airship possible. Guild ships are a reward, not a gimme.

  6. #6
    Community Member MyHumps's Avatar
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    You're right. Why don't we put everything on the store? Put a airship on the store? No problem! Put a +4 on the store? No problem! Lets throw an esos on there! How about raid timer bypassers, too late already there! Want to deconstruct your greensteel like you've been asking for YEARS? Well now that GS is nearly completely eclipsed by all the other power creep in the game sure! why even play the game? Smalls, mediums, larges! All on the store! Hey guess we can also throw up a trophies from ToD! Rings too! Why even play the game? What's the point? Just buy it all! Hey look at this neat character that I made! Cool huh? BOUGHT IT ALL! Man I rock!
    I am a lost wandering soul

    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999
    Can the monkies who program this game get anything write?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by HunterjWizzard View Post
    We already have a ship, its just not great. We could buy the smallest astral-diamond ship but its not worth the money. With renown decay we'll never reach 31 let alone 50. Wouldn't mind shelling out the TP for one of those things but reaching the guild level... not happening.
    Why isn't the smallest worth the money? Trust me, the two largest both suck. To answer why, their layout is abysmal, they're so large it takes forever to get to all your shrines, and there are hidden areas people don't even know are there (with hidden shrines). It took me about a month to realize we had a Dex shrine because of where it was placed. On top of that, it's asymetrical, has mutiple odd levels for no reason, and can't fit things where you would want them.

    The absolute largest model isn't 'as bad' but still has the flaw that, because it is so large, it takes forever to shrine.

    So be careful what you wish for, is all I'm saying. We worked really hard to get to 80 just for the ship, and all regretted it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    If your guild can't hit level 31 it's not the decay that's the problem, it's the guild.

    /not signed

    Just because you're a level 1 guild doesn't mean you should be able to have the largest airship possible. Guild ships are a reward, not a gimme.
    Quote Originally Posted by MyHumps View Post
    You're right. Why don't we put everything on the store? Put a airship on the store? No problem! Put a +4 on the store? No problem! Lets throw an esos on there! How about raid timer bypassers, too late already there! Want to deconstruct your greensteel like you've been asking for YEARS? Well now that GS is nearly completely eclipsed by all the other power creep in the game sure! why even play the game? Smalls, mediums, larges! All on the store! Hey guess we can also throw up a trophies from ToD! Rings too! Why even play the game? What's the point? Just buy it all! Hey look at this neat character that I made! Cool huh? BOUGHT IT ALL! Man I rock!
    These would be examples of the general "We hate everyone who plays this game less than 8 hours a day and want to make sure they never ever have anything good!"-attitude that puts newcomers off the game so badly.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by countfitz View Post
    Why isn't the smallest worth the money? Trust me, the two largest both suck. To answer why, their layout is abysmal, they're so large it takes forever to get to all your shrines, and there are hidden areas people don't even know are there (with hidden shrines). It took me about a month to realize we had a Dex shrine because of where it was placed. On top of that, it's asymetrical, has mutiple odd levels for no reason, and can't fit things where you would want them.

    The absolute largest model isn't 'as bad' but still has the flaw that, because it is so large, it takes forever to shrine.

    So be careful what you wish for, is all I'm saying. We worked really hard to get to 80 just for the ship, and all regretted it.
    My guild is too low-level to get any worthwhile shrines, so we'd mostly be using the ship for hide-and-go-seek and a place to stand around b*tching about how the renown-decay screwed us.

    See the ship bought with turbine points is at least permenant, the ameneties are not. Neither is the guild level, sadly.

  10. #10
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HunterjWizzard View Post
    With renown decay, my guild doesn't have a prayer of hitting 30.
    Really? Reknown decay doesn't even start until level 26. At the unattainable level 30, for a guild of 10 or fewer accounts, it's about 68 reknown/day. (Oh, btw guilds that small get a bonus to reknown of 150-300% depending on the actual guild size, so that's between 125-200 reknown/heroic deeds.)

    You don't need 8 hours/day to get there. 4 heroic deeds a week are more than enough for a small guild to get to and hold level 30.

    Larger guilds have it easier as there are more players to pull reknown.

    If the guild's players can't manage to overcome the low-level reknown decay, there's no way they will pull in enough plat to cover the buff expenses. If you want to throw turbine pts at that too, well, I guess you have a lot more money than me.

    While the OP's presented justification was unreasonable, the suggestion was not unreasonable. Allowing guild amenities to be awarded to those with cash has its merits, however, I personally would be dissapointed if the suggestion were implemented.

    -Proud member of a lvl 48 guild with few and tiny ship buffs.

  11. #11
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Not to offend but your problem makes no sense to me.

    Before I joined the guild I'm in now I was in a solo guild (my main account and five F2P accounts to get 300% modifier)

    I started the guild on the first day of the "build your guild" event and as of about a month ago had obtained guild level 36.
    I think that is pretty fast advancement for one (albeit very active) player.

    About a month ago I joined a guild and have earned zero renown for the solo guild in that time.

    The solo guild has only decayed to 35 in that time with no activity.
    Renown decay at this level is pretty minimal.

    Tell me again how it's impossible to get the level 55 ship?

    I understand a lot of the guild problems.

    I think there should be some adjustments to level the playing field
    (and not for selfish reasons because my current guild is of the "ideal" configuration - 11 active accounts - to obtain max guild level).

    But what I don't understand is guilds who don't play and yet still want to advance.

    Sorry but if you can't reach level 30 then you don't hardly play.

    Are you really at the point of stagnation?

    Or is it simply that you aren't getting a new guild level every week at this point and have become impatient?

    Leveling a guild is slow process.

    As far as you suggestion...

    that makes no sense to me either.

    What good is a ship without buffs to put in the slots?

    Keep at it and you will hit 50-55 to get those ships (if you play the game).

    That is all you really need.

    Good luck and keep at it.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    I forgot to point out that if expense is not an issue, reknown enhancement elixers are available in the DDO store. If you always have one active you'll be level 30+ in no time!

  13. #13
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainSpacePony View Post
    Really? Reknown decay doesn't even start until level 26. At the unattainable level 30, for a guild of 10 or fewer accounts, it's about 68 reknown/day. (Oh, btw guilds that small get a bonus to reknown of 150-300% depending on the actual guild size, so that's between 125-200 reknown/heroic deeds.)

    You don't need 8 hours/day to get there. 4 heroic deeds a week are more than enough for a small guild to get to and hold level 30.

    Larger guilds have it easier as there are more players to pull reknown.

    If the guild's players can't manage to overcome the low-level reknown decay, there's no way they will pull in enough plat to cover the buff expenses. If you want to throw turbine pts at that too, well, I guess you have a lot more money than me.

    While the OP's presented justification was unreasonable, the suggestion was not unreasonable. Allowing guild amenities to be awarded to those with cash has its merits, however, I personally would be dissapointed if the suggestion were implemented.

    -Proud member of a lvl 48 guild with few and tiny ship buffs.
    lol +1

  14. #14
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    No way possible is decay affecting you to that degree. No way.

    Im in a 3 man guild. We are all casual players for the most part. I own a restaurant and the other two have full time jobs of 60 hrs+/week.

    We started our own guild a little over two years ago. Right now we are sitting at 65 and are over half way to 66. Guild renown decay has been very minimal for us at any given time. Getting to the 25 to 30 range was a breeze for the most part.

    I don't play near what I used to, and we are still seeing a steady increase towards the next level. Sure we are getting hit by decay, but at our level, a few hours of play time between us is more than enough to offset our decay.
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  15. #15
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    OP, how much renown do you think you are losing each day to decay?

    It just can't be very much for a low level guild unless you have a lot of inactive players or lots of people joining then leaving.

    As an example, a guild with just one person in it loses about 82 points per day at level 31. That isn't very much.

    If you are in a small guild and not playing a lot, it's far more likely your guild level doesn't seem to be moving because you aren't gaining renown quickly, not because you are losing it.

    There are tools on DDOwiki to help you work out how much renown you are losing, and how much is required for each level.

    Good luck with it.

  16. #16
    Community Member zarthak's Avatar
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    the only way il sign this thread if on 2 conditions

    1. it is 10,000 TP

    2. you need 500 astral diamonds
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    **** you forum folk...**** you all!!

  17. #17


    "Can't hit level 30 because of decay"

    There's something very, very, very, very, very wrong there.

  18. #18
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    We have 19 active accounts as for renown calculations.
    The guild is level 35 15k from level 36.
    For the past month only 3 player have really been playing.
    Several of the members have been on Holidays.
    We have gained well over 1.5 million renown in that months time.
    So I fail to see what the issue with your guild is?
    The Guild is Shadow Dwellers on Thelanis

    Also the MyDDO page for the guild shows the wrong info as for Size.
    Last edited by Rip-V-Winkle; 09-16-2012 at 04:28 AM.

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