What will YOU be doing on your so called "Last day."
Bring the funny!!
What will YOU be doing on your so called "Last day."
Bring the funny!!
Last edited by Max_DDO; 09-02-2012 at 09:04 AM.
_-+Elite Raiders+-_
_+ ---------{Xiacian}-------------------------{Maxkili}----------------------------------{Rekove}---------+_
Well, you have it wrong. It's actually December 21st, not 31st.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
I do agree that the predictions and the Mayan long count etc can be explained as different things. I wont go into the whole debate but yes I do agree that its another "Nostrodamaus" type prediction.
HOWEVER.... Imagine if something does happen.... purely by chance... I mean... at some point in the future a large meteor WILL hit earth.
Humans might have the tech by then to prevent it but statistically one WILL be right on target sooner or later... Imagine if by pure fluke it does happen on the 21st.....
God the end timers would be so smug!!! lol
As for me... 21st Ill get drunk... just in case... then 22nd Ill probably have to do last min Christmas shopping
No point doing it before..... We never know.
EDIT: Of course, one thing to think about is that some nutter in a position of power does something to make the prophecy be fulfilled.
Yes, My apology hit 3 instead of 2.
_-+Elite Raiders+-_
_+ ---------{Xiacian}-------------------------{Maxkili}----------------------------------{Rekove}---------+_
"The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves." Niccolò Machiavelli
Thelanis: Arbix Completionist (23rd Life), ArbySoul, ArbyBarb, ArbyPriest, Arbificer etc.
"The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves." Niccolò Machiavelli
Thelanis: Arbix Completionist (23rd Life), ArbySoul, ArbyBarb, ArbyPriest, Arbificer etc.
Hmmm....I am not sure they will get to that part in the first movie....it's going to be in three parts.........I am guessing the first part may end with them arriving in Lake Town or maybe shortly after they escape the brood of large talking spiders in Mirkwood.
Smaug will most likely make his appearance in part two at least by the end of it or the whole second part might be mostly the Dragon and the Lonely Mountain........I am thinking part three is going to be something about how they removed Sauron from Southern Mirkwood.....as the first actor listed on the IMDB page is titled The Necromancer...who actually ended up being Sauron.....or at least his spirit before being driven back to Mordor which is why Gandalf left them at a certain part in the book to go deal with that.
Actually Smaug should still be in part three as well because Thorin is still cast in part 3 unless it's a flashback scene or he dies in part three or he doesn't die in the movies at all.
I'm sure they will "freely adapt" again like they did with LoTR hehe.
I mean the end of LoTR the book and the movie were so completely different......they left off the whole battle for the Shire which would have been kind of cool......and the parting of Aragorn and Arwen which was completely heartbreaking.
They did show that, when Elrond is telling Arwen what kind of life she will have after Aragorn dies. And it's in the appendix anyway. The main text ends hours after the Ringbearer departs the Grey Havens, just like the movie did.
All that being said, I remain deeply suspicious of how they are going to break a tiny kid's book into 3 movies. If it was a subversive way to toss in hours of flashbacks and really film The Silmarillion and call it The Hobbit, then sure. But they don't have the rights to the Silmarillion, and there just isn't enough material in the appendices to fill in 3 movies.
Oh well I'm sure it will be lots of unnecessary slo-mo and dwarf drinking contest nonsense.
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