Originally Posted by
ok folks im in middle of movin around the country so havent been on top of this like i planned, apologies for that but nice to see some people with pos.imput,
as for those with the tude of has no purpose, well if u dont want to participate im glad cause u and your attitude is just what my gamming dont need. as for the person askin bout the "other community ,whatever floats your airship,
as for real religion, the thought never entered my mind if you mistook it or i unknowingly made it seem like that please understand under no circumstances any real religion here ty, bad nuff got goons knockin on my door sellin it too, as for the person (im not mentionin any names here as i cant tell em exactly what id really like too) if u want to be miserable in your gaming as u must be in real life i would like your game toons names so i make sure not to be in any quests with u as u must really be depressing to play with, must be a mega zerger...
as for the person mentioning the 14 roleplayers here, sigh ,there even a few guilds on certain servers devoted to nothing but ,so if you didnt play pen and paper u might not understand the roleplayin part, anybody can hack n slash but the following of the role is as much a art as acting in movie, well if u cant see it u never will is all, just know ive been here a while and alot of players would like a bit more but its in specific groups its not totaly nessasary but it is fun when u have few that do. as im one of those. again if your not interested in participating GOOD! im not askin u too im askin the devs to make it a option i can purchase if i want is all and the ability to share/show people who never did roleplay what can be done with a little imagination is all ive got the whole wedding party already even plenty of guest(more than a raid can hold)
so i figured if i can buy a way for my friends list to come ok and if a few peep who r creative and happy types, along with romantics who'd wanna show up even better. and just one more thing to any devs reading this response:
this negative feedback is exactly why id like a way to send ideas to the thinkin group of devs, not post it here for the local whiners to have the chance to rain on the parade, theres enough negative in the real world, i play the game to escape that, and only come here when game isnt, tho i usually have to leave as i detest petty carpings by peep who dont appreciate how much programming n code is behind all this. ive spoken with people at turbine and they have all been very pleasant,and as helpful as policy allowes, unlike people puttin time in at other jobs who dont even have to ability to try pleasantness,or even to try to do the job properly. folks u hate your job in reality change it , cause if all you have to bring to the world of escape is negativity, u r the one who needs to reshape your reality more than escape for a while.
well now im startin to ramble so im outta here with one last thing to say: u folks at turbine are great, find us a way to give u feedback without these forums, for peeps that cant leave reality behind for a while have nothing to offer to the game anyway, ive other ideas for the game that would improve play, this one is important to me and few others ,but after the bashin this got i wouldnt post another here for the simple reason they cry bout enough as it is ,theyll be off on a different more unimaginitive mmo soon enough.. me im here to stay, unless of course they take over.which would be a total shame...