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  1. #21
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    Any quest should be soloable on any difficulty. But that does not meant that it should be easy so anyone can do it. That is how I test how powerful my toons are. That is how I learn different tactics and strategies. I do that to challenge myself. If I beat the quest, then I try to beat it faster or with less resources. But playing MMO always solo? That is not why I'm here.

    edit: btw my greatest accomplishment so far is The Pit in 13min.

  2. #22
    Community Member irivan's Avatar
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    I want to be able to solo Epic Elite, I dont think it should be doable by just anyone, and Epic is not being solo's right now by just any one, it takes work and investment in your character, then it can be done. And I think that what is in place right now, and the builds that allow for it, should be left unNerfed.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    By our metrics you guys (forum folk) are less than 5% of the population. Bug reports come from 100% of the population.
    Master of the Tower

  3. #23
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    soloing epic elite should be possible. it should be really, really difficult, but if it's impossible then there's no achievement to strive for. what am i playing the game for if not to solo the hardest content? i can already do the hardest content with a group, and so can anyone else who plays this game.
    a tribe called zerg, cannith: healings, oozesniffer, krushinator, oxidize, kwanzaabot, eltonjohnbot
    Solo: tod normal, vod elite, adq2 epic, vod normal at level 18. all with no pots. my build

  4. #24
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    The players that do the best in this game in terms of spectacular achievements do so because they understand the rule systems and adapt to its changes. They then put in a great deal of work.

    Their is a guild on Khyber whose players had already worked out the ramifications of the changes which allowed instakills to Epic Mobs long before it went live. They went on a TR and refitting mission prior to the changes.

    When these changes were actually made they then pretty much rewrote all the record books. I can remember twiddling my thumbs as they took down EADQ1 in less than 10 minutes. Having no kills in EDA cos all the mobs exploded. It was awesome but i also felt pretty useless.

    If you ask any of these guys if they expected a Nerf. You bet they did. In fact they were kinda surprised it had lasted so long. What are they doing about it ? Well they are on beta assessing the new changes and working out how to break new records with what they have got now ?

    I have never called for a Nerf to anyone but it doesn't take a genius to work out that the balance isn't right in the game presently

    So their should be a way to solo the most difficult content but that should be a rarity and worthy of comment

    I could ask you a question OP. Is it right that only certain classes should be capable of completing solo Epics ?

    DDO players never cease to amaze me with their knowledge and resourcefulness. Their is a plethora of interesting new enhancements and items coming that should more than make up for any abilities that are reigned back in what Turbine have clearly stated is a rebalancing act.

    I know its difficult to accept any changes if it decreases the power of your Character. My turn will come soon when i find out if an enhancement reset will kill Crit Rage. However my focus and i think yours should be on what you will be able to do rather than what you cant

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airgeadlam View Post
    Get rid of the dungeon scaling and the ridiculous "out of the blue" DA, and you'll see more groups forming.
    *scratches head*

    Removing dungeon scaling would certainly make people group, since it would kill 90% of the soloing people. You do know that the dungeons scale down, not up, right? That if you took out DS, it would still be as hard for 6 people, and one person in there would be taking the same damage as people do in full dungeons?

    If you mean, scale it back so 6 people have it as easy as one person does now, I think that would make it just way too easy. Even if you found a middle ground, a difficulty where most people could solo it, but it was a challenge for 6, then... No, wait. You couldn't, not with out the dungeon scaling in some way, having 6 times the DPS will always make the same content easier.

    Now, is the content currently scaled properly? That is a whole other kettle of fish. Maybe it should be easier on upper end, maybe not. But that doesn't mean that DS should be removed.

    As to the poll question, I'd say no. Elite Epics should not be soloable, it should be just too hard for one person. And not mechanically (as in, there are four plates to stand on at the same time, or three levers to pull), but just due to difficulty. I also feel that EE quests should not scale at all. And should be an achievement to just finish, with a full party. Epics will have Normal for new players, Casual for those who are unskilled/undergeared/poorly built, and Hard for those who are none of those things. Elite Epics should be hard enough that when you enter the first time, they hand you your behind. By the fifth run, you should be able to get to the boss, and maybe a few runs after that, you might have a shot at completing it. Maybe.

    To me, at least, Elite Epics should be for the 1%. The top gamers. Those who complain that the game is too easy, who could run Shroud naked and still complete, and so on. That is the whole point of having Epics with difficulty levels, isn't it? So we can run with just as much challenge as we want to face?

    And for the record, I am *not* one of those 1%. I hope that some day, I might be able to complete Epic Normal quests, maybe without having to wipe/recall. And that is likely to never happen.

  6. #26
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Post Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by Alcedes View Post
    Just a quick poll if you dont mind:

    Reading player responses to various changes upcoming has made me wonder this:

    Who here believes that they should be able to create a character that can solo Epic-Elite instances?
    Sure why not with enough skill you can solo must epic content now with enough gear competence and patience. The new content should not in any way shape or form however be dumbed down to attract a newer crowd i still think there should be a loyalty factor for the hardcore players as far as presenting more challenge, challenge=fun.

    Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.
    Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra

  7. #27
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    Ok. I'll bite. I like to solo. Expect to be able to solo any non raid-content on at least hard. I am hoping that my double TR FvS will be able to solo EPIC normal and I expect that to be a challenge.

    I do not expect to be able to solo raid or do EPICS on hard/elite solo.

    Meanwhile I do expect that MrCow will be doing it all day everyday without breaking a sweat.

  8. #28
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    Sure why not with enough skill you can solo must epic content now with enough gear competence and patience. The new content should not in any way shape or form however be dumbed down to attract a newer crowd i still think there should be a loyalty factor for the hardcore players as far as presenting more challenge, challenge=fun.
    Loyalty for hardcore players is accomplished by limiting the change to epic hard/elite. Punishing 90% of the playerbase is, of course, counter intuitive to the longevity of this game.

    They made it easier for a reason
    Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?

  9. #29
    Community Member Urjak's Avatar
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    there will always be ppl who can solo the hardest quests ... if not, those particular quests would need a full group of only those super awesome uber ppl in order to complete them ... that would limit the quest to be only run by about 0,001% or so of the player base ... no sense in this ...

    i mean how many ppl do you know that did:
    .) solo eDA, eCoF or eWizKing?
    .) solo elite Shroud, elite ToD, elite HoX or elite Vod?
    .) solo any epic raid?

    yes a few did ... look at the achievements forums ... but i doubt there are more than 50 or so ppl ... limiting quests so only a group consisting only of those few ppl can beat a quest would be completely wrong
    Argonessen (mains):
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  10. #30
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokiewa View Post
    Loyalty for hardcore players is accomplished by limiting the change to epic hard/elite. Punishing 90% of the playerbase is, of course, counter intuitive to the longevity of this game.

    They made it easier for a reason
    Yea it's such a typical marketing move though "if we make the game less intense and have greater drop rates or provide vendors where players can trade scrolls in for other scrolls or where epic mobs can now be insta killed a game where we all win"it's plain and simply disappointing i understand update after update that there is always going to be the infamous "doom sayers" but i know some of you if not all of the "end game" vet population can relate that the game is still interesting compared to the majority of other mmo's but slowly losing it's appeal. Just a warning if i was part of the development team i would tread lightly when affecting the players that truly commit some serious dedication and money in this game some serious competiton has spoken just saying!

    Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.
    Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra

  11. #31
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    Yea it's such a typical marketing move though "if we make the game less intense and have greater drop rates or provide vendors where players can trade scrolls in for other scrolls or where epic mobs can now be insta killed a game where we all win"it's plain and simply disappointing i understand update after update that there is always going to be the infamous "doom sayers" but i know some of you if not all of the "end game" vet population can relate that the game is still interesting compared to the majority of other mmo's but slowly losing it's appeal. Just a warning if i was part of the development team i would tread lightly when affecting the players that truly commit some serious dedication and money in this game some serious competiton has spoken just saying!
    The players you refer to reflect a small minority of the money coming in. They aren't the players that are spending money on fluff. You won't find a quote from me that states I think this game should be a walkthrough because it doesn't exist. Changing the core mechanics of the game that punish both those who worked for "hardcore" endgame DCs and the casual player makes zero sense. This game was fundamentally changed for a reason. If you think catering the game to the hardcore is financially viable, you are sadly mistaken. Dedication means nothing. Dollars mean everything.

    There are quite a few "end game" players, myself included, that see the folly in these changes. Just a warning, it almost failed before.

    Elder scrolls online, haha. That's pretty funny
    Last edited by Hokiewa; 06-09-2012 at 09:04 PM.
    Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?

  12. #32
    Community Member Schwarzie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcedes View Post
    Who here believes that they should be able to create a character that can solo Epic-Elite instances?
    Counter question: Why should it be impossible?

    Thanks to Dungeonscaling some quests are much easyer soloed then done with a full group.
    I am no native english speaker

    Other Toons: Siaphas, Kelderian, Kelras, Keldi, Kelmons

  13. #33
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcedes View Post
    Just a quick poll if you dont mind:

    Reading player responses to various changes upcoming has made me wonder this:

    Who here believes that they should be able to create a character that can solo Epic-Elite instances?
    As an extension of Elite at-level play? I do like the option (note option) of say, splitting towers up in wizking, if a party of folks feel they can handle it. Technically, that's a form of what quite a few folks would think of as soloing if they didn't all happen to be in the same instance working to complete 3 simultaneous goals. Something quite a few overlook.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzie View Post
    Counter question: Why should it be impossible?

    Thanks to Dungeonscaling some quests are much easyer soloed then done with a full group.

    i didnt say it should be. i really was jsut trying to get a feel for what the community expects and hoping that a dev will take the time to read this and see what the community expects. based on what i have seen posted here the last couple days, it looks like people would prefer to be able to solo anything and everything. nothign wrong with that. i just do not share the opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxHazexx View Post
    Sure why not with enough skill you can solo must epic content now with enough gear competence and patience. The new content should not in any way shape or form however be dumbed down to attract a newer crowd i still think there should be a loyalty factor for the hardcore players as far as presenting more challenge, challenge=fun.
    well currently, Epic-Hard is solo'd easily enough with insta-kills(im not going to take haunting into consideration until it goes live, and quite frankly, i do not believe turbine has the testicular fortitude to go live with it at this point.

    me personally, im all in favor of setting epic-elite up to make a group event out of it. i am the minority in this though it would seem.

  15. #35
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure that some folks will be able to solo epic elites. It is just a matter of time. So, the poll is really pointless since A) we dont design the game and B) gamers always find a way to do things despite the intentions of the developers. It is purely mathmatics. 1000's of people trying to defeat the programming of a handful of people. Eventually, the 1000s win.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by barecm View Post
    B) gamers always find a way to do things despite the intentions of the developers. It is purely mathmatics. 1000's of people trying to defeat the programming of a handful of people. Eventually, the 1000s win.

    i couldnt agree more. i said it in another thread on the closed beta forums; i have more respect for the ingenuity of the ddo players than i have ever had for another group of gamers. despite all the "nerfs" (i dont agree in most cases that these are "nerfs" being discussed), DDO'ers will find a way to win. simple as that.

  17. #37
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    As someone who's soloed a few epics, I fully intend to try soloing epic elite quests...and I will eventually succeed. If these quests aren't solo-able by skilled people with good gear, unless there are inherent mechanics that require multiple people...they will be nearly impossible to do in groups (epic elite raids excluded, but that's a different tier of questing altogether). It's not even like instant kill changes will really stop solo changes...they'll just make solos take a bit longer and take a bit more effort to not run out of mana.

    Anyone who thinks epic elite shouldn't, can't, and/or won't be soloed...I doubt we're playing the same game. It definitely shouldn't be easy...but it also shouldn't be impossible. It should really be a fun challenge, though.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  18. #38
    Community Member FrostBeard's Avatar
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    look at the end of the day, if this game dies with all the weird wacky changes the developers are proposing.

    you can always move to another, there is so many new ones coming out.

  19. #39
    Community Member zeonardo's Avatar
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    Yes. I would like.

    And I'm going overboard getting 3 wizard, 3 fighter, 3 monk and 3 paladin on my favored soul for that.
    I don't care...

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    It can certainly hurt to be on the receiving end of a nerf

  20. #40
    Community Member Forzah's Avatar
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    No, it should be impossible to solo the hardest content in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

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