Hello all. I am not sure if this post is going to take negative comments, but clearly i state that this is not my intention. It is just my personal opinion and would like to share it with you all.
As I see it DDO is taking a great turn hoping for the best, but unfortunately i see things getting worse. Although melees must get some love the solution is not to nerf casters. It seems to me like going back to the past days of the game long over.
As i see it before going to implement new things such as areas,quests and more, certain things which affect game mechanics must be clear and well established. Now, about 20 days before the expansion all things seem blur to me. The whole thing changes, build will change severely, AC changes (and should be), to-hit changes, things become more complex relatively to gameplay and we do not know very important things tied with classes and races and that is nothing else than enhancements.
I know you have postponed them but it seems to me that you are eager to make changes without plan. How can people provide feedback and no doom when they know that the status quo changes on 25th of June and the other half of tha game will change on August! I mean you even "designed" a new class and its enhancements for 2 months!!
I think this is serious and cynic. Even if we want to provide feedback isn't it a loss of time when basic things are not yet implemented? I mean enhancements come first before epic levels and all these things. When heroic levels are well established you can move on. With all these changes you admit that all these years were problematic concerning 1-20. Since you decide to make changes, and most people want changes for good reason, maybe you should have firstly focused to these levels and then to epic destinies and other things.
Sorry for the long post and criticism but i am feeling that future in game is really foggy. If other people share my point of view we can discuss here. If you disagree we can discuss as well but please be polite.