Okay I spent the weekend looking at one specific issue and I am pretty sure there is an issue; are procs going off often enough?
I noticed this on Friday and took a couple of days to watch and then this morning ran a full blown test.
Green Steel Lightning Currently on live this is about 1.5% proc chance, on Lammania I had at best .5% chance.
Epic Torc, currently on live this goes off regularly roughly 4 to 5% chance, not sure it went off once in two hours of scouring the Devil Battlefield.
Existential Stalemate, currently on live this is about 1.5% proc chance, on Lammania in well over an hour in he Devil Battle field, letting a single devil beat on my character with a Cleric Hireling, it did not go off once. Poor Haystack kept running to the gullet trench shrine to get spell points back. I did not recover a single SP.
Anyone else notice either similiar or different results.