For the new Forgotten Realms expansion why not have a quest where the Players team up with Drizzt {these quests supposedly are gonna start at lvl 16 - Drizzt's lvl back in 2nd ed.}.
At some point in said quest each player gets hit with an unbelievably high DC sleep spell {2-10 minutes length}.
Drizzt saves and has 1 potion {100% success} to wake one character to help him fight off the waves of enemies.
Drizzt randomly chooses one PC to wake up - Each other PC gets an additional top tier DC for level check every 10 seconds after the 2 minutes.
Maybe tier the randomness of Drizzt's choice to reflect his favoured companions - i.e. Barb/Fighter/Rogue high chance, Wizard/Sorc 1 or 2% chance.
First coupla waves shouldn't be super hard and to reflect AI Drizzt should have 15 secs before the first wave to wake one character and allow that character to get ready.
Drizzt would have super high AC, to hit, and Saves but low damage compared to PCs.
If 3 PCs die quest is failed, Drizzt SHOULD NOT die except in incredible circumstances OR IF not healed in any way during fight.
Maybe if gimped character in party makes save too early Drizzt could say "Hey What's that over there" and conk said character over the back of the head.