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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default Drizzt - The Anti-Coyle

    For the new Forgotten Realms expansion why not have a quest where the Players team up with Drizzt {these quests supposedly are gonna start at lvl 16 - Drizzt's lvl back in 2nd ed.}.

    At some point in said quest each player gets hit with an unbelievably high DC sleep spell {2-10 minutes length}.

    Drizzt saves and has 1 potion {100% success} to wake one character to help him fight off the waves of enemies.

    Drizzt randomly chooses one PC to wake up - Each other PC gets an additional top tier DC for level check every 10 seconds after the 2 minutes.

    Maybe tier the randomness of Drizzt's choice to reflect his favoured companions - i.e. Barb/Fighter/Rogue high chance, Wizard/Sorc 1 or 2% chance.

    First coupla waves shouldn't be super hard and to reflect AI Drizzt should have 15 secs before the first wave to wake one character and allow that character to get ready.

    Drizzt would have super high AC, to hit, and Saves but low damage compared to PCs.

    If 3 PCs die quest is failed, Drizzt SHOULD NOT die except in incredible circumstances OR IF not healed in any way during fight.

    Maybe if gimped character in party makes save too early Drizzt could say "Hey What's that over there" and conk said character over the back of the head.

  2. #2
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Drizzt in ddo = /barf

    Seriously, we don't need him or want him. Aren't there enough xxdrrriiizzttxx's in the harbor for you?

  3. #3
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Drizzt in ddo = /barf

    Seriously, we don't need him or want him. Aren't there enough xxdrrriiizzttxx's in the harbor for you?
    You have any idea how many players having a mission with DD actually in it would bring to this game?

    Put aside the fanboi hate, that could be a good thing.

    Though I'd rather if any of the famous characters are present, just make them quest givers.

  4. #4
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    can we FoD him for optional xp?

  5. #5
    Community Member delsoboss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Drizzt in ddo = /barf

    Seriously, we don't need him or want him. Aren't there enough xxdrrriiizzttxx's in the harbor for you?
    LFM up for "Save Drittz"

    [Party] Drizzzzttt joins you party
    [Party] Drizzzzttt says "hi there, omw"
    [Party] Drizzitit joins your party
    [Party] Drizzeten joins your party
    [Party] Drizzeten says "shr plz"
    [Party] xxxdrizzzzzzzzxxx joins your party
    [Party] dddrrriiizzzttt joins your party
    [Party] dddrrriiizzzttt says "ship buffs then omw"
    [To Party] You say "alright guys let's get this done, in on elite"

    [NPC] Drizzt Do'Urden greets you with a confident smile on his face "Here you are! Heroes from afar ... wait what's your name? What the ...?!?!?"

    PING! You've been booted from the world!

    /runs to forums

    Service news: Worlds down

    Cordovan: all worlds are down we're searching for the issue and we'll update this thread when we have news. Thanks for your patience and we'll see you back in the game soon!

    [dozens of angry dooo000oomissh and snarky sarcastic posts]

    Cordovan: it appears that when player characters with any variation of the name "Drizzt" enter the quest "Save Drizzt" the dialogue with the NPC Drizzt is bugged because of an hamster identity crisis, our team is working on the issue. We'll report back when probems are sorted, stay tuned!

  6. #6
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    Go elven sleep immunity. I don't know about a quest where the purpose of the player is to bask in the awesomeness of an NPC. Not to mention one where there might be licensing questions.

    If they want to work out the licensing then fine. I'd hope that if they did a quest feat. Dro Urden then it might be something along the lines of Misery's peak with Jeets/Celimas/Talbron. Where you and party B participate in parallel threads towards the same goal.

    That way if you feel the need to "bask in the awesomeness" then you may do so.

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Actually this was originally a joke post - I just found myself fleshing out the quest idea as I typed it.

    The thing with all the Dri^^t clones is easy enough to sort out - There is in fact only one on each server with the exact name {and I wonder how many of them actually spelt Do'Urden right}.

    Elven Sleep Immunity would not work - Specifically this effect would overpower any player immunities.

    The 2 minute minimum timer may be too long - The devs could work that out.

    They've already worked out the licensing for Forgotten Realms - Id be surprised if that didn't include the use of known characters {though I'd also be surprised if the author - In this case R.A.Salvatore wouldn't have any input into how said character was used.}.

    No we cannot FoD him for optional xp - This would instant fail the quest {even if it got thru his amped up saves}. Quite apart from the fact that Evil Alignments are not allowed in DDO.

    To reiterate - The quest itself would be {from the point where the sleep effect hits} 10 minutes in length - For 15 secs of these 10 minutes Drizzt would be effectively alone {with no enemies to fight} - Drizzt would wake up one party member {chosen at random} who would then have to fight alongside Drizzt to protect the other 5.
    After 2 minutes the rest of the party would all get top tier dc saves {every 10 seconds} till they woke up - Pretty sure no-one would be out of the fight for more than 3 of the 10 minutes.

    If 3 party members die Quest is failed.

    Now this mechanic would of course require a set limit on number of party members - i.e. Quest cannot be soloed {In fact party would have to be between 4 and 6 players / hirelings - no fewer than 3 actual players as hirelings would quite probably get conked on the back of the head by Drizzt as soon as they woke up}.
    This is easy enough for the devs to do - They've done it before with Tomb of the Burning Heart and Xorian Cypher {yes I know ways have been found to solo those quests - The devs would just have to be crafty}.

    BTW I have read the first 9 or 10 Drizzt novels {reread them pretty recently} BUT I do not consider myself to be a fanboi of him or infact the Forgotten Realms - I actually much prefer Dark Sun.
    I've always had problems with the Realms as I have issues with Eberron, Krynn, Greyhawk etc.
    I just don't believe that Drizzt is one of those problems - He is afterall just a mid-lvl melee - started life as a fighter {DDO = Kensai} then became a ranger {DDO = Tempest}.

    I feel that if Salvatore would allow it Drizzt could easily fight alongside an at level party in the same way as the guy in Last Stand or the girl who hunkers down in her Globe of Invulnerability in the Cannith Quest {Can't remember which one?} or the Giant Shamans in Madstone {though please devs don't put anything like that annoying "I must be healed, the incantation must be restarted voiceover pretty please}
    Pretty sure though that Salvatore would not be happy for his most popular character to be on the same level as Coyle say. As such I feel Drizzt should be given a much more active role in this proposed quest of mine.

    It would also be funny if as I pointed out in the OP {Drizzt tends not to run with casters} Drizzt had a predisposition to wake up the melee first - Pale master and Warforged FavSoul lying asleep for most of the quest just makes me smile.

  8. #8
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    can we FoD him for optional xp?
    When I read "anti-coyle", I thought that meant that we would be able to kill him. A lot.

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  9. #9
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    I would like a quest where you torture Drizzt so much that he begs you for death, and after that, you feed him to a mob of starving Bezekiras

  10. #10
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    When I read the title of this post I hoped that someone finally made a suggestion to somehow reduce the number of Drizzt clones in game.

    Wish there was some kind of function in DDO that would automatically gimp you if you chose any variant of the name Drizzt. Oh wait, nvm, they seem to all do that quite efficiently themselves. Come to think of it, I've never met a Drizzt-clone in game that impressed my (lol, dump Con/Str, ranger only need dex dude!).

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    You have any idea how many players having a mission with DD actually in it would bring to this game?

    Put aside the fanboi hate, that could be a good thing.
    It would be huge. It would open a lot of eyes and they'd have something to really promote.

    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    Though I'd rather if any of the famous characters are present, just make them quest givers.
    Now that's a good idea.
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 01-21-2012 at 08:00 AM.

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  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayness View Post
    Drizzt clones in game...
    There are tons. But if they want to relive some nostalgia, why not?

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  13. #13
    Community Member Combat_Wombat's Avatar
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    Man I saw the title to this thread and I thought "yes an anti-coyle, a quest where our only objective is to get drizzt killed" then I read the thread and was disappoint.
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    Please don't make posts like this, thanks.
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  14. #14
    Community Member irivan's Avatar
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    Actually i would like this better, if at this was a quest to save him and Elminster, then at the end there would be an optional like Prey on the Hunter to fight them and kill them for their plunder.
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