I know that E3 is one of the biggest media outlets of the year, and that it is put on by the ESA. I know that you probably had some kind of plans to send representatives this year. I would ask that you join several other gaming sites in a boycott of E3 because its sponsor, the ESA, supports the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA). While these are good things to protect, the bills in front of the houses of Congress severely overstep the boundaries that should be given to any single entity over the Internet as a whole. I would ask that until the ESA removes their support of the SOPA and PIPA acts that Turbine and any other gaming- or internet-centric companies that you associate with *ahem* WB *ahem* would remove all presence and support for E3.
SOPA and PIPA are extremely damaging to the Internet as a whole, and must be defeated. Please make a stand and tell the ESA that these bills are NOT acceptable and that the powers of censorship that these bills would give the government and certain individual corporations should not ever be granted to anybody in order to keep the Internet free.
Thank you for your time.