Hello im a player from the server Argonession, I am going to be transfering to Khyber to play. I am looking for a top end raiding guild my character name is couchpotato, I can do all the raids except the new ones because im not flagged yet but im geared enought to do any raid im a third life, pally/ftr/ftr you can look me up if your interested in my character, but im wanting to jion a guild that does raids and what not i want to be in a guild thats has a good reputation, I was on the server earlier today and was talking to someone about the server for i can find out some info about the server, he said guilds are not that big on the server of khyber but on argo a guild can say alot, the guild im going to be leaving on argo is lvl 68 i'd like to find something simular to lvl or higher to jion.
Thnx all.