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  1. #41
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    More cosmetic/flavour options, we all look the same right now. The hats are FANTASTIC and I love the way they have been implemented. They can be taken on or off at will, they can be used no matter what hat you're currently wearing, they can be transfered to other account characters. The armor kits should be the same way. Other flavour options such as adding capes, back packs, auras, tattoos should be added, or changing the look of your weapons.

    Absolutely NO crafting/epic ingredients, weapons, armor, or other items which increase the power of your player should be sold in the store. If you can't earn these items in game, you shouldn't have them

    The store should be focused on flavour and other items which add enjoyment to the game, not on power gaming for the rich and lazy.

    Oh, also, last-name change.
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
    Nooby McNoobsalot
    Ghallanda Rerolled

  2. #42
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    I understand why the ddo store items are largely consumables, but I'd like to see more permanent or long term items in store. I just can't bring myself to buy haste pots from the store, but perhaps a permanent haste clickie? Exclusive, 1 use per rest for 1 minute. I could see myself buying that. I'd pay a significant amount for a guild ship portal clickie as well. Really I don't mind paying 10tp to buy one, but I usually don't keep them in stock on my toons. By the time I load up the store and purchase it, my entire party is practically back to the ship.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  3. #43
    Community Member oganos's Avatar
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    Last name changes would be great!

  4. #44
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    I think, rather than seeing new things in the store, I'd like to see changes to existing items.

    Basically, anything I pay for with TP (possibly real life cash) should not be Bound to Character but to Account.

    If I buy a Huge Thin Quiver, for example, I want to give it to another Alt before I reroll. Delete all the contents if you must (to prevent illicit transfer of BTC arrows) as I should have sold them if possible, but let me keep the quiver.
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  5. #45
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    The store should be used for cosmetic things, convience things, or to sell new content.. Nothing more. And currently all ingame type of convience items like haste potions, teleports are available on the store already. New cosmetic items should be created, and be made available both ingame and in store.

    The mere fact your asking us what is disappointing to me. It's a slippery slope if you go further, and youll eventually break the game by doing so.

    You should be asking me what things that are exclusive to the store, woud I like to see added to the game to be sold for platinum.

    To that I would reply:
    Armor Kits. They should be very very rare drops in normal treasure (unbound and tradable), and also have some very interesting ones drop in raid loot (which would bind to character), themed to the raid and unique to that raid only, not available in the store. You could ofcourse still leave some of the better looking ones to be store-exclusive.. but we shouldn't all be forced to be clones at endgame unless we shell out TP.
    Last edited by Shade; 02-22-2011 at 12:30 PM.

  6. #46
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    I will repeat: an Item that changes looted "Bind to Character" items into "Bound to Account, Binds to Character on Equip". So I can pass something I pull onto a character that needs it.

    Also many many MANY more cosmetic options, including rehueing and re-skinning options for generic and named armors and shields... Visible cloaks, sir coats, a couple hundred more cosmetic helms and hats... A reskin option for Leviks Defender...
    Last edited by IronClan; 02-22-2011 at 12:35 PM.

  7. #47
    Hatchery Hero Dark_Helmet's Avatar
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    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    Anything cosmetic to change the look of the game or allowing for additional role playing:
    • Ability to change your character appearances like during the character selector.
    • Changing existing armor / outfit colors (bring back the thongs ).
    • Pimping outfits are a must.
    • Theme outfits (jester including hat, knight in shining armor).

    Is there a way to allow people to change how everything looks to them (like the client theme) and not to others?

    Leave out any equipment that people can play the game and loot as it reduces the "fun" of playing the game.
    Oh, that's easy. I didn't farm them. I just cheated. -Meghan
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    lol, I didnt give it a QA pass.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    It is the Currently in the game portion of this question that makes it difficult to answer.
    1) Favor Items (IE Backpack Slots)
    2) Teleport Tokens (Not exactly in game)
    3) Ability to use in game armor skins as Cosmetic Armor Kits.
    4) Bypass Flagging requirement on a Raid. (Not cheap and a one shot item)
    5) Huge Bags bound to account

    1) Currently there are very few favor items worth farming, the one everyone talks about is Backpack slots. While it is pretty easy for Vets to get this done new players really struggle. Make the first one like a 25 TP and the second one 100 TP.
    2) It would be nice if there was an Arcane in sveral of the zones that could teleport characters to specific (cough greater teleport cough) zones for a price, make it in game plat, a collectable turn in and of course a TP purchased item.
    3) Nuff said.
    4) How often do you get ready for a raid to find out that someone forgot one quest or ...
    I could see this expanded to timers as well IF the penality was a 4 day timer that couldn't be bought out of.
    5) I need one more of these gosh darn it. The bound to character huge bags are frelling worthless.

    I of course could list 500 items not in game I would like to see in the store...

    The Twilight Avengers are always recruiting -

  9. #49
    Community Member Kaeldur's Avatar
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    I wish I could buy stuff for other players as gifts. Basically I wish I could gift anything from the DDO store to any player. I can see the potential for exploits (like account hacking), which is why I understand there perhaps is a reason for this not to exist. But it does partially exist (Guest Pass).

  10. #50
    Community Member joker922's Avatar
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    1) Greensteel Deconstruction
    2) Large Devil Scales or at least something to combine x number of other large ingredients into a large devil scale.
    Brownstone, Bailey, & Haileey from City of Wind

  11. #51
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    However, I would like to see the inverse happen more often. More Store items as loot in game.

    The above is an exact copy/paste of Hendrik's response. He said it exactly how I wanted to.

    In regards to asking for platinum, raid gear, shards, unique loot etc in the store my response is HECK NO.

    The store should be used for cosmetic things, convience things, or to sell new content.. Nothing more.
    100% absolute truth in that statement, and I agree.

  12. #52
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    * 34 or 36 point buy
    * Hot kobold on kobold action
    * Items that grant a weapon another ability (Frost, flame, pure good, pure evil, etc)
    * Hot kobold on mindflayer action
    * Yark yar-yark (Dirty, I know. You'll need the archmage grease SLA and for someone to cast solid fog, but...seeing that many Kobolds whirling through the air 'yark'ing would be worth it.)

  13. #53
    Community Member Andora's Avatar
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    Default more cosmetic items

    Hair, tattoos , make up, things to give me the ability to look different. Female full plate that is full plate.

    If you change how some thing looks offer a token or tp that will let us change to something else. I am very unhappy with the changes to my DT vestments.

  14. #54
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    1) A bank slot allowing transfers of plat between toons on the same account.

    2) Rez Shrines or Spirit Cakes that could be used in raids that dont have rez shrines after completion, like VoN 6. Let them work after the boss is killed, but make allowances for something.

    Last edited by Pape_27; 02-22-2011 at 12:40 PM.
    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
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    There will be bugs!

  15. #55
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM;3606344"
    (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)?
    I'm pleased by your acknowledging that you know this is an issue.

    To your question, I think my top 5 are already listed by others:

    I'm repeating things others have already said but my 5 are:
    -Greensteel deconstruction
    -Premium service (renames/server moves/etc) offered through the store for TP
    -cheaper bulk airship beacons (great idea madmaxhunter!)
    -Shroud Shards/ToD boot ingredients (I'd actually prefer better drop rates for the ingredients but if you insist on the current drop rates...)
    -More expensive store only version of TR (say double price) that does not include the extra XP requirement. And before the "easy button" posts start, we already allow the xp curve to be reduced by 20% by people willing to pay for xp potions from the store to be constantly running, this is no different.

    QM - I bet you'd actually get different responses if you did this by anon poll/pm. In his format people will hesitate to say many of the non-cosmetic things they really want.

  16. #56
    Community Member BLITHELY's Avatar
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    1. greensteel deconstruction

    2. surname change

    3. more/longer buffage pots items - 20 or 30 mins instead of 10 - possible additions deathward, freedom of movement, good hope

    4. custom appearance shop - from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, I mean every piece of clothing, and armour including jewelry, cloaks and tattoos. Obviously a vast code rewrite maybe impossible right now but we can dream.

    5. Ability to add guild augment slots to standard loot pulls. Much like the risian alter but use the stone of change to add guild augment slot to items.

    Number 1 and number 5 I would like to see the most the others I can live without but would make me spend my turbine points.
    "The Black Meat is like a tainted cheese, overpoweringly delicious and nauseating...."

  17. #57
    Founder Thornton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post

    QM - I bet you'd actually get different responses if you did this by anon poll/pm. In his format people will hesitate to say many of the non-cosmetic things they really want.
    They already did this.
    Thornton, Human Ranger (Sarlona&Cannith)
    Azhik, Dwarf Tempest
    Thrum, Dwarf Hunter of Undead
    Wencislaus, Human Radiant Servant.

  18. #58
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    I generally don't want in game items to be available in the store. I think it cheapens the game. However,...

    I would put in the crafting ingredients for the Live events like "Mabar" and the "Anniversary Pirate one" into the store. Since the events are limited time only, it is not so much about being able to acquire the items given enough time as being able to grind for long periods of time during a very small window (that might conflict with work pressure or planned holidays). Being able to short cut these events with instore purchases seems reasonable given the nature of these events. *

    * I should add that this does risk the issue of conflict interest for Turbine if they release an event where the ingredient needs are unreasonably high thus making it appear that store purchases are required.
    Last edited by ahpook; 02-22-2011 at 12:48 PM.

  19. #59
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post


    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    Well, to be honest, there are two things I would like to see added in the DDO Store, in which the first thing is the ability to purchase and use guest passes for yourself! Some adventure packs are so bad or so worthless that it would be totally unfesable to buy the adventure pack, and you would be better off using a guest pass instead. In addition, it would not only allow you to use those passes you win from the DDO lottery on yourself, but also increase profits slightly, as those little funds that trickle in from players wanting guest passes will add up over time! In order to balance out buying a adventure pack and just using a guest pass, here is how it should be balanced:

    When you buy a guest pass, if you do not have the adventure pack with it, you will be charged a additional 10% fee for not having it. In addition, you can only buy 30 and 90 minute passes if you do not have the adventure pack with you. These passes can be used both on other players and on yourself if you do not have the adventure pack.

    The second thing I would like to see added in the DDO store(Not as a purchasable item but rather a way to get points!) are special "Bounties" in-game. Here is how it works: Once in a while, special bounty(Or achievement, if you really wish to get specific) boards will appear throughout stormreach and other friendly towns listing a particular achievement for you to accomplish. It can be a variety of things at a variety of difficulties, from "Find x in y", "Stabalize at -9 HP", "Kill a pit fiend by yourself" and much more!

    These bounties will be based off the old bounty system, except you may carry something else besides a collectable bag, and when you accomplish that particular task, you can turn it in to the bounty reward to receive a small amount of Turbine Points. Not only would it be a great way to reintroduce the succesful concepts that disappeared when the 'wall' came down, but it would also allow players to improve their skills and have a little fun! It's well worth a system investing in, and a great way to revive the bounty boards that existed a long time ago.

  20. #60
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)?
    How did I miss this? sigh.. Sorry QuarterMaster.
    How can you not love Bacon? Even PIGS love bacon.

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