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  1. #1
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    Default Dwarven rogue/ranger/monk?

    Rogue 12/ Ranger 6/ Monk 2?
    Or would a different level distribution be better? Hoping to build for a strength based dwarven assassin who can take care of traps.
    Strength 18
    Dex 8 (with insightful reflexes)
    Con 16
    int 16
    wisdom 8
    charisma 6

  2. #2
    Hero HGM-Chi's Avatar
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    Rogue 13/Ranger 6/Monk 1 would be better in my opinion, and you should still be trying to hit 15 dex and a +2 tome for the gTWF feat. A base of 12 int should be good, and forget the insightful reflexes.

    Str 16
    Dex 15
    Con 16
    Int 12
    Wis 12
    Cha 6

    If you don't want to bolster your wis like that, then the monk level is less useful so you might as well take a fighter for +1 str, toughness and feat.

  3. #3
    Community Member irivan's Avatar
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    I just want to know what the monk is all about in this build, i mean what is its purpose? AC? If you are thinking AC, i hate to break it to you, but that is a pipe dream, and the things you will go through attempting to make it relevant will really steal from this characters usefulness.

    I say do it like this. 13R/6R/1Pal

    16S (39 +5 levels, +7 epic item, +3 exc, +2 tome, +2 rage, +2 yugo pot, +2 ship buff)
    16D (32 +7 epic item, +3 exc, +2 tome, +2 yugo pot, +2 ship buff)
    14C (32 +7 epic item, +3 exc, +2 tome, +2 rage, +2 yugo pot, +2 ship buff)
    14I (30 +7 epic item, +3 exc, +2 tome, +2 yugo pot, +2 ship buff)
    8W (20 +6 item, +2 tome, +2 yugo pot, +2 ship buff)
    6C (18 +6 item, +2 tome, +2 yugo pot, +2 ship buff)

    So this way you get an easier way to have to GTWF earlier, just need +1 tome to start, good intel for skill development and have top notch rogue skills and UMD with the extra points and better assassination, just 1 lower than your previous build, and paladin aura +4 cha bonus for a stacking +5 to all saves (which is way higher than your original build and will likely have a reflex around 40.)

    Any way good luck with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
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  4. #4
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    The pally level looks pretty interesting...though with the monk levels I was just hoping to get saves, not AC. Forgive my ignorance, but i've never really understood the draw to GTWF. It doesn't seem like a giant improvement over ITWF. Explain this please?

  5. #5
    Community Member irivan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImNotCrazy View Post
    The pally level looks pretty interesting...though with the monk levels I was just hoping to get saves, not AC. Forgive my ignorance, but i've never really understood the draw to GTWF. It doesn't seem like a giant improvement over ITWF. Explain this please?
    Well in this game, this is how TWF works, see the off hand does not always get an attack, instead if you are wielding two weapons in addition to the penalties involved, if you have no feats you only have a 20% chance to proc an off hand attack, with two weapon that goes up to 40% and you gain 1 additional attack per sequence, with improved it goes from 40% to 60% and another additional attack, with greater it goes from 60% to 80% and one more attack.

    In addition to all of that with ranger 6 you can take tempest 1, which will give you an additional 10% stacking chance to proc an off hand attack. So in all you would have a 90% chance to get an attack with your off hand.

    Does this make sense, staying with just improved and no tempest you will not get an off hand attack a whopping 40% of the time.

    There for it is definitely worth it to take the feat, and definitely worth it to take the tempest 1 enhancement.

    And yes you can have two PRE's and you will have the AP for it. Assasin/Tempest makes a nice build.

    Hope this helps.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    By our metrics you guys (forum folk) are less than 5% of the population. Bug reports come from 100% of the population.
    Master of the Tower

  6. #6
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    Though upon further looking into the paladin idea, i noticed that they dont get the charisma bonus to saves till level i'm either going to go 12rogue/6ranger/2 paladin...or 13rogue/6ranger/1monk.

    Ah thanks =D I see how that works now. I hadn't been sure if the % chance was to hit at all with the off hand or to get an extra off hand attack.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImNotCrazy View Post
    Though upon further looking into the paladin idea, i noticed that they dont get the charisma bonus to saves till level i'm either going to go 12rogue/6ranger/2 paladin...or 13rogue/6ranger/1monk.

    Ah thanks =D I see how that works now. I hadn't been sure if the % chance was to hit at all with the off hand or to get an extra off hand attack.
    Just for sake of extra choice, there are also 12ranger/7rogue/1mnk or ftr build.
    Rogue skill, including trap capability if you invest some INT at start, 100% off hand proc rate as well as ranger spell to buff yourself up.
    Not to mention up to 5d6+9 sneak attack and haste boost 3 that rogue level provides.

    It is not top-notch DPS build, but very self sufficient build with good DPS IMHO.
    English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling

  8. #8
    Community Member Kaeldur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HGM-Chi View Post
    Rogue 13/Ranger 6/Monk 1 would be better in my opinion, and you should still be trying to hit 15 dex and a +2 tome for the gTWF feat. A base of 12 int should be good, and forget the insightful reflexes.

    Str 16
    Dex 15
    Con 16
    Int 12
    Wis 12
    Cha 6

    If you don't want to bolster your wis like that, then the monk level is less useful so you might as well take a fighter for +1 str, toughness and feat.
    Beat me to it... for those 3 classes Rog13/Rgr6/Mnk1 would be better for extra sneak attack... and from Monk all you probably want is Air Stance anyway

  9. #9
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    Monk nets you the ac/feat/wis bonus but 1ftr would get you +1bab/feat

    Personally I wasn't fond of the assassin 2. Too many points for not enough gain.

    Not sure the point in the 6 ranger levels unless you care to use manyshot also?
    Your realistically only getting use out of the low dex without gtwf.
    Youd have less offhand % with 70% instead of 80% with gtwf any toon would get you.

    You need to realocate your stats to something like 16/15/16/14/8/8 and grab gtwf first of all.

    I'd look at going up to 18rogue for assassin 3 myself.
    Assasin 2 isn't so hot for the point investment.
    You can spare 2 feats to get twf/itwf from the loss of ranger levels.

    I'm not so big a fan of maxing int on a rogue just for traps either. You have more than enough skill points to max disable/search as is, all your getting is an extra +1-2.

    I actually just rolled the GF up an 18/2 dwarven rogue assassin with 2 paladin splash. Its working out very well. Great survivability for a rogue. Good non sneak attack damage with dwarven axes. Plenty of trapability. Enough feats for what you need, What were you planning on taking if going with those 6 ranger levels?

    TWF/GTWF/ITWF/PA/Imp crit/toughness/your choice

    For this build Id go 16/15/16/10/8/12 for better saves.
    Those extra 6 build points for +2 DC on disable/search isnt worth the potential +3 to all saves and charisma skills(UMD) and smite dmg IMO.

  10. #10
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    Another option with this combo is 11 Ranger/7 Rogue/2 ?. You get all TWF (and, should you want them, ranged) feats for free, good sneak attack and Haster Boost III.

    I'm really also unsure about the worth of monk here, though. If it were up to me I'd go with 2 Barbarian instead. Keep the increased movespeed, get some toughness and a couple of mini-rages, plus improved power attack. You won't need the extra 2 feats.

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