fireshield scrolls are more than cheap
Well, for starters, stoneskin does nothing to stop the blunt damage from meteor swarm and ice storm. It should, just just monster DR should stop damage from blade barriers and player spells.And the bludgon from spells like meteor and also including the new ice storm.
But it doesn't.
Stoneskin from wands is fine. Many players don't even really benefit from stoneskin. I have to BEG the arcanes in my groups to stop wasting stoneskin on me, because it does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for my 20 FvS. Nothing. No protection of any kind whatsoever. But they have a pavlovian need to cast it anyway. Maybe if they are taking ice storm over it, I'll get to stop *****ing people out for wasting their resources.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
Dumping Fireshield for Ice Storm is fine. However be aware that casting from scrolls in part2 of Tower of Despair is a good way to die. Scrolls take too long to cast when you're kiting, and you can expect to refresh it at least twice from scrolls due to it's much shorter duration. You don't need Fireshield to kite (even on elite), but all the absorption options add up to help prevent lag-induced wipes. (Lag is horrible in ToD on Orien; YMMV.)
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Exactly! That's why my only alt is a sorc. My main character is a rogue and, while not the most versatile character in the game, is certainly not a one trick pony. DPS is my main focus but I can also self heal, teleport, disable traps, open locks, dance in AOE hell, move around unseen, and insta-kill.
But a sorc is the barbarian of casters. Focused on one and only one thing: blowing stuff up. Our response to virtually every problem is to blow stuff up. Playing a versatile, multifaceted character is fun. But playing a single-minded, focused character is fun...and different.
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...
I don' t get your question, i thought the problem was the reduced sorcerer' s spells slots. We should think what feats suit best our way to play the game, of course.
Maybe you consider those metamagic feats indispensable, right?
I honestly don' t know for sure, don' t have played an arcane caster yet![]()
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
Well.. we're pretty much there... lvl 2, 3, now 4, 6, 7, and 9 are all tight for what i'd like to have around.
lvl 6 is by far the worst... 3 slots. alot more than 3 spells.
1, 5, and 8 left. 1 is a joke. 5 is ALOT of stuff but nothing required. 8 is 'normal'.
I'd still love the option to cram a lower lvl spell into a higher level slot. that would pretty much tighten it all up by filling in at 5 and 8. Even for a sp increase it would be nice.
And interruptable, and take a full two seconds to cast (one to equip, one to cast) instead of a third of a second.
Spending a full second casting a Fireshield scroll while six Shadowfiends are breathing down your neck is a Bad Thing.
Not saying you can't ditch the spell, but it is quite a big loss.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Sorcs having to make tough decisions about what spells they choose? Seems about right.
I know how they will do it~~
true reincarnate into a wizard and get it over with already.
Yet another reason why Wizards just own Sorcs!!!
Master of the Tower
Not that big of a deal for most groups...
Scroll it after you drop your walls of fire at the beginning, then rescroll it during the first break after the DM text that you broke his concentration.. Plenty of time to scroll it without worry.
If you need a third scroll, you need more DPS in the group.
My list is-
Stoneskin - Scrolls
Fireshield - Scroll it clickie it whatever.
DD - To annoying to switch this one out constantly.
Firewall - At 1st glance you say *** would you be thinking?! BUT depending on the way this all works out it MAY be a better option to use ice storm (as the dont stack). That said, keep firewall.
IMO it boils down to convenance to you and what you like between fireshield and stoneskin. My vote -drop stoneskin.
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
I'm curious what people will be replacing Cone of Cold (lvl 5 spell) with, since I don't see it being useful at all with the new Ice Storm.