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  1. #121
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    Here's the big question about fighting Spectral Dragon:

    Why make it a special combat-enabled level-segregated access-limited public instance? Why not simply make it an access-limited 12-player raid instance, so it can use design skills the developers are already practiced with?

  2. #122
    Community Member BronwynnBane's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Thanks for the Live event...It was great getting to group and run with some of the Dev's. It would be nice to do that a little more often. I think the Live Event will be a blast with a little tweaking here and there but over all it was really good. I love the Halloween decor.

    And by the way DEV's, thank you for the Dances! *curtsies* Glin, you have some moves on you! LOL

    Oh, and fix the ugly Wart looking bump from the ponytail style when you have a pumpkin head on.

    Oh, forgot to mention NO LAG!!!! WOOT!!!
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  3. #123
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    1. Pay real money for an Ethereal key to enter a special dungeon.
    2. Fail the dungeon because of mistakes made by a different player in a different room that you can't even see.
    3. Suffering and rage.

  4. #124
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    So in case the devs are still reading, I'll just ask again. For those of us who were unable to get there or get there just as it was ending: do you have any plans on having another test run on Lamania before the live event? I pleaded and begged, but work would not let me off earlier. Would've been nice to see the actual thing inside the doors.

  5. #125
    Community Member ZaxisDakmorr's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Hallowoot!!

    Thanks for the great event DEVS! Though I was hoping it to be longer due to my pc logging issues. To me, the event is MUCH better the the winter jumpfest.

  6. #126
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    I am the pumpkin king!!!!

    What is this a joke? Or have they really run out of ideas and they need to steal ideas from Guild Wars? Pumpkin helmets have been their Halloween item for years, want some more helmet screen shots from there to steal for future events? I can provide if the devs need "FRESH" ideas...

    Do the Dragon Masks next that was my favorite... in 2006...

    Last edited by Zzevel; 09-30-2010 at 11:10 PM.
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  7. #127
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zzevel View Post
    What is this a joke? Or have they really run out of ideas and they need to steal ideas from Guild Wars? Pumpkin helmets have been their Halloween item for years, want some more helmet screen shots from there to steal for future events? I can provide if the devs need "FRESH" ideas...
    Its not a helmet. Its from a grenade you buy to lob at other players. You can turn there head into a skull or pumpkin for a few minutes. You can only take it off by buying a potion that protects you from it.

    Personally I would have loved a way to wear the Bog Top on top of the pumpkin/skull.

  8. #128
    2015 Players Council Claver's Avatar
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    Thanks for the event Devs - I'm looking forward to the crafting.

    Some initial feedback

    - The Frost Marrow Skeletons Warriors (CR18) seemed to aggro me if I got near them even if I did not attack them. I was playing a paladin hunter of the dead so maybe the hostility was justified.

    - You can't target a non aggrod monster with ranged weapons until you take a swing with a melee weapon.

    - The CR of the monster is not visible until it is engaged in combat - I'm ok with this, just be aware the toughness of the arcane skeletons vs blackbone skeletons vs Frost Marrow skeletons may not be immediately apparent to the eye of the new player. This may be ok in an open area where the player can run for help where others come to their rescue.

    - When I would swing at one monster I often hit two and sometimes 3 - which would all aggro on me. It would be better if the monsters could be more spaced out when they zone in.

  9. #129
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance777 View Post
    Its not a helmet. Its from a grenade you buy to lob at other players. You can turn there head into a skull or pumpkin for a few minutes. You can only take it off by buying a potion that protects you from it.

    Personally I would have loved a way to wear the Bog Top on top of the pumpkin/skull.
    Putting Coke in a Pepsi bottle still makes it Coke...
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  10. #130
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Two out of three times Eternity was done in by Eternal Wrath and I got both kill shots. It was interesting to say the least, and fun. We ended up crafting four items and ran out of motes to craft another.

  11. #131
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Amazingly nice night, a really fun time. Thanks Turbine crew for doing this! Screenshots:

    Altar Room

    Altar Room 2

    Deleras Night

    Yes, Producer Glin did get dancing

    General group shot of instance

    Dev Thoon Pumpkinhead

    Part 2 Boss
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  12. #132
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    I loved all the artwork that went into this live event and the fact that I didn't suffer any lag no matter what instance I was in. I did have an issue though with trying to kill something only to have it stolen by another player grrrrr. But all in all, it was great fun.

  13. #133
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
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    1. Lots of fun and very little lag - great!

    2. Drop rates for the collectibles was low. I was on for over an hour and a half and got less than 7 of each.

    3. Spent a lot of time healing and res'ing, removing curses and mummy rot and all, for which I received nothing. Did lots of comet falls and such and lost lots of kills to those who followed behind and finished them off. Kill stealing was big.

    4. Found I could not move things around on my hot bars.

    5. This was so much better than jumping around yet again - great fun.

    6. Buying a key and then failing because of some unknown player on the other side is not fun. Griefing opportunity here...

    7. Spawn rate at the beginning was slow.

    8. A shrine or two would be welcome.

    9. On the whole player cooperation was very good except the kill stealing part. Lots of healing etc. happening.

    10. Would be nice if casting successful heals and res'es resulted in the occasional collectible drop.

    11. Again, lots of fun. Looking forward to it on live.

  14. #134
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Well, I had a lot of fun. Thank you for this event, I hope all your testing info went well.

    The Shadow Dragon @ lvl 20 went well 3 of 4 times that I did it. We had coordinated teams pretty quickly, it was fairly easy concepts to run with, and best of all - we succeeded! Oh, and Eternal Wrath got the kill 2 of 3 times Go us!

    I like the new "crafting" method - it becomes obvious what you want to make, what you will get, and what you need to make it happen. The most confusing part was turning off the turn-in for the motes... why? It confused the process because when it was turned off, no one seemed to get that it was a two-part process; turn the three items in for motes -> use motes to buy base item -> upgrade base item with more motes, and a few special ingredients at the higher tiers.

    The way the mobs spawned was annoying - I was on my caster, and half my DBFs weren't hitting because I hadn't waited long enough. I meant that a blue bar didn't go nearly as long as it should have. Also, it means we're forced to use the AoE spells, as targeted spells like Scorching Ray and Disintegrate as unlikely to connect with the mob.

    Forcing the draw distance down was a bit confusing - it was hard to keep track of our own party members, so we ended up splitting into various directions. Probably for the best, though, because our arcane and divine casters AoEed up our instance.

    Frostmarrow Skellies seemed to not have Fire Vulnerability... eh? That seems off. Please make to the happy fix times.

    As for the "Keys" needing to be bought by DDO Store Points, that's not true. They *can* be bought by store points. However, in running around, I got like 15 of the things. They're out there, and not that hard to find.

    I thought that the grenades were fun and funny, and the new season-specific gear is nice. So what if Pumpkin heads aren't original - neither are dragons, vampires, spells, traps, heroes or broccoli. It was fun - take it for what it is.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Claver View Post
    - The CR of the monster is not visible until it is engaged in combat
    I was wondering if there was some system where attacking with a lower-level character would make it a weaker monster...? Didn't try that.

  16. #136
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    Just like to say: thanks for the awesome event, love the scenery. And while I didn't hate the risia festival, this is a LOT more fun than platform jumping, and the loot is very worthwhile.

    Just a few things I'd like to point out:
    - Getting kills in the graveyard can be annoying at times since there's a lot of players. There's always a caster coming behind you and meteor swarming the red-named you had dropped to 5% to steal your kill.
    - Getting kills (again) is even worst for low levels. Not only is there few lowbie mobs, but the higher players can just one-shot the whole pack before you even poke it twice. So maybe the loot mechanic needs a little re-vamp. (Something like everyone that did damage to the mob gets a chance for loot maybe?)
    - The Night Trader being locked while Part 2 is opened is a little annoying. Sometimes you just want to cash in your collectables for Motes to craft something.

    Other than that, really good job. Communication in part 2 can be a little awkward at first, but only because this is a first as a quest mechanic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zzevel View Post
    What is this a joke? Or have they really run out of ideas and they need to steal ideas from Guild Wars? Pumpkin helmets have been their Halloween item for years, want some more helmet screen shots from there to steal for future events? I can provide if the devs need "FRESH" ideas...
    Pumpkin heads are quite common, Guild wars didn't invent anything either. That's like complaining about longswords because some other game has them too... Plus I think they look great.

  17. #137
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    Thanks, I had a lot of fun. Hope you're gonna be running it again. Can't wait for this to hit live.
    The shortened draw distance caught me off guard. Needed to be done but it was strange to see people and monsters just appear so close to you. It might help to smooth the effect if you turn down the lighting a little and add some fog (if the fog isn't handled by the server). Popping out of nowhere would be appropriate then.
    I didn't submit any bug reports for any of these:
    1. You already know about buying coffee from the store linked from the guy.
    2. Same thing happens if you don't have an ethereal key when clicking on the door and following that link to the DDO store.
    3. I had picked up an ethereal key from a monster kill. When tried to use it during part 2, no luck had to buy one from the store. Was that because it was in my collectible bag or are the kill dropped keys buggy?

    Great event idea. Looked spooktacular. Like the clarity of the crafting system, very smooth.
    There was that one short bit of lag (2 secs) while you were tinkering with something but other than that it was LAG FREE!! sweet!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ovrad View Post
    Just like to say: thanks for the awesome event, love the scenery. And while I didn't hate the risia festival, this is a LOT more fun than platform jumping, and the loot is very worthwhile.

    Just a few things I'd like to point out:
    - Getting kills in the graveyard can be annoying at times since there's a lot of players. There's always a caster coming behind you and meteor swarming the red-named you had dropped to 5% to steal your kill.
    - Getting kills (again) is even worst for low levels. Not only is there few lowbie mobs, but the higher players can just one-shot the whole pack before you even poke it twice. So maybe the loot mechanic needs a little re-vamp. (Something like everyone that did damage to the mob gets a chance for loot maybe?)
    - The Night Trader being locked while Part 2 is opened is a little annoying. Sometimes you just want to cash in your collectables for Motes to craft something.

    Other than that, really good job. Communication in part 2 can be a little awkward at first, but only because this is a first as a quest mechanic.

    Pumpkin heads are quite common, Guild wars didn't invent anything either. That's like complaining about longswords because some other game has them too... Plus I think they look great.
    Maybe I'm wrong but I think they must have tweaked the loot system while we were playing. By the end I would sometimes get a reward on the first hit of an enemy or when they still had half their hp left.
    The Night Trader lock is going to catch a lot of people.
    Pumpkin heads look great. Kept waiting for someone to reach up and pull it off and throw it like the Headless Horseman does.
    Last thought: Is there a way make it so that each instance is segregated to its own chat channels. It's going to get messy on live.
    Last edited by Marupal; 10-01-2010 at 01:01 AM.

  18. #138
    Community Member Mister_Peace's Avatar
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    You usually have to take things out of your bags before you can use them.
    Quote Originally Posted by havokiano View Post
    you are boring. And you rosik a lot. bye.
    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    With the amount of facepalming we do, it's a wonder DDO players have any noses left.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marupal View Post
    3. I had picked up an ethereal key from a monster kill. When tried to use it during part 2, no luck had to buy one from the store. Was that because it was in my collectible bag or are the kill dropped keys buggy?
    It'll work once you extract it from the bag.

  20. #140
    Community Member irivan's Avatar
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    Default Dancing with +Tarrant

    Was there, it was really fun, loved the head changing buffs(de-buffs?)

    Here is the crew Dancing with +Tarrant!!
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    By our metrics you guys (forum folk) are less than 5% of the population. Bug reports come from 100% of the population.
    Master of the Tower

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