Last night I was in VoD and we were standing around waiting for the last few slots to fill. We have a guy in our guild that played a long while ago, took a break and came back into the game. He is nice guy, and is a lot of fun to run with. We were deciding who was going to tank Sulu, and he was mentioned. He said that he didn't have his GS weapon completed yet, and listed off the few ingredients he was missing, including I am pretty sure 2 lg Scales. He wasn't asking for these items, we were just chatting. Before the last person joined the group, he had all his ingredients. People that weren't even in our guild gave him lg ingredients. No one really said anything, except for him giving thanks. It was pretty awesome.

I got something in my eye.

Warning - my greenis could accidently hurt you if you vomit on my attempt to say something nice.