Alright, so as we all know advice when not asked for is the best kind right? So, since this is Khyber and I'm not waiting for someone to ask even one more time in the advice window, I have put together a set of things that will help newer players get a better feel for the auction house. These things might be good considerations for others as well if they haven't considered them before. First however, I must submit this before the masses, so that you all might ravage my vision of helping others, slay my hopes, and discourage me from ever doing anything useful with myself again “sob”.
Disclaimer: I have avoided listing the multitude of problem with the Auction house, If I wanted to chase a crack addicted monkey with a knife in it's head around in circles I would say “ Search Function” but I don't think I can catch that monkey, and there are plenty of other threads for that.
I am not telling anyone what they can or cannot do, nor what they should or should not do just take the advice if you want it and if not.... ( searches bag of obscenities, pulls out some random cards) eat a mango catfish? “ hmm not what I wanted,.” you get the idea...
First, if you have an item that you think you want to sell, ask yourself some questions,
“Can I buy this at the vendor.” if the answer is yes then don't bother with the auction house unless you plan on selling what you have cheaper than you "or others" can buy it for.
“Is it cool.” By cool I mean useful, many of us have played armor roulette and bought some +5 Mithral full plate of slay everything than touches me only to discover when we put it on we look like a rejected opossum skin clad reject from a German techno band. This unfortunate image however should not change your price at the auction house. If it is useful at the minimum level of the item to the class that can use it then you can sell it without shame.
“ How rare is it?” There are several ways to check this but since you are selling it there is an easy way to find out. How many are for sale? If you are the guy that put up the 987,431,965th
+1 longsword and it's not the very cheapest then it will not sell, just broker it. By contrast if you think that it is a pretty cool item and you don't see any others for sale it's probably somewhat rare, or your judgment sucks, hopefully its the former but if it's the latter then this post won't help you anyway. If you don't see any other copies of your item for sale, check the broker, it might just be something no one bothers selling. If there are no copies of it at the broker then you have a possibly rare item, Increase the minimum level search criteria and the maximum and see if there are other things with the same effect for sale at higher levels if not you need to find something with a similar effect to help base your price on.
“What are other copies of this item selling for?” There are usually other copies of what you are selling already for sale, especially if its low level loot. Set the minimum level search criteria and the maximum level search criteria both to the minimum level of the item you want to sell, select the category that the item goes in and search. Look and see what others are selling this item for. Don't take the first price you see and assume that it is average, look through all of the pages, find the highest price and the lowest, and then ask yourself how fast you want to sell this item and what you can get out of it.
“So what can I get out of it?” Alright, you have checked the lowest price and the highest, you have made sure that you aren't posting the 987,431,96th copy of a ( searches bag of obscenities, pulls out a random card) +3 flaming shaved weasel skin cloak “ I had that on one card? Huh, who knew?” Any way you are finally ready to sell the item. If the lowest price is less than you want to sell your item for then look at the next lowest and consider the demand for the item. If you believe that the item is in high demand then maybe two will sell, if not, then you need to undercut the lowest price, if it will fetch more money than you can get selling it at a broker then you will make money. If you won't undercut the lowest price or go near it and be one of the next two or three for sale, then keep your item, it must have sentimental value, like a stuffed dog that you loved, or a shoebox full of old bratwurst. If you post an item in trade that is more than the minimum auction house price it will probably not sell, most players check before they buy.
Try and use good sense, look at the other items for sale, ask other players and if all else fails and your item doesn't sell, re-post it cheaper and try again.
The popcorn you are eating has been Pi$$ed in, Film at 11:00.