/skeets on ur sunblade
/skeets on ur sunblade
Ultimega - Ultimegus - Uggolla - Intell
i think its great that you got the sword since you had paid the PP for it only to be robbed by some jerk...but I don't really like when vets just give away tons of free gear to the noobs.
I really feel it robs them of the enjoyment of the game of actually getting some nice pulls and feeling that excitement.
Can you even trade plat without at least something on the other persons side?! I thought you have to have at least one item there.
Please pm me with name
Chars name was Lareth*an ( the letter I blanked is akin to the name for a part of the body that you are using to learn this information). Odd thing is, I tried looking the char up on myddo and it said it was "archived".
There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
Yes you can. as soon as both parties click accept the deal is done, no matter whether or not there's something on both screens.
And Auss, I didn't write this to ask for sympathy, as I don't need any...I wrote this not because I', outraged at being ripped off, it's that kind of behaviour I EXPECT. I wrote this to draw attention to the thing I didn't expect, the generosity of a player like Seldarin.
There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
I think everyone knows Aussieee wouldn't do something like this herself, nor would she approve of it, so since I see someone from my guild has requested a PM, I'll call this a Drama Fail.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
god, sometimes i just wish this game was a weee bit more like darkfall.
op puts gold and accept, other dude goes "well... ookay" and walks of.
if this was real life how many would turn aruond after buying something in a store and noticing you paid 10.0 instead of 100.0 for something?
....ye, i didn't think so.
tought **** OP, i've done the same before, alertness and wakefullness are your friends.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
Uhh, once again I'll state that I KNEW I fu**d up, I SAID as much in my initial post, I just chose not to dwell on the fact that I alloweed myself to be screwed, the mere fact that I mentioned getting screwed was to show a contrast between the behaviour extremes. I'm happy for what happened good, you're happy for rubbing the shi* in that happened bad, now ****.
*there, that more Khyberian for ya Auss?*
There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
Hi Welcome
This is the true expected behavior on Khyber. +1
We Khyberians may be oblivious to other servers' standards of "civility," however that does not mean we are without Honor.
It is we Khyberians that should be the most honorable of people across all the servers.
Ashurr has accepted his portion of the blame in the failed transaction described in the OP. The lowlife that ripped him off should be run off Khyber and be forced to take up residence on one of the "lesser" servers.
The person that just *gave* Ashurr the Sunblade is to be commended. Charity and Honor often go hand in hand.
I still do not have the name of the person that robbed Ashurr so that he can be properly ran off the server. I expect a pm soon.
Giving away a bit of stuff to give someone a leg up, doesnt detract from nice pulls etc. I dont know about you, but i dont see anyone going ooohhh ahhhh over +7 DD goggles, etc. To be totally honest, Sunblade is a nice low lvl item, but is overtaken by other gear by lvl 8-10. Not a big deal. I saw someone that had been ripped off, thought i would help him out a bit with some gear being he was low on plat etc.
What does it matter if they were a "noob" as you put it? Would you find it more palateable if they were a "Vet" that i gave it to? I dont differentiate between newer players or older players, if its something im not really using and someone else has a use for it, then off it goes. I rarely use the AH and before you say it, yes i have given away tomes, bloodstones and other such gear. Its virtual equipment in a virtual game, its not something i have in my hot lil hand, i come with nothing, so its no loss giving it away. The person i help today might just be the person that saves my ass in a quest tomorrow, ever stop to think of that, no, i thought not.
If i totally equipped 10 chars, then yeah maybe that would detract from the game pulls, but i gave away some stuff to help him on his way. Too often i have seen ppl declined from groups because they are "new", "ill equipped", "dont know anything", i do what i can do to lvl the field and make EVERYONEs game experience that much more enjoyable. But thats just me, i dont place too much stock on gear as long as i have what i need to be effective in a group.