PARTYMAKER! (and everybody else that is interested in this issue)
I really don't like encouraging people to rant by responding to sarcastic and angry posts. However, today I think I encouraged this particular rant by not sharing some more information in the release notes about some work I've been doing to try to alleviate this. So fair enough, you called me out. I'm here and reading and responding to this thread. And no... I don't have time to respond to everybody who yells at me in their posts which I'm sure will erupt after this response.
This last cycle (mod 5) I put in a few fixes that should help with the missing die roll problem.
Under load, we were able to reproduce the fact that when the server was hitching you'd miss one and three of your shots. Auto-attack made this problem worse because it exactly (more or less) predicts the moment you should be ready for another attack. So what I'm gathering from this thread is that one of the causes of this has been removed and there are yet other causes of the missed die rolls. It is extremely difficult to simulate in a development environment hundreds people hitting a server and playing an interactive game. Being that I reproduced _a_ problem with synchronization that was tricky and fixed it, I knew that this might not have totally eliminated the problem. Our QA team kicked the bug back to me with "hey it's not completely fixed... but it went from 1 in 3 shots to 1 in 50 shots" under normal dungeon circumstances. I made the call to not release note this because I figured this was likely a compound issue and might not totally go away.
Synchronization issues:
- The server thinks you can't perform this action yet because the cooldown timer got out of sync for this action. ( this is what I addressed )
- The server thinks the monster is somewhere else... I've noticed this playing with scorpions, wraiths, and spectres most. (still looking at this one) This is likely that the monster is actually "underground" or "in another plane" on the server when you attacked on the client, but hasn't been relayed to your client yet. Race states like this happen and there isn't a lot we can do about it.
Design issues:
- We use physics to determine whether you get a to hit roll or not. If your arrow doesn't hit the target, you don't get a chance at a to hit roll. We drew a really hard line in our game about this. Player skill, knowledge of D&D rules, and advancement all have to somehow play nice together. You can "physics miss" with melee weapons as well. (although the physics detection boxes are much larger than our arrows) I hope somebody out there has noticed that you can shoot an arrow and get some precise results when shooting untargetted. The choice to have precise aiming for untargetted attacks and using physics drives a lot of the rest of the issues. Virtually, you have a skill based to hit and THEN an advancement based to hit roll.
- Perching... monsters can't get everywhere in the game. Our pathing improvements have helped a lot... but every dungeon has some place where you can get safe from monsters immediate attacks.
- Due to our freedom of movement in our action combat, you can infini-kite monsters and never really risk being hit by melee style creatures or missile shooting creatures (arcus skeletons for example) if you play with enough twitch skill. I've seen videos of rangers soloing the Queen Lailat by this very tactic. In our damage curves for missile combat, we are somewhat compensating for this fact. This is what I believe feels really dissatisfactory to a lot of people. I shoot this guy 5 times and in 3 seconds Kargon kills everymahbody with his flamamatongue axe. The time you refer to as being when ranged combat was good was a time that when we went on the server and watched over people's shoulders to see how they were playing the game, we saw everybody ... and I mean EVERYBODY ... getting all the monsters mad and going and standing on a perch and killing everything. I thought to myself, "This certainly is fun for people." That rate of fire made bow combat far superior to melee in that you never had to risk anything really. Designers at the time used the cooldown time to limit the damage. (perhaps too much)
Content Issues:
- The invisible hidden geometry to keep people from getting stuck ( I call them the "handrails" ) will sometimes get in the way of missiles hitting where they are supposed to and sometimes interfere with camera's view of the world.
- Not every dungeon gives the opportunity of perched monsters for ranged classes to be the hero that saves the day. Most of the time, we try to keep a very clear path for monsters to get to you so that we don't get them stuck on irrelevent geometry and ultimately make them unchallenging and not fun.
- Some of the perched situations put you at an angle such that autoattack shoots at the center of the monster which angle dictates it would hit the platform instead of the monster proper. Again, untargetted attacks will hit these monsters. We've tried adjusting the height of autoattack targetting... but it yielded worse results when you were above your target or in front of them.
- A room or two have had messed up exports that make monsters completely unhittable from a physics perspective.
- Our monsters move... A LOT and FAST!
So yes... we've made some progress on the technical issues. There are still some open design problems related to "should your autoattack aim predict and shoot at the position the target might be?" and DPS as level cap increases. Is this your primary issue or the DPS balance?
To be completely honest, the content issues are not likely to get fixed in the lifetime of an elf. Total redesign of dungeons or our dungeon sets to make the angles better for targetted ranged attacks is not going to happen. Moving forward with new set pieces, certainly this will be kept in mind. We're not going to change the movement or action model of combat in our game. We will discuss with design ranged combat damage going forward as level cap increases. I am personally VERY committed to fixing technical issues related to this problem. (my sister plays a ranger in our Thursday night games... my father has a barbarian with a repeating crossbow) I play pickup games with other players as I have time.
When they are having problems, I recommend that they hit T and go untargetted. This is especially true with monsters on perches or when they are moving.
I'm sorry that my lack of a response on this issue has you so frustrated and upset. Let me know what areas are most frustrating. Being specific about what you think sucks is most helpful to us. Most the time we don't have time to respond to it. If you get a /location and pasting it along with the quest you are on into your post with a brief description of your character build and which targets are unhittable, it would be great. Try both targetted and untargetted to see if it matters. Sometimes particular rooms give us a lot of fantastic debugging hints as to what is going wrong. There was a great example of this where a room had a problem with its geometry in which NO arrows could hit any monster... ever. It was a player that discovered this and let us know about it. It may well be that there are more rooms that have errors in their cellmesh export.
Best regards to all of you,