This is me, at Mired in Kobolds, DEAD and I am still saving.

Also, I am not only dead but I was killed by the optional second dragon and managed to waltz through the missing barrier and wander back to near the beginning of the entire quest... getting hit with damage and being healed by my hireling cleric WHILE DEAD.

In a fifth or sixth death, the barrier didn't appear for me, and my crystal didn't either. I was a loose ghost. Just before that it began to act like the worst case of action-response lag ever seen with things happening a full three minutes after I tapped the key or clicked an icon. The dragon was attacking me, but not moving at all. I was being attacked all the way across the instance from it, as if all action and response became totally unsynchronized.

Of course, I snapped back eventually... when the cleric finally died and was no longer able to heal me. That's right, a dragon managed to kill an already dead character. Next time someone asks how you kill someone who is already dead, tell them a black dragon from DDO can do it.

Oddly enough, and I suspect the devs will fix this before live, you can range the dragon AS LONG AS IT IS AT THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ARENA AND YOU DO NOT MOVE WHATSOEVER. Seriously. One tiny step and it charges. I managed to do this by getting killed up against a wall with it facing the wall, then bought a rez cake and ran to the opposite side and rez'd as I hit the opposite wall. Turned in place, and ranged away till I was out of arrows and on returning items.

It took over twenty minutes to do it. I rotated in place without moving around, ranged, and left it on auto attack. Keep in mind that this no-move no-aggro range is withing one or two footsteps of the disappear and cannot see it range. One step too far back and you cannot sight the dragon without moving into its aggro range.

Keep firmly in mind that this purely optional dragon on casual and being solo'd has some million or so hit points. And the wearing off of stat dmg means you have to reapply that max of 10 to this red named every minute or so. Curse wears off quick too.

Did I mention it has an almost 100% chance of knocking you over during which time you are helpless?

You don't want to face this dragon on normal without a totally awesome party, and not on elite without a small army of pit fiends backing you up.