I just wanted to throw out there that I appreciate the new players in the game.
I have been playing since Feb. 16th, 2006 and for some crazy reason I am one of the few that have never taken a break from the game and still love playing it as if Iwas brand new.
The main point of the post is to all of those new and older players on Khyber that like to quest with a verteran player that has the patience to slow down and assist those that need help in getting through quests I am willing to help. My guidmates think I'm crazy (some of them) but I have been doing this for sometime now and enjoy it. For me the win is I like just about every quest in game and it allows me to re-play them with a new person or two that has never ventured in before. I enjoy the excitement of a new player saying "I have never been here before, is that ok". Of course it is OK as one time I was new to a quest as well.
Anyway if you ever see one of my characters logge on on Khyber just know there is no new player or any kind of player bashing going on in my group. Adventure well my friends...