My name is Hordiva.
I True Reincarnated when I was a 20 Bard and am now an 8 Fighter.
I have a plan for my next life.
Yes, I am a glutton for punishment.
I need to collect many items for my Reincarnation Cache to use in my next life but there is one small hitch.
Like many of you non-TR'd toons I have reached level 8 and am now too young to GH and am having to grind the same old stuff ad nauseum for ever-decreasing amounts of XP to get to GH levels.
Top that with the fact that a TR'd toon gets the super-sized SUV's equivalent of gas mileage for their XP in proportion to what a non-TR'd toon needs I find myself in a sinkhole.
So, the High Rabbi of Gornn is asking, in this holiday season for your pity.
I will pass out the blessings of our ever-unpredictable deity via /hugs and other appropriate in-game /emotes for help levelling my toon.
What is that you say? I'm the guild leader of a rather large guild and should have enough help?
Yes, that is true. But I find that in staying within the compound as it were I miss the company of many of my other-guilded friends.
So, if you have a toon in the 8-10 range and see Hordiva online, drop me a line.
Maybe we can group up, or we can just shoot the shizzle.
I'm on your friends list, level 28, 20 Bard/8 Fighter and, contrary to vicious lies and innuendo, rather resilient on this toon.![]()