Come on Trolls and Newbs alike!! weigh in.. True Neutral to Lawful evil!! Realm vs. Realm? Y not? Its not WOW or anything - but could be fun![]()
Come on Trolls and Newbs alike!! weigh in.. True Neutral to Lawful evil!! Realm vs. Realm? Y not? Its not WOW or anything - but could be fun![]()
"What's up? Hard work and noooo money, that's what's up!"
Alright, I'll go ahead and sign this, but ONLY because I wanna play a Lawful Evil Warforged Paladin (please tell me we can have those) that follows the lord of blades.
Though, to be honest, I doubt we'll ever see it.
We have Evil alignments on Thelanis.
It's called Legion.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Is it me? Ooooooh!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! Let it be me!!! Please, please, please!!!
I wanna be evil, and threatening, and wear the really cool outfits, and make henchmen nervous when I narrow my eyes at them, and I want to offer my No. 2 a Hot Pocket in my Evil Lair in the Space Needle, and I want a pony - but I want it to be genetically crossbred with too many monkeys and ruin a perfectly good pony, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand cool catch phrases!
So, is it me?
And now back on topic:
It's a neat idea - but one that would require a mountain of work on Turbine's part to have it 1: make sense - and 2: do the coding and re-scripting needed to convert all the quests into a playable form for evil alignments. We're talking almost an entirely different game outright - and one that would not only require it's own server(s) - but it's own re-launch and re branding. The game was DDO: Stormreach, is now DDO: Unlimited, and would become what... DDO: Unscrupulous?
Example - in the Shroud, why wouldn't an evil character just join the invasion in exchange for a share of the spoils? It makes little sense for evil mercenaries to thwart an evil invasion on the behalf of good NPCs. Sure, you could justify it - but the convoluted logic needed would either come off as lame or take a really good DM to pull off.
It is an idea that would have had to have been in from the ground up. Perhaps the Devs missed the boat in not including it - hell, I think they pretty much struck-out with all aspects of Alignment in the game - but it's not a simple thing to shoehorn in at this late date. A cool idea, but not one that is practical enough to implement.
Every few weeks someone asks about this, Many give the reason against Evil alignments (griefing, no real fit in game)
And I think that really sums it up Alignment truly means nothing in this game outside what gear you can/cant use without penalties or need for umd. Its not like someone playing a paly cant spam in party chat how they are blood thirsty and hate their chosen deity then be stripped. No more then a assassin who usually murder for money cant be a source of goodness.
alignment would matter if consequences in game followed, since they cannot there really is no point to bringing evil other then the use of evil items. And as someone who plays mostly chaotic neutral beings I tend to use them anyway.
dont get me wrong Ive played the evil alignment in pen and paper I love the sophistication of playing an evil being that people dont know is evil till they are caught up in her webs. But alas there is hardly any role play in this game for me to even enjoy a character like that. Maybe in the future who knows. But for now I dont see a point to it. It would just be another thing on your character sheet you barely notice.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Has been covered many times before. The lack of evil alignment is because evil characters would not do most of the quests that we do. Also, evil characters would not associate with most of the people in game. What it would come down to is a lower number of equipment choices (anything with good/neutral requirements is out), higher prices in all vendors, and less quests to complete.
Is this what you really want?
Good thoughts - yes this has been covered many times.. (beats dead horse again). What i'm thinking is more like inverse quests. By that i mean not trying to save the day, but ruin it for someone in a big way!! Imagine in STK you are helping the hobs. Be creative - use the same content - but give it an EVIL twist.. sound fun yet?
Last edited by odontia; 12-02-2009 at 03:32 PM.
"What's up? Hard work and noooo money, that's what's up!"
Only intil people whine and file harassment tickets against the jerk who is going against the party all of a sudden. wouldnt matter if the claim was unfounded cause the person is playing their character evilly, it would only matter that in someones mind they are being griefed. I love ddo think we have an influx of mature players, but for every mature player we have a few that I wonder how they know how to turn on a pc yet alone play a game. And to those players being evil would not work and would cause more headaches then fun.
As I said before if the game was built around alignment mattering id be all for it, if people could truly rp with the game working with them id definitely be for it. But as it stands right now Evil would just be what your character sheet read. Theres really no way to tell anyone's alignment for sure since umd can allow you to use, anarchic, axiomatic and pure good even if your not of those alignments.
So good idea for fun OP just dont know if its going to happen any time soon.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Last edited by odontia; 12-02-2009 at 03:46 PM.
"What's up? Hard work and noooo money, that's what's up!"
If there is a story like point to it ?? ofc anytime indeed... just for the sheer extacy of being back to my lawfull evil chars.
Let be honest... evil makes the wheels turning ^^
The sheer plot of something due to my hands can change the story is great indeed. Maybe it would give some penalties but thats just part of the fun to get to the end then.
...qoute: its not the end that counts but the journey to it.
I like where this is going.. Imagine how much more life we could bring into this game if we could modify the stories to the mirror image. Some content wouldn't fit, but would new content be all that bad - remeber how fun KOTR was playing the Sith dialogue . mmmmmm. evil is fun![]()
"What's up? Hard work and noooo money, that's what's up!"
I like the idea of flip side versions of quests, the evil or even neutral characters having choices to do the opposite of what the "good heros of Stormreach" do and aid those who travel to seedy underbelly of Stormreach. Maybe even add an area/wing of Stormreach (like a slums area as mentioned by others in other threads, doesn't have to be huge) where after preforming the "anti"quests you can go to seek evil gratification, maybe with a thieves guild instead of a bar/inn. Maybe a new contact in the harbour or marketplace could direct you to the "slums" area after reaching a certain level or achieving the end of a certain quest (not too high a restriction, maybe after level 4, to get people into this plot line). It might lead to future quests where rivalries between a good party and an evil party could take place, or perhaps a live event good vs evil say once a month or something to pit one groups goals against the other groups schemes. The fleshing out can be done over time, but basics could be started small. And I think that those evil characters could still choose to do some good quests because evil characters don't always just do evil, and some threats threaten both good and evil, but their ultimate goals may be different. It could also put a new swing into the favour system with different houses depending on who you work for and what evil deeds you do. Could be fun and dark...
Join the Sharn Syndicate of destroying them, they are backed by a rival Coin Lord IIRC.
Evil alignment in D&D does not mean antisocial. As I understand it, in Eberron alignment is even more nuanced, to the point where an evil cleric might be the leader of a very powerful community church. Even most of the player's quest dialog has you acting like a loot-hungry thug instead of some noble protector of the city, although it is true that most quests involve fighting against evil creatures.
On the other hand, I am pretty sure "antisocial" is the kind of behavior they are trying to discourage in a teamplay MMO by limiting player alignment that way. It might even be a requirement of the D&D license agreement. Alignment would be mostly a roleplaying stat, especially since there is no 'friendly fire' in DDO magic.
I don't think adding it would have such a severe effect on the economy as you predict, but I can see why they wouldn't want to implement expected game mechanics like Class features that depend on alignment (Cleric turning and spontaneous casting, summoning, etc), or add new quests where the intent is clearly evil. Then again, my Paladin robbed a bank the other day, so maybe one day the lawyers will let Turbine put up a server that allows rolling an evil PC. But then someone like the OP would probably come along and expect it to be Realm vs. Realm, when it would still be a teamplay MMO.![]()
There is no reason Evil alignments should not be allowed.
However only allow them for folks 18 and over!
That should quell any parental complaints.
PVP should be changed to on the spot, as accepted by players in open public instances, so that good vs evil combat could happen in front of every one.
It would be fun if NPC's were briefly killed in the battles and stuff got broken too!!
When i say brief i mean like 30 seconds, but it would be hella funny!!
Master of the Tower
I think everyone has a serious misunderstanding of what evil really means in this game, as i tend to compair evil to everyday life, even tho this is a game. being evil doesnt mean you have to be some hell bent killer, who kills everything they come across.
evil means alot of things, greedy i think would be 1. which even now we have this in game(greedy people, just look on the AH!)
I would like to see evil ingame, but I know for Evil to really exist as a ROLE-PLAY style, there would have to be some form of open pvp. which there is not. right now all Ive seen in terms of pvp is hop down in the basement of some tavern and just hack and slash at each other. there really is no pvp in this game, thus true evil alignments couldnt ever really be played out. I do think tho. that they should implement some form of ability to have your alignments changed based on your characters actions in certain circumstances.
Someone mentioned here playing a lawful evil paladin. which i thought there was a such thing, but werent they called Blackguards(basically anti-pally for evil alignment) but how many people actually have to live up to what being a paladin really is. true playing of a paladin is a hollow life technically- the LG paladin is only suppose to take what he absolutely needs to survive, and gives the rest to the church he has sworn himself too. this is one of many examples i can give to how alignment and actions can be 2 different things i guess.
I cant say this version, based on how the game is built, I just dont think evil could be played like it would suppose to be with how this particular dd is set up. adding evil alignment would mean like a total remake of the game. which would be to costly in turbine's eyes. so keep hopin some day we can be evil, and it actually says evil on your character sheet. until then, guess u have to be like me. chaotic-neutral(crazy man) with ALOT of evil tendancies
SideNote: Adding a pvp element to this game, I would almost be willing to bet. It would increase the player base by double, maybe even triple- increasing the cash flow that turbine would make. thats why im a little out of sorts as to why there is no pvp based adventures here, or something. cause 80% of the online community in the world likes pvp over pve. yes i know u think thats a high number, but its true as based on last actual survey put out by gamepro magazine.
Last edited by Demonside; 12-06-2009 at 10:41 AM.
Wanna play an Evil Aligned Character? Use Grease Clickies. The fun never stops