I like Mod 9 and F2P.
Why? My join date and long standing in the game almost guarantees my gimped toons to join your PUG.
Right Spyder?
.... Spyder?
...................... Spyder?
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
I read all the posts to date on this topic and want to briefly chime in.
I think first of all that anyone posting here has the right to say what they want within the rules of the forum. I also think I see the point regarding how groups have become and sure, havent we all had a group like that where you have maybe limmited time, it should be satrait forward and you get tied up with people who you wish had more xp in DDO then they do. Sure we have almost all been there...
At the same time I think making a list of people who are vetrens is a bit over the top (like Spyder said.)
The Op makes a point on what we put in our LFG saying it may be a good idea to put "vetrens only". I think it is always a good idea putting in your LFG exactly what you expect from those joining your group. We were all new players at one time regardles of if it was mod 9 or beta so I dont think anyone was being unsympothetic, but at the same time I see where some can feel it was disingenious.
We all play this game to have FUN and if your not enjoying the game walk away or quit. To me fun may be going slow and letting new players see the quest. the next guy may be in a hurry and wan tthe xp to rush to the next quest to level the character, and thats fine too. In the end we all find the joy in different ways and to ensure others dont enfrindge on your enjoyment we will all need to have more patience with new players and more importantly use good communication in with them (IE LFG message) so that no one is put out and having a bad time.
Its a interesting topic and enjoy reading the posts on this. I know now that I have read this I will tend put more info in the LFG as to what is expected (with me I hate it when peeps dont talk or don't have a mic.)
Have a good one folks, mojo out...
I guess I should have expected the completely unnecessary drama but I've never been one to care much about what others think anyway so here we are.
Some good suggestions here but most require more work than I really have time for:
New guild? Nope, mine is great but just not many people in it leveling lowbies when I'm on during the evenings.
In game PMs? Not worth it... I have a friends list on my lowbies but lucky to have 1 or 2 out of twenty actually on their lowbies at a time... I work this angle but only helpful sometimes.
Chat channel? I don't even want to learn how to make one. Hard enough to keep track of party and guild chat.
Whether or not pugs are worse or better post F2P is a matter of opinion. My personal solution may or may not be the best one but that's the beauty of the free market... if you don't like it or agree with it, ignore it. Given the thread has been hijacked, I'll try it again but if the griefers really can't tolerate this approach then guess what? Life will go on... its only a game. I tried.
To the drama queens out there that intepreted this as "exclusive" "cliquish" "newbie hating" etc. Pack sand. I'm just looking for a short list of likeminded players that I could rely upon to make my gaming experience more fun. I'm not interested in being a charity for new players, but I will happily help those who are willing to listen. Problem is, as Spyderwolf pointed out, most aren't willing to listen and they never ask for help.
Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul
Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona
all that has to be said is we were all newbs once and others helped us along or all learned togther to be where we are now , they have to learn somewhere and if they try and teach themselves everything and get the wrong information and u just push them aside , they will either do it wrong all the time , leave the game ( which imho isnt what we want ) . I agree it can be frustrating but dont u think others were frustrated with u when u were in there shoes ? i think so and some were like u know and some where like others that try to help them as much as they can
Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul
Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona
I guarantee you, starting a chat channel is much easier and faster than:
a:compiling a list of alts who want to level
blugging them all into your friends list
c:updating your little excel spreadsheet
d:updating the forum listing
e:looking for these peeps in game, then sending them a tell to see if they want to do somthing.
Create chat channel:
/joinchanel Rend
/1 hey anyone want to run Xorian 8-11 elite? Need healer and int rune getter.
then when you get a response......
(user chat 1) (veteran lowbie): sure
you just right click on their name and hit party invite on the drop down. Easy peasy lemon squeezyTry it out. This database you are trying to put together is much more tedious then shooting a pm to peeps that respond to a simple post:
leveling an alt. Starting a channel to get groups. PM me if intersted for name and password.
Good luck
PS throw up an lfm and ill hit it if Im not busy, but my chat channels are full atm![]()
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Remind me to avoid "Veterans only" groups.
Newbies are an invaluable resource. I consider it a challenge to complete a quest using tactics adapted to different and sometimes odd playstyles, and my "helpful advice" is usually more in the form of "yeah, tactic X works really well here, let's try Y since blah blah blah"
Sometimes, it's not what you say, but how you say it.
I stopped PUGging outside of raids a while back... face it, there are a lot of annoying vets out there.
I pretty much did what you did... except I used personal experiences with people to decide if they were the kind of folk I like to run with, and added them to my friends list.
I admit I'm not likely to run into new people (F2P and VIP alike), but I'm OK with that. My other friends bring in enough new blood for me to wince at.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Is exactly the kind of player i dont want around at all. Please backlist me and my toons for ever, and never ever play on Khyber.
You think that you did not once suck like these froobs and other newbs? Please, save your breath for some one who cares.
Newbs will always be welcome in my groups, and if they are just annoying, they will get booted and squelched, so deal with it like a man!
Master of the Tower
Settle down there big guy. I too play on Sarlona and have had a huge amount (around 60%) of my groups in this range kill me because of lack of manners and just plain poor play. I can forgive poor play, everyone has to learn, but poor manners I cant forgive. People leaving in mid group, zerging when they have no business zerging, etc., etc.
I think an idea like this is good, if not abused or misused, as there are some great F2P players out there, unfortunatley this group, in my experiences, is low in number. It will lower my bad groups and hopefully make my game more enjoyable. I will not however give up on our new friends, I hope to be able ot group with them and help them enjoy our community as well. Just not at the expense of my time or enjoyment.
"Gimping along since February 2006"....
Guild of the black dragon
Nonan - Yesiree - Muhnk - Blhade - Pintsized - Chopsticks - Mollly