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  1. #1
    Community Member Rrend's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Lightbulb Veterans leveling toons in 8 to 14 range READ THIS


    Soloing becomes more difficult and costly at levels 8-16 effectively.

    On average I'd say that my PUG experience in this level range has been less than 30% positive. A Xorian hard run with 10-12's last night alone cost me 10 RD scrolls, 25 heal scrolls, countless pots, and I can honestly say that only one other player in the party was worth grouping with again. I was just grateful to get the completion.

    So, as a solution, if you are interested in grouping with veteran players to run quests in the range from 8 to 14 on hard/elite in order to max XP and Favor, please post your toons using the following format. Level range should be 8 to 16. I will update this list daily and sort the list by level and class for ease of lookup. Anyone on this list should use it to contact others in game by putting VETERANS ONLY in an LFM or sending a tell to anyone on this list that says "vets only group forming, you interested?"

    Rrendsoul, Favored Soul, 12
    Rrendage, Fighter, 12
    Rrendtron, Barbarian, 11
    Rrendfu, Monk, 10

    Please use commas to separate and use standard class names so that I can export to Excel and quickly sort the list before reposting.

    I will put any toons on this list in my friends list so that I can track their level progression and monitor who is on-line. Should help increase the percentage of players in my pugs that don't suck. I'm open for suggestions to improve this process as well. Let me know.
    Last edited by Tarrant; 10-23-2009 at 10:44 AM.
    Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul

    Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona

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