well i can understand your concerns Luv, but look at this side...
For ages the late nighters (myself included) often felt like wandering a ghost town. Unless you where in a group the social interaction was nil. and thats the primary reason i play mmo's - the social stuff.
Now days.. omg.. theres so much banter and interactions going on it feels like a bustling place ( and it probly is, lol) yeah sure theres going to be some smack talk that i'd rather not join in on, but then theres the real gems that make me stop questing and just sit and chat with ppl.
Last night was a case in pt for me when someone asked a question in the advice window. i wasnt doing much so anserwed the question. what followed was a rather nice chat about various game stuff. Thats the sort of thing i liked, haveing nice chats with ppl and forging nice in game relationships. i know i'l; be looking this person up in game if i need some questing help simply due to the way they responded and i think they'll do likewise to me.
Thats the joy of the global chat system. its another tool that you can use to find out the jerks your'd rather NOT accept into your group, and to find those you would HAVE.
btw i have all chats disabled when in private instances to help reduce the spamming and so only the party gets my attention, and give me some break if its to much garbage talk.