Was looking in the achievement section the other day and the speed shroud section caught my eye because we have been running it from 22-29 minutes each time while looting chests.
We decided to see how fast we could go if we looted the chests at the end and compared it to the fastest times out there.
We hit 18 minutes on our first attempt the other day. I wasn't impressed as it was behind by several minutes from the overall record held by Caffeine on sarlona. I re-read the thread today and i didnt see any faster time for shroud on argo. Surely this server has beaten 18 minutes. Im sure we(The Ancients and friends) can go faster by optimizing the party , maybe even bringing Blah or Mykke, hehe.
here is the only screenshot i took. My GF says we missed 17 minutes by 6 seconds.