I still hate this thread
I still hate this thread
Argonessen and Khyber Servers - Officer of Aces over Kings and Stormreach Thieves Guild
http://www.srtg.org.au - Antir ~ Raegouli ~ Sussant ~ Servantir
If you hope that Aion and Starwars will be "awesome must-play mmos" then I as a true powergamer will tell you that they both will be wow clones. Eg, slow combat (turn based) and crappy quests with a lot of grinding.
If you are so blinded by the hype built up with the cinematic-teasers well then I feel sorry for you.
After playing every realeased game for the last 15 years I pretty much know what to expect.
Starwars might exceed my expectations, (by not going wow-clone 2000) but it will hardly be better than DDO.
Not to rain on your parade...
Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 are the ones that looks most appealing. If it wasn't Blizzard developing them I would be unsure though, as I know blizzard makes quality games and they always live up to the hype I am pretty sure they both will be awesome. (With the exception of WoW)
Considering I got into the Aion beta myself, I can tell you its pretty much WoW all over again with more emphasis on PvP.
If you dont like grinding out quests where you go kill X number of X mobs.. now hey, go back to that same area and kill X amount of the X mob that was right next to the one you just did.. yeah, I could have asked you to do both at the same time.. but I wanted to make 2 seperate quests... BAH!!!
Its a WoW clone with slightly better graphics, flying combat (which is pretty cool i have to admit), and korean hard core PvP roots. This isn't halo deathmatch where some 10yr old screams profanities!!! No, this is some crazy guy finds out where you live and murders you in your sleep cause you killed him in game and took his gear.
Still looking forward to Star Trek Online..
Really looking forward to FFXIV Online, like the first one but combat was way to slow
Star Wars is a meh at the moment, not seeing anything exciting there
And although I am looking forward to Star Craft 2 and Diablo 3... they aren't MMO's.
Dragon Age Origins is looking like the hotness too! If they toss in an online coop elements I'll probably stop playing DDO.
Aion has MORE pvp ? I must have missed something here I haven't done ANY pvp yet the pve content has kep me busy when I am on but honestly I am only playing during the Beta Events (next ones July 31 or something.
Most if not all games are wow related in some small way and as for grinds grinding hasn't stopped since Ultima Online days. Biggest problem we're having is so far just a lack of end game content. But its bet and usually that isn't announced until after release.
Combat system in Aion and wow, the flying is part of the combo system - sorta think final fantasy mmo with a combo system. compares to WoW and DDO's system of point and click and well in ddo's case click more.
They do share a similar UI system lets be honest I don't care what game it comes from or who uses it, its a UI that works very well.
UO - you grinding skills either naturally or through see-saw effects for stat raising and then for skill ups.
EQ - Levels then AAs
WoW - Levels then reputation
DDO - Levels, Favor, rerolls to do levels and favor over again until you find the right class then finally levels some more doing the same dungeons on hard and elite.
Its all there, its just cleverly worded by the developers so you some what ignore the fact until you reach level cap and realize what actually happened.. sorta like waking up with a hangover with a very sore ass, and cant remember what happened. But honestly to beat WoW your gonna have to use the same concepts just make it better because thats what the majority of the mmo gaming community theirs a reason eleventy billion people play even if its for a year or two. - its like a hooker or a drunk chick at a party everyone tries it once even if its wrong.
There will be similarities to a lot of game in end, because a good gaming company is going to take what works and and try to fit it into a good way to combine it all.
That being said I am gonna try it, you can be a fanboi to ddo if you want its ok. But you only live one. Step out of the house or in this case of one game and try others.
I personally will keep trying different things, but I may probably settle with one eventually.
PS the hangover is an awesome movie.
I thought Runes of Magic sounded pretty cool and it's free to play, but it took me 3 days to actually get it downloaded and installed with all its bugs, and now the launcher is bugged and the game won't load. Thousands of folks are having the same and hundreds of other problems. They need to learn to program before making more games...they don't even care and have done nothing to fix these problems, so most folks on the forums just gave up on that game, as did I.
Yeah, that happens a lot with free games, its a sort of "you get what you paided for"
I can with fair certinty say that there wont be a game that can match up to DDO in the mmo world, imo. Sure, in 10 years there might be something ofcourse. But I am a very unbiased person regarding games, and I try everything. I strongly advice others to play other games, for the love of your sanity. But don't expect any mmo like DDO.
Explore the single-player games and such and you wont be disapointed.
CCP is planning on releasing "World of Darkness" MMO sometime 2010! They purchased White Wolf and they've said they want to make the game "as real as possible". I figure that means combat physics ect...
I know CCP makes EVE Online but I don't know their game history so take it for what its worth.
I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard was not entirely what I meant.
The problem with most MMO's is the combat is absolute ****. Any combat system simliar to WOW which I described above as twitchless target and press 1-2-3 combat systems will not hold my attention past an hour or two. I need an active combat system or one with a lot of strategy (some of the old school turn based games like Fallout 1 and 2 or Arcanum).
That is what seperated DDO for me. The combat system was better than any other MMO to date, and thus far has been the only MMO with a combat system I like. The combat system even managed to bring in some friends of mine who absolutely hated RPG and MMO's prior to this. They were first person shooter players prior to this.
Don't get me wrong I will continue to try others, but if the combat system sucks I will dump the game within an hour or two. It plays a huge part in my determining if I like any game.
Yah I mentioned World of Darkness above on page 1. I can not wait to try this game. Hopefully combat can be somewhat close to Vampire Bloodlines (first person shooter / RPG single player White Wolf game, one of my all time favorite games).
Check out Vampire Bloodlines trailers over at youtbue if you haven't seen game. It's a bit older, but absolutely great game (need to add the community made patch to get the most stable game, and they added a lot of the cut content back into game.).
That's why I'm gonna like aion its fast pace like wow but its based from what I've sort of like FFOnline where you get openers and can only use certain skills when you have that opening, but I'd like to see more a death knight combat system where certain skills you use will boost your other abilities overall damage. it's still 1-2-3 like any game. But its just nice to see you can control your damage based on certain abilities being used and active rather then via how much gear you *****d yourself out to get.
Is this thread still going? This thread sucks.
Argonessen and Khyber Servers - Officer of Aces over Kings and Stormreach Thieves Guild
http://www.srtg.org.au - Antir ~ Raegouli ~ Sussant ~ Servantir
It will keep going till you stop posting![]()
I guess my big problem is that I really won't find to many MMO's that provide the combat mechanics I need/want/enjoy to play. A lot easier to find them in single player games. I do have hopes for Star Wars, World of Darkness and NWNO though.
The twitchless 1-2-3 is just not my cup of tea, no matter how good the graphics are, no matter how good the character gen options. It's a make or break point for me in gaming. Though I can definitely see how people can get addicted to other MMO's.
Well, I just dont see how DDO combat is better then its basically the samething, I find ddo a lot more borring because your stuck handing still clicking just as much as any other game.
atleast in most other mmo's you can move around without suffering penalties in combat, still have a lot of situational awarness, frontal, PBAE, Directional AEs, Cleaves, void zones, rampages, and flurries ect...
In single player games, I notice the same thing, you always end using the same 1 or 2 skills to win the fight, or its retroactive abilities (ripostes, counter attacks) I think its just how we choose the perceive the combat system.
For me its whats in between the content between level 1 and max and at max level. I enjoyed WoW, it was easy enough you weren't required to be deticated to it. And hard enough there was small challenges.
My favorite MMO raid fight is Alagon in WoW well actually its Emperor Ssra in EQ but anyway...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv_b1...eature=related < hard mode
So far hes the hardest boss even harder then the true end boss of Ulduar. Lots of fun. I wouldn't mind trying some DDO raids possible but I haven't read up on them much.
Last edited by Aenoanx; 06-28-2009 at 09:10 PM.
Great, Glad to hear this in a DDO thread. What does it have to do with Khyber? Perhaps try the OFF TOPIC area?
Oops, I forgot we need to be kind to those who can't read.
Hi Welcome!
You get moist thinking about a Global Agenda?
In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"