I'm sorry. Are these some sort of state secrets? Is this privileged information? Would it be embarrassing somehow to the overlords if it was revealed the nature of the problem and your proposed solution?
You know the world has borne evidence in the last 10 years to the power of the social network...Wikipedia, THE OPEN SOURCE MOVEMENT, twitter, etc. Over and above the fact that if you just gave your slavering players a few choice morsels on something as mundane and boring and as your network stats and broken back planes they would sit and wag their tails like dogs...there's an off chance that some of them, given enough actual information, may actually be able to offer helpful advice.
I understand if you can't release upcoming feature details. But persistent lag issues within the game (for what has been literally years) really should not be something you withhold details and specifics on. It's:
1. An easy way to keep your customers informed and engaged. That's worth more than all your new subscriptions in a month.
2. Trivial, non-competitive, non-game specific information that does nothing to your control information flow around features, enhancements, and development work
3. Potentially a FREE way to get some very good advice, or at least other opinions on what's wrong and ways to look at it.
I work in the professional services industries. I know a thing or two about keeping clients happy, covering my ass, and controlling messaging and expectations. You guys need to start thinking more like consultants with clients, and start aiming for low hanging fruit for big returns on little efforts.
Letting your most devoted and interested gamers into some of the technical aspects of what they're frustrated with in-game is 100% win-win. It's easy, it's free, and it will go an enormously long way in building trust and goodwill.
Please, I beg, I DARE you to come up with a reason why I'm not right.
THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. And I don't mean me, I mean the forum members who are begging for a glimpse into just what has stumped you guys for so long, and affects their game play so disproportionately.