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Here is some intersting places I have logged in an played
Kuwait City
Tirana Albania
Chime in
Here is some intersting places I have logged in an played
Kuwait City
Tirana Albania
Okinawa, JP
Tampa, FL
San Antonio, TX
Witchita Falls, TX
Cheboooooygan, MI
Montgomery, AL
Norfolk, VA
(I swear I'll add Guam to the list in a year so it's "more interesting.") And maybe the desert.
Kodiak Island, Alaska
Frankfurt, Germany
Okinawa and Tokyo, Japan
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear brighter before they speak. Characters: All start with Film. Loreseeker Elder
Schenectady NY!
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
Going to Okinawa this trip but only for a Quick Stop. I am thinking Guam will be added to list.
The geographic locations aren't that great, but the actual locations themselves are interesting.
In a hotel room in a small town in Alberta, weak wireless signal so I placed laptop on edge of balcony outside my room overlooking swimming pool in order to get more reliable signal. Mid January, with two feet of snow on ground, logged in to check out the DDO birthday cakes in -20 C weather. Spent about 20 minutes online, would have been on more if not for laptop lag and slow connection.
In my car, tapping into an unsecured wireless connection in another small town in Alberta, parked behind the town maintenance dispatch office, after having arrived two hours early for a meeting.
In my van, outside in-laws house, on my laptop since there were 26 people there for Thanksgiving and I didn't have a lot to say to most of them...........
Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.
Hmm, Canada, USA, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia all in the same year.
Specifically where I recall I could get on and play (well check auctions at least): Quebec, Cape Canaveral, Colorado Springs, DC., Cancun, Auckland, Rotorura, Capthorne Queenstown, Melbourne, Cairns, Sydney.
Oops, forgot the Gulf of Mexico (won free wireles minutes on a cruise ship so I checked an auction out there!)
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!