Ok, time for another trade thread.
Looking for large scales, +2 tomes, twigs from vale, and a new bloodstone, also looking for major pots. Package deals can be arranged. Say you have a +2 tome for trade and see a few items you could use, ask and I may accept or not, depending on if it is worth it to me
Plat offers are acceptable as well.
In no particular order:
+5 Mithral Breastplate
Kardin's Eye
Helm of Freewill
Giantcraft Siberys Compass
Spectacles of Spirit Sight
+1 frost khopesh of smiting(rr wf 20)
+1 Transmuting Lt Mace of Smiting
+2 Scimitar of Greater Undead Bane
2 Black Scales
+5 Holy Composite Longbow
+5 Transmuting Longbow
+3 Deathblock Mithral FP
+4 Frost Battleaxe of Greater Monstrous Humanoid Bane
various vorpals, smiters, disruptors, and +6 stat items
more to be added later
PM me here with offers or send e-mail to Saaluta in-game. All offers will be considered