I demand lvl one clerics to play with me otherwise im quitting the game. If im standing around for ages waiting to join a party as monk im quitting the game. If i dont get nice new robes that are in my colour im quitting the game.
I demand lvl one clerics to play with me otherwise im quitting the game. If im standing around for ages waiting to join a party as monk im quitting the game. If i dont get nice new robes that are in my colour im quitting the game.
Well goodbye then. With the whole server rolling a monk there will be no clerics
I am not making a monk...not a first
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
Yeah, it's going to be a rough couple of weeks as just about everyone (not me though, not interested) rolls a monk. Seems like a great time to finally go after all that low level favor I've been neglecting.
. . .something pithy.
People on Risia are saying that parties of 6 monks have little to no trouble getting through most low-level quests.
That said, I'm sure there will also be some non-monks who take the opportunity to get some other characters up quickly, though they may not be clerics.
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drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
Full monk parties of 4-7th level are tackling TR, SC, Gwylan's and Delera's on Elite and managing without any need for healers...although it would be nice to have a locksmith along on occasion for chests, it's not a big deal. Traps...wait...what..there's traps? Funny..we never noticed them..huh.
One thing I learned on Risia... Monk parties tend to miss out on a lot of loot. Rogues will most likely be welcome at the lower levels, as well as casters and anyone able to heal. At level 7 monks DO get the ability to "meditate" to heal (as well as build "Ki" levels), but not neccessarily to full HP levels.
I think that until things settle down a bit there will be little percieved need for other melee. I wouldn't exclude any tankage from my groups, since monks are a bit squshy, but there's a new melee in town vying for available spots.
Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices
On risia did TR Parts 1 elite, parts 2-5 hard, 6 and 7 normal with a group of level 3-4 monks. One of the monk finishing moves is a mass cure light wounds, Not much by itself but a group of 6 monks doing it as often as their ki allows can keep up with heals. A few pots for spot healing on the way of course but still...
Pay me in plat and I will make a cleric and follow you around and heal only you
Beware the Sleepeater