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  1. #21
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GovtMule View Post
    Regarding the extra slots created at the merge...

    I thought slots 10+ were "volatile" slots. That is to say, you can have a playable character in that slot but as soon as you delete it, the slot disappears.

    If this isn't the case, man, will I feel like a putz for not creating a whack of them
    you are correct anything over 9 were only there because of character slots on the other servers being merged. Dont feel bad, because those people that were using the system to gain extra slots will have to delete them down to <9 to be able to create a new one.

  2. #22
    Community Member Kreaper's Avatar
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    That is the case Mr. Haynes. The extras will not be replaced until you have nine slots and delete one of them.

  3. #23
    Community Member Lizardgrad89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracolich View Post
    I dont have an answer but will chime in on my thoughts.

    I hope they add an additional character those that are not already above their current max.(IE those that did not take advantage of the server merge by making toons on all servers) Those people already have their extra ones. If they do not add an aditional slot I myself wont be too effected but I can see were others will be.

    Those with 20 toons were clearly told they could have the extra but couldn't make any new ones without deleting. They made the choice to have 10 mules, they need to live with that decision now.

    My advice to the 20 toon crowd: Buy a second account, create 9 new toons, move all your stuff over, delete these mules, create your Monk. Alternatively, have a big vendor sale, delete the mules, build your Monk.

    Wouldn't be right for those of us who were farsighted enough to see that the toon overage could become a problem later on to now have to watch while others get a "oh, ok" pat on the head and another new slot and get to keep all those mules as well.
    1 trying to capstone, 1 running epics, and a dozen mules.

  4. #24
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lizardgrad89 View Post

    Those with 20 toons were clearly told they could have the extra but couldn't make any new ones without deleting. They made the choice to have 10 mules, they need to live with that decision now.

    My advice to the 20 toon crowd: Buy a second account, create 9 new toons, move all your stuff over, delete these mules, create your Monk. Alternatively, have a big vendor sale, delete the mules, build your Monk.

    Wouldn't be right for those of us who were farsighted enough to see that the toon overage could become a problem later on to now have to watch while others get a "oh, ok" pat on the head and another new slot and get to keep all those mules as well.
    And for those of us that are over 9 without a single mule, but all capped characters? What would you recommend for us?
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  5. #25
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    And for those of us that are over 9 without a single mule, but all capped characters? What would you recommend for us?
    Buy a second account. Those of us who didnt abuse the character slots during merge are coping just fine with 9 characters.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    And for those of us that are over 9 without a single mule, but all capped characters? What would you recommend for us?
    I hope you get a new slot for your Monk too. And I hope I do. And I hope we all do.

    I don't care how many character you have. Have a hundred. Whatever. I only play my nine. Don't want to delete any of them. But I would like to play a Monk too.

  7. #27
    Founder Rogosh's Avatar
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    I suspect very strongly that there will be a 10th slot added at Mod 7. No evidence, no hearsay. Just a feeling of overall karma and rightness.
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  8. #28
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspire View Post
    Risia Is A Preview Server, Things May Change When Mod7 Goes Live.
    Fixed that for you.
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  9. #29
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    And for those of us that are over 9 without a single mule, but all capped characters? What would you recommend for us?
    Read above. If you have 20 chars, even if they are all capped, you will need to delete down to get a monk.

    Mis-planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on theirs.

    You were told long ago anyone who had over the 9 slot limit because of the server merge would be able to keep those characters. But they would not be able to create a new one until they deleted down.
    Makes sense to me.

    Plus there was another post, also long ago.
    It said basically this.

    You got a certain amount of slots 7 I think it was. One additional for drow, one for 1750.
    There was a snafu/bug that allowed at one time people to make a 10th. This slot was reserved for when monks came out.
    That bug was fixed and some DID in fact make a 10th character.
    They were told at that point, you can utilize the 10th slot, we wont delete your character, but you will not get an additional slot when monks come out.

    So for those who have 9 slots, you will get a 10th slot.
    For those who abused the bug and utilized that 10th slot, you will not get an extra slot.
    Those who have 20 + chars because of the server merge, you will also not get an extra slot, delete down until you can create a monk.

    Unless this changes or I am corrected, that is how it was stated many months ago.
    Requesting an extra slot because you dont want to delete your 20 capped players is not something I sympathize with and I dont know what to tell you on that. That is turbines call. Threaten, beg all you want, but in the end you have double the amount of characters everyone else have, why should you get special treatment? But thats just my opinion. Take it for what its worth.
    Who's the more foolish, the fool or the one who sends it a res.
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  10. #30
    Community Member wolfy42's Avatar
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    If someone has double the # of characters why not just allow them to transfer half of them to another server?

  11. #31
    Community Member Dros_the_Juggernaut's Avatar
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    Default slots...

    Personally I agree with the majority, with a new class, we should get at least one more slot. But if we can't do that, here are a couple more ideas....

    How about we get an extra slot for each toon over 1750 favor, for me that would be a viable option.

    I also would be open to the same system that I had on another MMO, that being you are allowed so many slots free, then pay 1$ for each past that allowed amount. The extra 1-2$ a month won't kill me, and would REALLY enhance my game experience.

    I am sure I will get flamed for this...prolly from people who complain about the grind or about the cost. Just my opinion though.

  12. #32
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dros the Juggernaut View Post
    Personally I agree with the majority, with a new class, we should get at least one more slot. But if we can't do that, here are a couple more ideas....

    How about we get an extra slot for each toon over 1750 favor, for me that would be a viable option.

    I also would be open to the same system that I had on another MMO, that being you are allowed so many slots free, then pay 1$ for each past that allowed amount. The extra 1-2$ a month won't kill me, and would REALLY enhance my game experience.

    I am sure I will get flamed for this...prolly from people who complain about the grind or about the cost. Just my opinion though.

    I would rather have this be done, then be told that because i didnt take advantege of merging servers, and i have to delete a capped toon, that everyone will get one for free, ie: min raised to eight plus favor which equals ten.
    So ive already deleted my one like im supposed to, in anticipation of playing monks, i followed the rules, if we are all given one for free, now ive lost a toon that i didnt need to, just for following the rules, and those that did cram in a bunch of toons, have lost nothing.

    Sorry, while there may be no easy answer, telling me to pound sand simply because i followed the rules by those that didnt isnt gonna sit well, and no i dont blame Turbine, they set the rule, i followed the rule. Whether i agree'd with it or not wasnt the issue. Period.


  13. #33
    Hatchery Hero Dark_Helmet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracolich View Post
    Buy a second account. Those of us who didnt abuse the character slots during merge are coping just fine with 9 characters.
    Nice ASSumption on your part, but not all of us "abused" the merge. I was on travel during the merge and never created characters just to be mules:

    My problem was originally Turbine gave a limited amount of slots and said you have XXX servers to create characters so go make 5 characters on each server. Later on, the favor and mod 5 slots came along (but that is 2 per server).
    Then, when they merged 3 servers, we got a measly 2 extra slots instead of triple the slots? At a minimum, they should double the max number (9) and give us 18.

    So, there are those of us who were following the advice of Turbine (not abusing it) that are now getting screwed (along with those who were abusing the slot counts by making tons of mules).
    Oh, that's easy. I didn't farm them. I just cheated. -Meghan
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    lol, I didnt give it a QA pass.

  14. #34
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorichie View Post
    I would rather have this be done, then be told that because i didnt take advantege of merging servers, and i have to delete a capped toon, that everyone will get one for free, ie: min raised to eight plus favor which equals ten.
    So ive already deleted my one like im supposed to, in anticipation of playing monks, i followed the rules, if we are all given one for free, now ive lost a toon that i didnt need to, just for following the rules, and those that did cram in a bunch of toons, have lost nothing.

    Sorry, while there may be no easy answer, telling me to pound sand simply because i followed the rules by those that didnt isnt gonna sit well, and no i dont blame Turbine, they set the rule, i followed the rule. Whether i agree'd with it or not wasnt the issue. Period.

    So you deleted one BEFORE finding out if we get an extra slot?
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
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  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccheath776 View Post
    Read above. If you have 20 chars, even if they are all capped, you will need to delete down to get a monk.

    Mis-planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on theirs.

    You were told long ago anyone who had over the 9 slot limit because of the server merge would be able to keep those characters. But they would not be able to create a new one until they deleted down.
    Makes sense to me.

    Plus there was another post, also long ago.
    It said basically this.

    You got a certain amount of slots 7 I think it was. One additional for drow, one for 1750.
    There was a snafu/bug that allowed at one time people to make a 10th. This slot was reserved for when monks came out.
    That bug was fixed and some DID in fact make a 10th character.
    They were told at that point, you can utilize the 10th slot, we wont delete your character, but you will not get an additional slot when monks come out.

    So for those who have 9 slots, you will get a 10th slot.
    For those who abused the bug and utilized that 10th slot, you will not get an extra slot.
    Those who have 20 + chars because of the server merge, you will also not get an extra slot, delete down until you can create a monk.

    Unless this changes or I am corrected, that is how it was stated many months ago.
    Requesting an extra slot because you dont want to delete your 20 capped players is not something I sympathize with and I dont know what to tell you on that. That is turbines call. Threaten, beg all you want, but in the end you have double the amount of characters everyone else have, why should you get special treatment? But thats just my opinion. Take it for what its worth.
    Quoted for truth and now the thread can end.

    Well said, cc.

  16. #36
    Community Member Brummbar's Avatar
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    Default Here's a question

    If I do 'NOT' have 1750 on any server, is 8 the max number of toons?

    I was one of those built a bunch of toons on other servers in advance of the merge...but never grinded to earn 1750.

    SO without 1750, is 8 the max?


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    Llocke, Human CLERIC 10.1---Argo
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  17. #37
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    So you deleted one BEFORE finding out if we get an extra slot?

    I did, little while ago, but i did so with the understanding that we were told we had to be below the allowable threshold in order to make a monk. I dont remember the conversation, as another poster pointed out, that we would definitively get an additional slot (tenth with favor) when monks come out, though it doesnt mean that wasnt said.

    Could (should) i have waited till the very last minute just in case? Probably, but i took Turbine at its word when they said that would be what needed to happen in order to play a Monk, or build any additional 32 pt build for that matter.

    IMO going against what they said just opens the door for more threats and ultimatums in the future and we have enough of that going on already.


  18. #38
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Helmet View Post
    Nice ASSumption on your part, but not all of us "abused" the merge. I was on travel during the merge and never created characters just to be mules:

    My problem was originally Turbine gave a limited amount of slots and said you have XXX servers to create characters so go make 5 characters on each server. Later on, the favor and mod 5 slots came along (but that is 2 per server).
    Then, when they merged 3 servers, we got a measly 2 extra slots instead of triple the slots? At a minimum, they should double the max number (9) and give us 18.

    So, there are those of us who were following the advice of Turbine (not abusing it) that are now getting screwed (along with those who were abusing the slot counts by making tons of mules).
    Good use of ASSumption quite clever...grow up.

    How is having all those character slots you currently have getting screwed? You chose to make those, advice or not. I dont recall anyone advising me to make 5 toons per server. Hey I am all for them giving us an extra slot. If you want an extra slot too above your 18 then great I want 10 more slots to even it out.

  19. #39
    Community Member Cyndder's Avatar
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    Angry Character Slots

    Let me start by saying that I was one of the eary people who got 2 toons to 1750 way back in mod 3 or 4...and had a 10th slot because of this issue (been playing for 2 years now). When the next mod was released they announced those who had 10 slots got to keep them...that was working up til April. Now I deleted (today) a lvl 16 toon to create another toon (deleted a Wizard to create a sorc) and now it will not allow me to access that 10th slot (this was working in January and April). In my case I was not taking advantage of the server merge, was using what was allocated to me...but now that has been taken away. IF they had announced they were taking it away I would not have deleted the toon to create the new one--because I am unwilling to delete more toons just to create another one.

    I will wait and see what response I get from tech-support on this matter...and to see if they do the right thing with the upcoming mod and add character slots.

    Now to the point another poster made about the server merge...I am inclinded to agree; if the european servers have been given 12 slots and they reduced the number of servers in the US (the number of servers being the justification for the fewer slots) then the slot count should be increased to be on par with our European breatheren.
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  20. #40
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    People are missing the point about slots.

    Who gives a rats behind if someone has mules, made extra slots for the merge - it is irrelevant.

    What is extremely relevant is that when the European servers merged...they went from 5 to 2 servers - so 60&#37; less, and got double character slots pretty much.

    NA servers went from like 14 or 15 to 5, a larger reduction, but NA players only got 2 extra slots. Fair?

    Some people only like playing 1 or two they will be fine with no new slots if they even bother to play a monk. Most people like playing and trying out new characters. I have a couple characters that are no longer 'mains', but are level 13ish, and I have put a lot of work into them, and dont really feel like deleting a level 13 character just because we are never getting new slots.

    It was promised that we would get extra slots when new races/classes were added....and nothing has been said since even though mod 7 is apparently coming very soon....ish.

    If you were to make 1 of every class with no duplicates...thats 9 slots right there. No room for monks unless you want to delete stuff.

    So the message isnt 'how many mules did you make before the merge', it is 'is Turbine going to make it easy to enjoy playing the game? or hard to enjoy playing the game?'

    I have spent over $700 on DDO since 5 slots was far too few, and I added a second account. I dont think it is too much to ask to have an extra slot or two so I can enjoy new classes without deleting characters.

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