Quote Originally Posted by Higgy View Post
This whole "marking" of exploiters should be dropped entirely. Ban them, don't mark them.

Or if you do mark them, how about color-coding it so that we know HOW they exploited?

Pink triangles on their sleeves - stealth "humped" someone who was afk
Yellow stars on their sleeves - put something on the AH for 50,000 times its value.
Black diamonds on their sleeves - stood in the back during a reaver raid.

Wait, it's been done before. Never mind.

I don't care if I get infraction points for this post - Turbine can simply post a list of specifics that they consider exploits and I'll follow them. Until then, let me play the game. You mark me in any way for playing the game as it's coded, I'll cancel my account so fast, the pennies will still be spinning a year after they're spent on another MMO.
A nazi analogy? A bit on the extreme side there.