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  1. #21


    This is the First time I have posted a reply to one of these..Mostly because of Question 1 and 2

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    With 4 Edition D&D coming soon should turbine
    A) Picks pieces of the new edition that fit well into an mmo and mix the rules with 3.5 Edition
    B) Update the game to fully incorporate 4 edition rules in 1 Module
    C) Leave the game 3.5 edition

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    G) None of the above, The only PvP i ever Enjoyed was in Dark Ages of Camelot with Castle Sieging

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?

    the Live chat of this was to chaotic, A Post in the forums is a much better way to do this. Another good way is a Quick Quick 1 or 2 question questionare that pops up when you first start the launcher, Optional only

    Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
    Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4

  2. #22


    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?
    What? You want me to do your job for you? Seriously, since crafting is now going to be a big part of the game, I would ask how people feel about this, and the grind that the current system adds to the game. Also I would ask what everyone's favorite bug is (both good and bad).

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)
    While I am not a big fan of PvP, I like team play. As for what the goals are, well hopefully it is more than, "kill the other team."

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    I didn't get to attend since it was the first time that I had been in Risia since the update that went in before then. I forgot and there was no reminder, and I spent all of that time updating my Risia client.

    Personally, I do not like this format. While I understand wanting to include people that do not frequent the forums, I think that it was more complex than it needed to be. Rather than requiring everyone to jump on Risia, I would suggest that you do it over world broadcasts and have us submit questions through tells. So you have one person per server that is taking questions, and submitting them to the team to answer, and those answers come over world broadcast.

    Also, I would like to see less Q&A related to known info. Its really frustrating to schedule time to attend to only have the same questions answered that we either saw last time, or have seen on the forums. Before beginning, I would suggest publishing a FAQ, so we can just get past all of that up front. Also, while yall have gotten better about it, a quicker response to answers (type FASTER! ) would be appreciated.

    I think that IRC is still the best way to do it, since it allows for anyone, no matter what computer or connection to attend (IRC is EVERYWHERE). If you want to change the format, I actually like the Ask the Devs segment on DDO Cast. Since the responses are verbal, it goes a lot faster and smoother. If you want that immediate feedback, why not do a live broadcast online, and have people either call-in the questions, IRC, IM, email them. I bet that we could get 3x the interaction in half of the time that way. Video would be fun, but I could understand if yall were not up for that. Check out some solutions here.

    I love feedback, and instant feedback is even better. With the level of info that is being produced now though dev posts, WDA's, Ask the Devs, media interviews, I would ALMOST say that we don't need the town hall meeting any more. Actually, the only piece of the community info that we are truly missing at this point is a FAQ to go with the WDA so that either new people, or people that do not follow events/announcements are able to keep up to date.

    Keep up the great work!

    Oh, and a bug tracker would be wonderful too...

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  3. #23
    Founder Ducky's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    List 3 things that you have done with Dungeons and Dragons on paper that could potentially qualify to make it in an online scenerio.

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?

    B) Free for all death match

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?

    Town hall questions need to be screened prior.
    The stupidity of players is overhwhelming to the point questions are repeated in several different ways and often questions are actually already answered in some other form on the internet.

  4. #24


    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?
    Would you like us to fix the abbot raid right now?

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)
    really not a priority for me. I enjoyed trying the settings, and speical "fun" rules are neat, but there is no in-game reward or forum status reward for participating. Pretty much a waste of time as implemented.

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    The town hall rocked. Really. However, the hours of time needed to update Risa would not be worth the event in many people's opinion. An internet chat session may be a better way to go, unless you could somehow run a town hall on the regular servers. I know you probably can't run a simultaneous town hall on all the regular servers, and probably can't just pick one server because of lag (but if you can do it without lag then go for it, it's easy to make a new character quickly if you don't usually visit a particular server), but if you can make a temporary server just for town hall meetings, or can temporarily port characters to a special instance or server that is just for meetings and won't impact server performance, then go that route. [Pretty long sentence there, but you get the idea. P.S. I'm not subscribing to this thread so I'll likely miss any replies.]
    Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...

  5. #25
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]

    Question 1
    What is your primary motivation for attending a Live Event?

    Question 2
    Of any Live Event from any MMO, what is one of your favorite events you attended?

    Question 3
    This event had several aspects to it over the course of the week. Rank the following choices from most to least favorite:
    A) The story unfolding/roleplaying
    B) Jumping tower
    C) Monster fights
    D) NPC and Environment changes

    Question 4
    We'll smuggle one non-event question in with these this week: Of all the quest objectives in DDO (protecting, rescuing, puzzle solving, etc) what quest objective type do you find yourself drawn to?

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    Last weeks:
    1. I attend live events for the action. To see the story develop. To get a chance at unique loot.
    2. Official PVP tournament held in EQ, we had server events first then the winning teams from each server were all transfered to one server to compete against eachother for really cool unique loot and titles.
    3. D, C, A, B
    4. Protecting.

    This weeks:
    1. How do you envision the final end-game of DDO?
    2. C, although PVP is so lame in DDO I never play it. Lame because casters are so over powered.
    3. Town hall meetings may be good. Although they don't really mean anything. We need a place to discuss why things cannot be done that we ask for.

  6. #26
    Founder borgec's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is your primary motivation for attending a Live Event?

    Something Different, wanting to see it unfold.

    Question 2
    Of any Live Event from any MMO, what is one of your favorite events you attended?
    This in my only MMO so the past one would be my favorite. Without the lag issues it would have been perfect

    Question 3
    This event had several aspects to it over the course of the week. Rank the following choices from most to least favorite:

    D) NPC and Environment changes

    Question 4
    We'll smuggle one non-event question in with these this week: Of all the quest objectives in DDO (protecting, rescuing, puzzle solving, etc) what quest objective type do you find yourself drawn to?

    Puzzle Sovling. I would prefer puzzles that are different everytime. i.e. not memorize each wheel is turned 4 times. I'd also like the floor puzzles to be different. I hate when people either memorize the VON 5 puzzle or just pull out the .jpg. I like the new puzzle in the Rainbow in the Dark quest, but would like it to be solvable and random at the same time, not just random dumb luck.

    This Week:

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    List the races and classes not in the game that you would prefer to see implemented in order of preference

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?

    A) I don't enjoy PVP

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?

    It was alright, since people only seemed to ask questions that we already had answers for.
    Last edited by borgec; 03-17-2008 at 06:01 PM.
    "Laid back, not so serious, no drama...All about the fun!"
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  7. #27
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    Would you like more character slots introduced whith Mod 7? Answer : Yes I would

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    None, now please drive through... Answer : A

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?

    I think they are a nice idea, but not on risia. Not everyone downloads risia, and not everyone that reads the forums elects to play there. If you really wanted to hold a "town hall" style event, you should do it on the live servers. Post some guidelines for it, and do it that way. Move from server to server each hour or so over a weekend. That would give off a much more realistic feel of the town hall expierience. A better idea would be to have a "Town Crier" npc added that the dev's could use to respond to questions posted, mailed, or PM'ed to them. The npc can have his dialogue change every so often when there is a downtime. That would certainly give a nice feedback plan INSIDE THE GAME itself. It would add some nice amiance to town as well. That's just my 2cp tho...
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  8. #28
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?
    "What feats/spells should we add for Paladins?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)
    A. If I wanted PvP, I'd play Halo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    Excellent idea. Shouldn't be limited to Risia.
    Thelanis characters: Ashelynne, Dixx, Gunghir, Khalmyr, Nebulla, Schyv, Staunch

  9. #29
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    What would your choice of in tavern games be? and what rewards would you give?

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    D) Dueling

    Occasionally other but mostly one on one... nothing worse than facing off and starting to attack and getting shot in the back by a opportunistic caster you didnt even see.

    Question 3
    What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"? Not a bad idea but I would do individual server events. I don't want to download an additional client to participate... and this would make the ammount of info easier to digest on your end.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  10. #30
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    "Would you like to see the option for a lifetime subscription to DDO?"

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?

    (A) Don't enjoy.
    (I have a very few times jumped in with a guildie while waiting for group members to do stuff. I did try PvP when it first came out, wasn't my thing.)

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?

    I think the Town hall on Risia was a great idea - and could be implemented because of the low population there.
    The same attempt on a regular server would be a chaotic mess, and probably only cause more frustration with folks either lagging, or not being in the same instance with the rep.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  11. #31
    Community Member DedDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    1: Try as I might, I can't come up with a good question that someone else hasn't already done (and better worded than I could do it in all likelyhood).
    2: A) I don't enjoy PVP.
    3: I didn't get to the Town Hall, and I'm not a big fan of the format. Usually it's too chaotic a format to put up with for any amount of time. I prefer questions to be sent in and answered by the Devs, because then I can review them at leisure when I want to. I'm not restricted to the pace of the Q&A session in real time.
    Happy D&D gamer since 1977, currently enjoying myself on Thelanis
    "Yes, your negitivity and long winded hollow words have once again wasted my time." - Yukiko

  12. #32
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    1. Which player race from the list below (and only the list) would you like to see implemented as soon as possible?
    a. GNOMES
    b. gnomes
    c. GnOmEs or
    d. gNoMeS

    2. A.

    3. Town Hall would be a good idea. Time to have them on the other servers so more people could give input.

  13. #33
    Community Member Andora's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?
    What are the player base thoughts on what class is viable at end game and what class is not, and have them explain what they mean.
    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)
    A: I do not like PVP.

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    It was on Risia. Not sure that is the best place to hold a game chat. I think you would be better able to get information from this type of player interaction.

  14. #34
    Hatchery Hero Dark_Helmet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    It's that time again...

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:

    Question 1
    What is your primary motivation for attending a Live Event?

    Question 2
    Of any Live Event from any MMO, what is one of your favorite events you attended?

    Question 3
    This event had several aspects to it over the course of the week. Rank the following choices from most to least favorite:
    A) The story unfolding/roleplaying
    B) Jumping tower
    C) Monster fights
    D) NPC and Environment changes

    Question 4
    We'll smuggle one non-event question in with these this week: Of all the quest objectives in DDO (protecting, rescuing, puzzle solving, etc) what quest objective type do you find yourself drawn to?
    1) Team participation (like having a "Real" DM.
    2) Trying to follow Trchurvul with clues being dropped barely beats out the demon spawn (just because it was very little spawns for so many who can jump in and steal your fun!)
    3) A), D) C) B) [I would add E) where people can snipe and overload an instance]
    4) Puzzle solving

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    1) Would people prefer to play with A) core 3.5 rules , B) The new 4.0 rules as they come out C) DDO Enhancements D) A and C E) B and C
    2) A (PvP doesn't belong in DnD as it detracts from teamwork)
    3 While it is nice to have town halls and you can see who is there, there are too many "side conversations" where things can get lost. And, it seems like questions that are asked, don't get answered. need to submit ahead of time so proper answers can be generated (and devs don't feel like they will get in trouble if they answer honestly).
    Oh, that's easy. I didn't farm them. I just cheated. -Meghan
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    lol, I didnt give it a QA pass.

  15. #35
    Community Member Affront's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for answering my question last time around

    Answer 1: What aspect of your least favorite class/race/character do you most dislike or find irritating? And why? This is your character, played by you, not a character played by someone else. [the idea here is to look for things to improve or avoid in new classes or races]

    Answer 2: Is close to a tie between C and E. To me E is just a subset of C. Let me put it this way ... I prefer Team Fortress Classic to Unreal Tournament.
    C) Team vs Team and E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    Answer 3: I don't really have a problem with it. It would be another way to achieve a similar goal - listening to customers and providing information back. However there's no real way to get the experience without being there and wading through a transcript of the event can be irritating - I would rather just get to the point of the questions & answers than read the other parts of the event in the transcript.

  16. #36
    Community Member Yeric's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    If there was a way to change one thing with your main character that can't be changed through the current in game mechanics, what would it be??
    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    I don't PVP.

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?

    Risia has a limit due to the fact that not everybody goes there. How about a traveling town hall that goes to all the servers over time. This would allow more people to attend. And give you feedback on the game from a player and server basis.

  17. #37
    Community Member Burem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?
    I would question what your average players expectations out of new content is. Are players motivated and interested in new content because of the material rewards it provides (loot), experience, the storyline of the adventure itself, or any other factor or combination of factors? While obviously the entire focus of the game won't be changed because the players are more interested in a certain aspect of content I think it would be interesting to see what people claim motivates them and what, based on the numbers I would hope you have available, actually motivates them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)
    B,C,D, and E. This falls under the caveat that I only appreciate PVP in games in some fashion balanced for them. EQ1 PVP isn't fun, as the game wasn't in any way designed for it, and the same applies to DDO as the rule set is in no way balanced for PVP and seems rather obtuse for that sort of interaction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    I'd love to participate in one but only if the developers are honest. The majority of the communication you see from developers is very guarded and while I appreciate the effort, and the requirement for that guarded nature, the majority of the time when a tough question is asked you get a PR response. I can estimate my own responses that give no information away and don't need to ask them. An honest to god sharing of opinions between players and devs could be interesting but if it's something like the live chats that have been hosted in the past on things like IIRC they tend to be generally disappointing as the moderators/developers pick questions that anyone could already find the answer to somewhere. Rehashing old information for people too lazy to do their research is not my idea of time well spent.

    I would be more interested in an honest to god one on one conversation with a developer. I realize this is probably impossible to facilitate short of the devs logging in and sending random people tells to pick their brains but I think you might find a lot more reasonable, expansive, and useful feedback in an extended discourse than based on simple Q&A.

    I suppose it all depends on if the developers do these things to disseminate information or rather to collect feedback.
    Last edited by Burem; 03-17-2008 at 09:44 PM.

  18. #38
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP
    B) Free for all death match
    C) Team vs Team
    D) Dueling
    E) Specialized PVP rules sets (capture the flag, tag, etc)

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    1). Will we ever see additional character slots?

    2). A. I don't enjoy PVP

    3). I don't like the idea of in-game "meetings", because people get bored and sometimes disruptive, particularly if they think they are being ignored. I'd rather see a "Town Hall" group on the forum that would open up for about a week (after a few days ' announcement), allowing us to post question threads, and have appropriate Turbine reps answer all the REASONABLE questions. After the week, close the group to new posts and condense the results into a simple Q & A format and archive it on the forums for later reading. This way you get around the time differences, the lag and instance based issues, the proper people to answer questions can be located, and we players get an easily located document.
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  19. #39
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:

    Question 1
    What is your primary motivation for attending a Live Event?
    Spectating - I enjoyed watching other players, the environment changes and reading the conversations in general chat. Stormreach lived!!

    Question 2
    Of any Live Event from any MMO, what is one of your favorite events you attended?
    I've only seen this one.

    Question 3
    This event had several aspects to it over the course of the week. Rank the following choices from most to least favorite:
    3 A) The story unfolding/roleplaying (I'd wager you guys learned much from this event. Timing challenges kept me out of it some nights, and I felt remote.)
    2 B) Jumping tower (w00t! heck yeah!)
    4 C) Monster fights (You know, I thought I'd find this personally more engaging. I'm still puzzled as to why the hook didn't really set.)
    1 D) NPC and Environment changes (I liked witnessing the changes, Stormreach should not be stuck in time. We need Zathras!)

    Question 4
    We'll smuggle one non-event question in with these this week: Of all the quest objectives in DDO (protecting, rescuing, puzzle solving, etc) what quest objective type do you find yourself drawn to?
    SNEAKsesing! Classic stealth, invisible sprints. Timing paths between patrolling mobs, and twitch jumping are OK for flavor. Throw in some Charming and mob pulling with distractions. The combat is great, but I do enjoy these other elements quite a bit.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Each week we ask questions about a range of subjects. What is a question you would ask?
    I'll second Tanka's question: "Which quest is your favorite and why?"

    Question 2
    In any game, what types of PVP do you enjoy engaging in?
    A) I don't enjoy PVP - Sorry. /shrug

    Question 3
    A "Town Hall" was held on Risia, where the Community Team went in game to have an open forum for players to voice their concerns. This is a little different format than our "Dev Chats," where developers answer questions, and Dev Chats are still an activity that will continue. What are your thoughts about "Town Hall"?
    I think I missed it due to a scheduling conflict. Maybe stage a number of smaller venues on the live servers? Too, I suspect some players just want to, well, play. If you want to mingle with the PC-on-the-street, show up on his street. The Risia clients present a barrier. Of course, I understand it may be a necessary barrier. And this idea sounds fantastic:
    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    An alternative that I would find interesting would be to have random DEV encounters. Your party is walking along in (or out of) a dungeon/adventure and *poof* a DEV pops in (possibly in a cool form like a black dragon heh) and gives you 5 minutes of Q&A to express your likes/dislikes/ask questions/etc. Obviously would be a "rare" occurrence, but would be alot of fun (I'd think). .
    Imagine a Friday evening with a couple of Dragons stopping in to invite folks for party chat
    Last edited by VonBek; 03-17-2008 at 10:12 PM.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  20. #40
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Talking Thoughtful and Inspiring conversation.

    Only makes this games sweeter.
    And I tell ya' Tolero, if we can't pan out some good feedback/info in this. Personally, I saw several things.
    Also figured out(finally clicked), I could learn to do some of the text stuff you guys do by paying attention to the 'quote' readout. Using as referance.
    I want to answer but, it's late, and I type slow.
    And tomorrow is Day 2 of my new job as a game tester(again).


    And P.S. to those that hate my sig, it finally changing if I learn what I need from reading/learning from the differnet quote's here.

    P.S.S And the live Risia chat, not so 'productive' , but, I have got to love my ugly mug is right in the front of one of the screenshots!!!
    So, I loved it!)) And I met Dane, MT, DDO Cast Guy.....{which reminds me I am 4-5 behind...;( }
    Last edited by iamsamoth0; 03-18-2008 at 08:05 PM. Reason: TY VonBek, you taught me colors!!
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
    BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
    of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]

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