in pvp last night i was using a bow and so was my opponent. I had autoattack on. She cursed and paralyzed me but i kept shooting arrows at her and hitting her. couldnt move or anything and was all green but was shooting arrows.
in pvp last night i was using a bow and so was my opponent. I had autoattack on. She cursed and paralyzed me but i kept shooting arrows at her and hitting her. couldnt move or anything and was all green but was shooting arrows.
Indeed while in gaseous form they should be moving at 1/12 our base movement rate and when they reappear they should still be paralyzed. Oh yeah, they still can't cast spells either.
This brings to mind a question.... held/tripped/paralyzed are all obviously different things. Are held creatures "frozen" physically, verbally, and mentally? And paralyzed maybe just physically? Tripped physically?
That, obviously, isn't how things are coded, but maybe it should be. Should a paralyzed caster still be able to get of spells that don't require hand movements?
Just wondering out loud.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
Twilight Forge the other night...
Ogre standing up on ledge in maze.
Shoot with paralyzing bow, ogre paralyzed.
Shoot again with paralyzing bow, ogre paralyzed again.
Repeat this pattern with a few saves made, but never enough to actually break the paralyzation.
Watch ogre in his paralyzed posture switch between melee and bow in his unmoving hands.
Every time the ogre switches to the bow, I get shot at.
Repeat until ogre is dead from bow damage.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Heck, I've been chased up and down hallways and beat on by paralyzed AND held monsters LOL.... In fact, I'd swear they actually run faster when held or paralyzed
This seems to be a persistant and hard bug to fix....
But does anything actually "paralyze" us? Sure, I get held all of the **** time [insert joke here,] but not paralyzed. But then, hell, shouldn't "paralyzed" creatures fall into the dead graphic?
Not complaining, just thinking that this arena might be an interesting one for development.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
They did? Then why was that paralyzed Ogre in the Titan still shooting at me? I was ranging him with my paralyzing bow and though he's paralyzed, you can see the arrow appear right in front of him and then it launches though no bow is ever seen and his arms are straight up in the air. Nope, they did not fix this one.
Yep, still a problem with held, paralyzed, mez'd mobs (even humanoids since they explained some elementals can't be paralyzed). It isn't them finish a single action but continue on for several rounds... we played with it and cursed them and held them over and over to see how long until they stop...they never did. We saw them mainly heal themselves, although some archers continued to attack and some other spells went off.
Doesn't seem to be a priority.
I'm going to jump on this bandwagon!
When I'm held, commanded, stoned, or tripped I can shield block (which i shouldn't be able to do)!
I have seen mobs while held, stoned, tripped, or otherwise immoble do the following: Disappear, Heal, Fight on, Run/Slide donw the hallway, AND cast FOM so they can go about their business normally! This is a horrible bug that should've been fixed LONG ago....alas the dev's r busy making ladders even harder to jump on and off of!
The Bytcher~