View Full Version : In-Game Customer Service

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  1. Welcome to the Customer Service Forum!
  2. Greetings citizens of Stormreach!
  3. LFG and LFM comment areas
  4. inapropiate behavior by gm's
  5. inappropriate behavior part 2
  6. " Flametouched iron " in Bio
  7. Explain, please.
  8. Thank You Sparker!
  9. Turbine needs an investigative report.
  10. Great merged one day and thelanis dies !!!!
  11. Senior GMs?????
  12. My latest CS experience
  13. need down load help
  14. question about game time cards
  15. 3 Days......Still Waiting
  16. Lag on Khyber getting very bad.
  17. GM's, Senior GM's and QA team roll definitions please...
  18. Banned account
  19. Why is it Turbine's position?
  20. Server merge - is my name gone forever?
  21. Definition – in game support
  22. DDO Special Edition
  23. O_o what the hell is that?
  24. Am I being discriminated against?
  25. This is how much turbine cares
  26. Email address for complaints, please
  27. Cd Key
  28. I would like to get access to old accounts.
  29. Is this a Bug? Min level 14 Spell Pen VII Item?
  30. Server merge wrong name item sending.
  31. LFM posts
  32. Battle standard turn in
  33. You can't be serious....
  34. What gives....
  35. Another complaint as to how a GM handled a situation.
  36. Finicky Fred
  37. Number of Character Slots @ 1750
  38. Warforged Fatigue
  39. Thank you Turbine
  40. erased characters on idle account?
  41. Downtime
  42. Fascinate vs Enthrall with Suggestion
  43. Aaigh! Hey Sparker - please hire people that can read?
  44. GM's consider this trading in the lfm? Are you kidding!?!
  45. Proof is in the Poison
  46. Flame touched Iron
  47. avoiding "so and so" characters...
  48. Very Upset!!
  49. Clicking to 'join' an LFM multiple times?
  50. Stuck?
  51. Dragon Armor Repair
  52. A misunderstanding or somesuch... Thaco?
  53. Why cant I get past the loading Page?
  54. Missing items from Bank
  55. Web error while accessing the datacenter
  56. Can't get pass launcher screen please help!
  57. Is it a bug or intentionally made?
  58. In Game Customer Support?
  59. Items disappearing from bank
  60. dragonscale armor
  61. Death inside the DQ raid
  62. 9th Character Slot
  63. Cursed Crypt altar bug
  64. how to get on the risa server
  65. Lost gem bags please help from bank
  66. help gem bag gone!
  67. Uhhh What happened to fernia?
  68. Bank - is it safe?
  69. Ascension Chamber won't reset
  70. Targeting Issue
  71. Sir Rohene not talking even though no abandonment of quest
  72. Average Wait Times for In-Game Support?
  73. Unable to get "details" with mouse
  74. High Latency at AttWorldnet Backbone
  75. I just want to know
  76. 8th character slot
  77. Drow Faction
  78. Name Change Issue.
  79. iron companion
  80. Problem with Feat Replacement
  81. forum posts
  82. USB Controller Key Mapping Issue
  83. Suggestions For Improving Customer Service
  84. Where is Sparker?
  85. Wrong number of character slots?
  86. Please Help
  87. More Character Slots
  88. Thelanis crashed??
  89. If Cholthulzz Bugs, Don't Bother With a Ticket
  90. Argonnessen is acting sick
  91. My Turn for Lost Mail
  92. Lack of support for email spam harassment
  93. Lost Focus Orb
  94. Missing Mail
  95. Spam mail
  96. Is anyone out there? Need help.
  97. Downtime = loot weekend
  98. What Version is the Downloadable Trial Version?
  99. Whats going on with the load times today?
  100. Load Times
  101. Player issues
  102. Lost Xp: Crucible
  103. Platfarmer spam and tickets
  104. Lost Character Slot
  105. in game tickets
  106. Feat Respec problem
  107. Guild Chat Issue
  108. Level 3 wizards unable to cast 2nd lvl spells?
  109. In Game Warning Systems
  110. URGENT GM request, In-Game help page "unavailable"
  111. Harassment Reports
  112. How can we take down LFM trades faster?
  113. Auction Mis-bid
  114. Question about Toughness
  115. Action Point resetting failure?
  116. An apology
  117. Warning about mail system-please help
  118. Character Loaded outside of Market
  119. Help Panel Broken! Ugh...
  120. Armor Class Issue.
  121. Character Slots!!
  122. Disabling Automatic Customer Service Emails
  123. Gms
  124. Spammers of plat & items
  125. Server Down - Auction House Problems
  126. Missing mail
  127. Problem with mail
  128. Senior GM
  129. <corestrings.dll is missing string ID 131 > [131]
  130. My AH Attachment Buged
  131. mail problem
  132. name
  133. Not getting Favor for The Twilight Forge
  134. Unreasonable response time for 'escalated' help
  135. Armor apperance after server crash
  136. Something wrong with GLS.AuthServer?
  137. Cholthulzz Bugg @ End of Ghosts of Perdition
  138. PVP Fairness
  139. Recipient doesn't exist
  140. Customer Service
  141. lost favor
  142. Muck's Doom?
  143. True Cost
  144. Lack of Gm being able to help
  145. -2 stat points
  146. Help! Can't use Enhancements
  147. Lost my party key
  148. WHICH Weapon Focus is required for the Arcane Archer line of Enhancments
  149. Only 1 Lvl 8 Spell
  150. New Raid Timer Broken
  151. Bad in game support
  152. Lost all my Ingredients
  153. How about a ETA on our postion in the que
  154. please help tech support
  155. Where is Master's Touch?
  156. Ticket: 494398 - A Plea for Help!
  157. I believe there is a rogue GM
  158. Horrible GM Experience - My problem still exists after speaking with him
  159. Tickets won't go through for whole party
  160. Cannot get fighter toughness enhancement
  161. Toughness Troubles
  162. Baudrey Cartmon Quests
  163. Just in case....
  164. A question about subscriptions
  165. ticket 517900....been an hour so far
  166. Ticket 520287 on Ghallanda
  167. Ticket number 531299
  168. why bother?
  169. Thanks!
  170. Need Clarification on selling via LFM's
  171. In game help a joke
  172. Birthday cake mistake..
  173. Cleaning up old connection
  174. Any way to change guild leadership?
  175. bonus xp
  176. Can't find my characters
  177. Ticket #s 630943 & 632512
  178. error ban?
  179. Back to Harbor access only?
  180. Senior GM Response Times
  181. Mail Issue / Issue with Sr. GMs
  182. Kyber disabled??
  183. Very frustrated
  184. Interface issue... i hate using /p
  185. a little frustration
  186. character names changed ... sort of
  187. Name not allowed?
  188. Running with the Devils bugged...and can't open a new ticket???
  189. Terrible GM service
  190. Downtime or Vista Error?
  191. Can't target after hitting Default :(
  192. Tempest Enhancment Issue
  193. Bards make me lag
  194. Shroud Completions
  195. Online Version 4 To Replace Stormreach 3.5?
  196. Are you guys kidding me?
  197. I Want In Lex
  198. Character naming
  199. player numbers
  200. Chat Server is Temporarily Unavailable
  201. Cant find the button to open the target orb
  202. Weird Lag
  203. Server Error in '/TSSTrowser' Application
  204. Poor customer service
  205. Tells Need Some Attention!!!!
  206. Good customer service today
  207. Lag Lag Lag
  208. cant complete
  209. In game cannot use help on account
  210. Unable to use a (important) class feat for no apparent reason
  211. Devil bugged again
  212. can't report harrassment anymore
  213. 1750 Favor problem
  214. in game bug form works only some of the time
  215. Reaver Loot Broken
  216. Help Panel broken in game
  217. In game problem
  218. Have Tempest's Spine weather effects when not in Tempest's spine.
  219. Foundation of Discord bug
  220. A Rare Thanks
  221. Feat Exchange
  222. need help now please
  223. a bugged bug
  224. Devs are useless......
  225. Rogue feat switch bug..any new info?
  226. Lag City
  227. Help
  228. Bug or Nomal ?
  229. bugged
  230. Need Customer Service
  231. bugged quest
  232. Titan is Bugged after update
  233. Cant get in
  234. Rating Turbine Customer Support
  235. What the heck is going on here
  236. Chamber of Raiyum
  237. Been waiting 30 minutes
  238. Can't enter Warder Defense quest
  239. Deleted Character
  240. Party Chat/Guild Chat and Mail system Bugged???
  241. Friends list bugged
  242. Missing seal of the earth
  243. New Bug!!
  244. General Tanakh Rare in the desert.
  245. Kudos to your weekend evening crew
  246. Tome Pages
  247. Can't Use Buyout Option on AH
  248. Thanks oskee!
  249. AH bugged!!!!
  250. Login issues?