View Full Version : LFG and LFM comment areas

03-21-2007, 08:12 AM
This is a friendly reminder to players regarding LFG and LFM:

Please do not add buy, sell, or trade messages in the LFG and LFM comment areas. They directly impact players who are trying to use the LFG and LFM areas for their intended purpose: LOOKING FOR GROUP and LOOKING FOR MORE messages.

You can post buy/sell/trade messages on the appropriate server Marketplace threads found under the Servers sub-forum. You can also join one of the user created chat channels to trade; check with your local server-mates for the popular trade channels. Of course, you can use the Auction House to actively seek nifty loot, or sell that prized Tasty Ham you might still have in your backpack.

GMs will ask you to remove LFG and LFM messages not consistent with their intended use, and continued misuse of the LFG and LFM areas will be considered violations of the Code of Conduct.

Thank you everyone!

03-21-2007, 10:54 AM
sure would be great to have a server wide marketplace channel IN GAME.

03-21-2007, 10:58 AM
sure would be great to have a server wide marketplace channel IN GAME.
You mean the auction house?

03-21-2007, 11:27 AM
You mean the auction house?

No, I mean a channel for people to discuss it in, that people can choose to be in or not.

03-21-2007, 11:34 AM
This is a friendly reminder to players regarding LFG and LFM:

Please do not add buy, sell, or trade messages in the LFG and LFM comment areas. They directly impact players who are trying to use the LFG and LFM areas for their intended purpose: LOOKING FOR GROUP and LOOKING FOR MORE messages.

You can post buy/sell/trade messages on the appropriate server Marketplace threads found under the Servers sub-forum. Of course, you can use the Auction House to actively seek nifty loot, or sell that prized Tasty Ham you might still have in your backpack.

GMs will ask you to remove LFG and LFM messages not consistent with their intended use, and continued misuse of the LFG and LFM areas will be considered violations of the Code of Conduct.

Thank you everyone!

Nice to have "Clarification" but this should have been up about 7 months ago.

sure would be great to have a server wide marketplace channel IN GAME.

I have suggested this idea well over 20 times. Each with great input. There has been no confirmation by any developers that this is within development.

03-21-2007, 11:45 AM
They directly impact players who are trying to use the LFG and LFM areas for their intended purpose:I don't understand what the impact is on players looking for a group, please explain.

03-21-2007, 11:50 AM
Nice to have "Clarification" but this should have been up about 7 months ago.
It's been against the rules for less than 5 months, and has been discussed to death since then.

Here for instance:

You can not trade items in the Social panel. If you violate this, action may be taken against your account. Warnings will be issued as we do not want to ban players for this, but if a player continues to break the rules we will ban the account.

Whether you agree or disagree with the rule is irrelevant, you still must abide by it. LFM is intended for players that are trying to form groups, not for players trying to trade items. You can use the forums to trade items, you can not use the Social panel.

03-21-2007, 12:00 PM
and yet not a single dev will stand up and say why they are adamant about not wanting to add in a global chat channel (optional of course).

03-21-2007, 12:03 PM
and yet not a single dev will stand up and say why they are adamant about not wanting to add in a global chat channel (optional of course).
They're too busy putting out new content and nerfing us to worry about such mundane things as chat.

After all, don't you like the "fix" they put in for the "cannot enter x chat channel" bug? Rather than fixing it, lets just enter the channel twice. :rolleyes:

03-21-2007, 12:08 PM
I don't see what the big deal about this is... I could less if people put posts about what they have to trade or went to trade for in the LFM board ..... I mean if that bugs you that people do that you should get a grip...how does that affect your enjoyment of the game...... now someone will flame on that it against the rules... I know this ...the rule is stupid.. again how does this harm or make the game not fun for someone????...btw I don;t trade in game via this method...and have never posted my own looking for or wtt .... but it doesn;t bug me that others do

03-21-2007, 12:11 PM
I don't see what the big deal about this is... I could less if people put posts about what they have to trade or went to trade for in the LFM board ..... I mean if that bugs you that people do that you should get a grip...how does that affect your enjoyment of the game...... now someone will flame on that it against the rules... I know this ...the rule is stupid.. again how does this harm or make the game not fun for someone????...btw I don;t trade in game via this method...and have never posted my own looking for or wtt .... but it doesn;t bug me that others do
OK then, lets open it up and let everyone do it.

ALL 300-500 or however many of us logged on at once will put up a couple of our items for trade.

Then lets see if you still think it's no big deal.

03-21-2007, 12:20 PM
This is a friendly reminder to players regarding LFG and LFM:

Please do not add buy, sell, or trade messages in the LFG and LFM comment areas. They directly impact players who are trying to use the LFG and LFM areas for their intended purpose: LOOKING FOR GROUP and LOOKING FOR MORE messages.

You can post buy/sell/trade messages on the appropriate server Marketplace threads found under the Servers sub-forum. Of course, you can use the Auction House to actively seek nifty loot, or sell that prized Tasty Ham you might still have in your backpack.

GMs will ask you to remove LFG and LFM messages not consistent with their intended use, and continued misuse of the LFG and LFM areas will be considered violations of the Code of Conduct.

Thank you everyone!

You can't be serieous(sic), It "directley impacts players lfg/lfm"? Make a Trade window if you don't want people using it. please?

03-21-2007, 12:24 PM
You can't be serieous(sic), It "directley impacts players lfg/lfm"? Make a Trade window if you don't want people using it. please?

Dont let logic cloud this discussion.

03-21-2007, 03:56 PM
Comon Turbine give us a world trade channel or a similar akak LFG/LFM board in game to help us trade.

03-21-2007, 04:10 PM
Comon Turbine give us a world trade channel or a similar akak LFG/LFM board in game to help us trade.
The problem is they would be giving you a method to circumvent the AH and it's Stormreach Excise Tax of 30%.

I do think the following would be interesting:

Have an extra tab on the auction house window called Trading.

A "seller" can put items up on the trading window just like any other auction, for a fee of perhaps 10%. The auction can be marked public or private.

The "buyers" would be able to browse the items using the same crappy AH interface, and place a "bid" for the item that includes items or plat. The bid would take the items and plat immediately, and would have a time limit (8 hours, 1 day, 2 day, 3 day).

The "seller" can then see on the trading window what items have been bid for his item and can choose to accept, reject or let them expire. Accepting a bid transfers the items through the mail the same way AH does it

Same as AH, no names would be shown, and outstanding bids would be visible if the auction was public, otherwise you would only see your own bid.

Perhaps any plat bid will get 30% deducted before going to the "seller" for the Stormreach Children's Charity if it exceeds the 10% posting fee.

03-21-2007, 04:54 PM
The problem is they would be giving you a method to circumvent the AH and it's Stormreach Excise Tax of 30%.

I do think the following would be interesting:

Have an extra tab on the auction house window called Trading.

A "seller" can put items up on the trading window just like any other auction, for a fee of perhaps 10%. The auction can be marked public or private.

The "buyers" would be able to browse the items using the same crappy AH interface, and place a "bid" for the item that includes items or plat. The bid would take the items and plat immediately, and would have a time limit (8 hours, 1 day, 2 day, 3 day).

The "seller" can then see on the trading window what items have been bid for his item and can choose to accept, reject or let them expire. Accepting a bid transfers the items through the mail the same way AH does it

Same as AH, no names would be shown, and outstanding bids would be visible if the auction was public, otherwise you would only see your own bid.

Perhaps any plat bid will get 30% deducted before going to the "seller" for the Stormreach Children's Charity if it exceeds the 10% posting fee.

How about a trade chanel just like the lfm tab instead.

03-21-2007, 04:59 PM
You can't be serieous(sic), It "directley impacts players lfg/lfm"? Make a Trade window if you don't want people using it. please?

Yes it does directly impact me looking for LFM. I look at 6 possible groups I am eligible for, 1 is from someone who obviously hasn't set the specifics yet, 3 I can join and 2 that are LFM trades. I still have to scan through the trade LFMs to get to the actual LFMs. That is a direct impact on my looking for a group. Is it a huge impact, no, but it is a direct one.

If you don't like the way Turbine provides to trade your equipment you know where the cancel account button is. Can I have your stuff? You know, so I can put it on the AH or advertise on the server forums for trades.

03-21-2007, 05:03 PM
How about a trade chanel just like the lfm tab instead.

Trade channels, from my experience in other games, become global spam channels.

"WTT +4 Vorp LS - >+3 Vorp BA"
"Buy Plat a @#$$%bay.com. New accounts get 5kPlat free with purchase!"
"**** N3wb no1 want ta trade yur lowbie @$@#%"

So on and so forth.

03-21-2007, 05:06 PM
How about a trade chanel just like the lfm tab instead.
I wouldn't have a problem with it, but as I said in the first line above "The problem is they would be giving you a method to circumvent the AH and it's Stormreach Excise Tax of 30%.".

You have to remember that the primary function of the AH from Turbine's point of view is not to buy and sell stuff between players, it's to take plat out of the economy.

03-21-2007, 05:10 PM
i can kind of (not really) understand why people have a problem with LFM's for trading items...but what can it possibly hurt for someone to put something like "trading +1 cha tome for +1 str tome" in their little personal space in the WHO tab? and how does that effect ANYONE who is looking for members or groups?

03-21-2007, 05:13 PM
i can kind of (not really) understand why people have a problem with LFM's for trading items...but what can it possibly hurt for someone to put something like "trading +1 cha tome for +1 str tome" in their little personal space in the WHO tab?
Although it is still against the rules, I really don't care if they do that.

But I believe that most people don't do that anyway simply because it's not a widely seen advertising medium like LFM is.

Most everyone sees LFM's. Most everyone do not see LFG's. That's why people abuse LFM's for WTT/WTB'/WTS.

03-21-2007, 05:19 PM
Although it is still against the rules, I really don't care if they do that.

But I believe that most people don't do that anyway simply because it's not a widely seen advertising medium like LFM is.

Most everyone sees LFM's. Most everyone do not see LFG's. That's why people abuse LFM's for WTT/WTB'/WTS.

well they are certainly "banning" the use of the who tab for such purposes as well..which seems a little ridiculous, if this was allowed that would allow people who ARE interested in seeking trades, to simply browse through the who panel to see if there's anything of interest to them listed, or if someone is looking for something that I have and am willing to trade, but wouldnt force anyone to have to "filter" through anything to find group members or groups to join like people claim the trading LFM's do...there is already an empty box below everyone's name, what would it hurt to put such comments there devs?

03-22-2007, 01:43 PM
... the plat farmer avoid the cost of selling items which gives them more plat to sell for real dollars later. :/

Forcing them, and us, to use the AH, and Forums ensures that either trades happen slower and eventually plat gets pulled from the economy.

03-22-2007, 04:10 PM
Trade channels, from my experience in other games, become global spam channels.

"WTT +4 Vorp LS - >+3 Vorp BA"
"Buy Plat a @#$$%bay.com. New accounts get 5kPlat free with purchase!"
"**** N3wb no1 want ta trade yur lowbie @$@#%"

So on and so forth.

Q-F-T squared

03-22-2007, 04:16 PM
and yet not a single dev will stand up and say why they are adamant about not wanting to add in a global chat channel (optional of course).

Is it not Obvious???

THe Devs want us to use the Auction House...... Thats were the Money Pit is....

There is no way for the Devs to Control trade outside of the game.. But they have provided us with a somewhat functional in-game sales tool..... The Auction House...

Trading does not take money out of the game..... ANd WIth so few Money Sinks inthe game as it sits, Idont see us getting a Trade board until we have Crafting and Housing.

03-22-2007, 04:22 PM
Although it is still against the rules, I really don't care if they do that.

But I believe that most people don't do that anyway simply because it's not a widely seen advertising medium like LFM is.

Most everyone sees LFM's. Most everyone do not see LFG's. That's why people abuse LFM's for WTT/WTB'/WTS.

Advertising for trades is against the rules in your Bio Tab? Hmmm...... I put tradeablesin that tab all the time... Never been asked to remove them....

SOmeone looking at your Bio had to initate the look..... as long as I dont have anything offensive in there, I dont see the problem.

03-22-2007, 05:22 PM
The problem is they would be giving you a method to circumvent the AH and it's Stormreach Excise Tax of 30%.

I do think the following would be interesting:

Have an extra tab on the auction house window called Trading.

A "seller" can put items up on the trading window just like any other auction, for a fee of perhaps 10%. The auction can be marked public or private.

The "buyers" would be able to browse the items using the same crappy AH interface, and place a "bid" for the item that includes items or plat. The bid would take the items and plat immediately, and would have a time limit (8 hours, 1 day, 2 day, 3 day).

The "seller" can then see on the trading window what items have been bid for his item and can choose to accept, reject or let them expire. Accepting a bid transfers the items through the mail the same way AH does it

Same as AH, no names would be shown, and outstanding bids would be visible if the auction was public, otherwise you would only see your own bid.

Perhaps any plat bid will get 30% deducted before going to the "seller" for the Stormreach Children's Charity if it exceeds the 10% posting fee.

I rather like this idea, and it is well thought out. Should be easily implimented too, I would think.

03-22-2007, 06:01 PM
"but what can it possibly hurt for someone to put something like "trading +1 cha tome for +1 str tome" in their little personal space in the WHO tab?"

"Advertising for trades is against the rules in your Bio Tab?"

They are not talking about the bio tab, they are talking about the notes you put in when you're LFG....and shown in the LFG/WHO window.

03-26-2007, 01:35 PM
i put offers in my space on the "who comments" all the time with a special item to offer.... when i am looking for groups people can see it ....is this the end of the world and a violation?

03-26-2007, 01:36 PM
Honestly, this is pointless. Give me a place in-game to trade items, and maybe then you'll see those people trading items gone from the LFM. It hinders people gaming experience in no way, whatsoever.

Seems to me that the devs are either too lazy to implement this, or would rather ban everybody than lift a finger to make trades easier.

Marketplace forums are worthless.

03-26-2007, 01:36 PM
if they dont want items to be traded..make them bind..and then once you sell it to a vendor or it goes through a full transaction at Auction House it rebinds to the new player...that will stop all trades and passing down of items to new characters

04-16-2007, 09:46 AM
In the social panel why not add a live trader list. If people are doing it, doesn't that represent a need. Shoot, sometimes I look in the LFM groupings to see who's selling high end weaps.

04-23-2007, 01:14 PM
I posted A trade in the LFM and was not notified this was a problem and was just banned. I have seen people do this and didn't know it was forbidden. It would have been nice if the DM would have said something to me instead of banning me. What is their problem! Could I please play again?

04-23-2007, 01:18 PM
I posted A trade in the LFM and was not notified this was a problem and was just banned. I have seen people do this and didn't know it was forbidden. It would have been nice if the DM whould have said something to me instead of banning me. What is there problem! Could I please play again?
I would be quite surprised if you got no notice to take down your LFM before getting banned.

Perhaps you missed it so the GM thought you were blowing him off and had no choice but to ban you for not following a GMs instructions.

04-23-2007, 01:24 PM
I was watching very closely due to the telling with peaple over the trade.

05-20-2007, 11:21 AM
I would be quite surprised if you got no notice to take down your LFM before getting banned.

Perhaps you missed it so the GM thought you were blowing him off and had no choice but to ban you for not following a GMs instructions.

Why can't we ban GM's who don't answer help requests for 4.5 hours?

Just throwing that out there.

06-12-2007, 10:41 PM
I bet if the plat farmers sold stuff in the LFM most people that don't see a problem with this would change there minds. When a plat farmer sends you those tells or in-game mails does it hurt you? There may be a "pro spam mail/tells" forum somewhere, but for the most part it seems that people don't like it.

Does selling things in the LFM or LFG hurt anyone, no. Does it annoy a lot of people, yes. As stated earlier, imagine if everyone did it. That's the whole point, everyone would do it if it wasn't against the game rules. What would be the point of the LFM?

I don't like getting spam tells/mail or seeing the garbage people are selling on the LFM. Once just to be stupid I put up a LFM "trading my +1 spot goggles/rr halfling for your +1 search goggles/rr dwarf"

I have to say, it would be nice if there was an in-game trading post. Don't even have to add a trade tab or anything of that nature, just a building where people can talk. You know, something like a tavern.....where people could hang out and trade stuff. Perhaps a bizaar/tent like structure where people could meet in the town center and trade. Everyone would know where to go to trade. Just another thought.

08-02-2007, 05:29 PM
To be honest I am irritated by the LFM trades. I would like a Trading Post to be set up.

After playing MapleStory I realize just how large the "Plat Spammer" community is. I also realize it is comprised mainly of foreigners trying to circumvent their country's taxes, or those that can't find jobs in their areas. They do it to stay alive. They will never stop.

Essentially, let's stop exchanging liberty for security and set up measures to help the gamers exchange goods. The plat sellers will just keep doing what they do.

08-02-2007, 05:45 PM
Also, the LFM works GREAT. The LFG could work better, but I can't think of how atm. The only way it would work better would be to reinstate the class level numbers again.

I would like a Stat Sheet available for the LFG though, simply select and Examine to see stats(base, modified, etc), Skills, and Equipment. On the side a tab with "I am bringing this with me" with a Total Account Hours Logged display(stored client-side), to indicate just how experienced the player is. This way we can grab a newbie to run with if we want, or decline a person we expected to be of great help because they are unprepared, or better yet log to an alt to grab the cleric with 6 hours of playtime logged(new account!) some wands so we don't get beaten up when he/she runs out of mana. This way, we can also pick a newbie to dote on with our lowbie gear we won't use for a good while(easily replaceable).

I know, counterpoint. LFG Newbies aren't exactly appealing, and there are elitists in the game who will refuse a person for not having a +5 Holy Burst Righteous Maul of Superior Undead Bane with a Minimum Level of 6(an exaggerated example). I would, however, like the true main player base of this game: Casual Gamers, the opportunity of not going into a quest underprepared or with a Fighter designed to pick locks and use bows(no offense) when all you need is a meatshield aggrograbber.

07-21-2008, 01:44 PM
That has allways been the rule for as long as I can remember, back in Riedra I tried posting an item on LFM and was told to get my add down! the server wide channel your talking about is here in the forums and in the AH,what more do you want.I dont think that is so important as to get a channel to talk about itmes 4trade/sale.Turbine has allot more important things to be thinking about in terms of producing a good game for us to enjoy.

07-26-2008, 01:14 PM
Does this the WHO menu in the social panel?

07-27-2008, 06:38 PM
Does this the WHO menu in the social panel?

Looking For Group (LFG) & Looking For More (LFM) are in the grouping section of the social panel.

07-03-2010, 05:35 PM
This is a friendly reminder to players regarding LFG and LFM:

Please do not add buy, sell, or trade messages in the LFG and LFM comment areas. They directly impact players who are trying to use the LFG and LFM areas for their intended purpose: LOOKING FOR GROUP and LOOKING FOR MORE messages.

You can post buy/sell/trade messages on the appropriate server Marketplace threads found under the Servers sub-forum. You can also join one of the user created chat channels to trade; check with your local server-mates for the popular trade channels. Of course, you can use the Auction House to actively seek nifty loot, or sell that prized Tasty Ham you might still have in your backpack.

GMs will ask you to remove LFG and LFM messages not consistent with their intended use, and continued misuse of the LFG and LFM areas will be considered violations of the Code of Conduct.

Thank you everyone!
as stated above LFM stands for looking for MORE players does that apply to guild LOOKING FOR MORE members? i've got a gm threatened me today over that.

07-08-2010, 10:38 PM
Really can't understand that the cod of conduct says nothing about posting guild recruitments on LFM, but they ban you for looking for other players; is the grouping not for better fourming of parties and guildies alike, furthermore they give no warrnings to being banned as the emails say " repeatedly told not to do so". Selling prodcuts on LFM i can understand but to recruit, come on!

07-09-2010, 12:39 AM
You do realize this thread is 3 years old right?

And as far as guild recruiting in LFM's, it's not permitted. That's why a GM sent you a message. If your guild was half decent people would want to join it anyways, so no reason to advertise.

07-09-2010, 01:47 AM
You do realize this thread is 3 years old right?

And as far as guild recruiting in LFM's, it's not permitted. That's why a GM sent you a message. If your guild was half decent people would want to join it anyways, so no reason to advertise.

You know, it may be three years old, and while I'd been told usign the /lfm window to guild recruit or sell was against the rules. I don't know that I'd ever seen the dev quote before.

07-11-2010, 05:55 PM
You do realize this thread is 3 years old right?

And as far as guild recruiting in LFM's, it's not permitted. That's why a GM sent you a message. If your guild was half decent people would want to join it anyways, so no reason to advertise.
the gm gave me link to this page and please tell me which part of this thread says Looking For More members is against the rule? if he cannot provide me with anything that can back up his statement what is there to argue? obviously somebody is not understanding their own statements/agreements.

07-11-2010, 08:53 PM
Looking For More (party members), stop trying to assume it's anything more than that.

If you want clarification, send in an email to Turbine.

08-04-2010, 10:34 AM
LFM (Looking For More) is under the GROUPING tab, not the GUILD tab. If it was meant to be a guild recruiting tool there would be a LFGM (Looking For Guild Members) tab.

Perhaps it's time for the Devs/GMs to update the statement on page 1 of this thread to include that.

As was stated, the GROUPING tab is intended for groups to find more players for their current quest(s). The WHO tab is to show who is online AND who is LFG (Looking For Group). They were NOT intended to be used as guild recruiting billboards or trading (there is a seperate chat channel for that now).

Maybe.....just maybe....the Devs could put in a Guild Recruiting Chat Channel similar to the Trade/Advice Channels. Call it the Recruiting channel.

04-06-2011, 07:09 PM
Yeah, I read earlier about having a trading post. That would be cool, I wouldn't really use it but a bunch of my friends would. Trading Large Shroud items for stuff they need to craft with. Barter system baby!!!

I've been hit with the rules myself on LFG/LFM Tab. I saw some people set up some post looking to recruit for their guilds. I thought that was a great idea. So I did it myself and got 10 new members in two days. On the third day a GM sent an ADMIN tell and said that was a No No. I really didn't know it was against the rules. I really don't read the small print. I just play for the enjoyment. I know know and don't do it anymore. I think a Guild Recruitment Tab be set up. Limit it to just Guild Leaders (So it doesn't get flooded).

But to get back on the matter at had, a trading post in each house would be great and could be fun for crafters.

11-10-2011, 04:41 PM
In my server theres a certain guild that uses the LFM for showmanship. They have the 12 spots filled by guild members and just stay there polutting the social panel.

My questions:

- They are not using the LFM system for the intended purpose. Are they breaking the code of conduct?

- If they are to be reported, how do I report them? I tryed to use the in game report system for harassment, but that did no avail, as well it might not be the appropriate tool. What do I do?

11-12-2011, 04:39 AM
It is inconvenient and somewhat annoying to see LFMs posted by people trying to sell their stuff or get new members for their guilds. When I open the LFM window, I'm searching for groups I could join, and not anything else. Having to scroll down a long party list with 5 actual questing / raiding groups and 10 sellers / buyers / guild recruiters is not something I find acceptable. Use the trade channel, the AH, or the forums. If you're not using the LFM window for the purpose of finding party members, you're spamming. As simple as that.

11-13-2011, 07:24 PM
In my server theres a certain guild that uses the LFM for showmanship. They have the 12 spots filled by guild members and just stay there polutting the social panel.

My questions:

- They are not using the LFM system for the intended purpose. Are they breaking the code of conduct?

- If they are to be reported, how do I report them? I tryed to use the in game report system for harassment, but that did no avail, as well it might not be the appropriate tool. What do I do?

If there are 12 people (or even 6) in the group and the LFM is still up it is bugged and not their fault. LFM's automatically come down when the group is full but occasionally bug out and stay up.

11-13-2011, 07:52 PM
GMs will ask you to remove LFG and LFM messages not consistent with their intended use, and continued misuse of the LFG and LFM areas will be considered violations of the Code of Conduct.

Thank you everyone!

So this is what GM's are for.

I always wondered why Turbine had them. To Police the LFM's. They generally dont do anything else...


11-13-2011, 07:54 PM
If there are 12 people (or even 6) in the group and the LFM is still up it is bugged and not their fault. LFM's automatically come down when the group is full but occasionally bug out and stay up.

2 Weeks straight of bugged up LFMs?

Its not the case. Theyre showing off. I am positive of it.

So, can anyone point me out a report tool for this?

11-13-2011, 11:05 PM
2 Weeks straight of bugged up LFMs?

Its not the case. Theyre showing off. I am positive of it.

So, can anyone point me out a report tool for this?

OK, I am curous how this constitues showing off? "Look at me, I have 11 friends!!!"

Do you mean it was up straight for 2 weeks wthout a break? I would find a bug easier to believe then 12 players staying logged in for 2 weeks straight.

11-14-2011, 05:40 AM
OK, I am curous how this constitues showing off? "Look at me, I have 11 friends!!!"

Exactly. And "We are doing quest X on Epic/Elite/Zuber".

See, I am not old scrooge that hates when people are happy. You done something and wanna celebrate? Cheer up, why not.

But everyday showing off? Its a disrespect to the community that uses the LFM. Imagine if everyone did that sort of thing? LFM crowded with non-questing calls... We wouldnt be able to use the social panel. =/

11-14-2011, 06:26 AM
If there are 12 people (or even 6) in the group and the LFM is still up it is bugged and not their fault. LFM's automatically come down when the group is full but occasionally bug out and stay up.

They might bug out occasionally, but you can also put your LFM back up after it fills (unless they 'fixed' this recently). I do this occasionally when I am leading PUGs so that I can see at a glance what house everyone is in as they make their way to the quest entrance. There have been times I've forgotten to take it down.

12-24-2011, 06:18 AM
This is a friendly reminder to players regarding LFG and LFM:

Please do not add buy, sell, or trade messages in the LFG and LFM comment areas. They directly impact players who are trying to use the LFG and LFM areas for their intended purpose: LOOKING FOR GROUP and LOOKING FOR MORE messages.

You can post buy/sell/trade messages on the appropriate server Marketplace threads found under the Servers sub-forum. You can also join one of the user created chat channels to trade; check with your local server-mates for the popular trade channels. Of course, you can use the Auction House to actively seek nifty loot, or sell that prized Tasty Ham you might still have in your backpack.

GMs will ask you to remove LFG and LFM messages not consistent with their intended use, and continued misuse of the LFG and LFM areas will be considered violations of the Code of Conduct.

Thank you everyone!

I totally Agree and i have never used the lfm for those purposes but sense you brought it up it would be nice for there to be another tab for Trading purposes:D the trade channel doesnt seem to be used that much and the Auction house takes a HUGe cut makes it almost not worth using.

01-22-2013, 11:41 PM
Why would I say this? I have been playing this game Since 2006. This is the FIRST post I have ever made and I am really upset with INGAME (worthless) Support! Here is why. Today (23 Jan 2013 1230 am EST) Greatrenown on the Argo server has had an LFM up for 3,242 mins active! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? The better question is why has DDO In Game support not done ANYTHING about it? I have submit trouble tickets.

ID#2836263 Status: Closed Updated: 01/21/13 08:25 PM

As per the Social panel Greatrenown has had an LFM up for 1,491 mins! How is this Possible and why cann you all not fix the empty group postings? Please have a GM fix these issues today.

01/21/13 08:25
The issue you have described is not an issue that the In-Game Support team can assist with. We recommend that you take a moment to submit a formal bug report at this url: http://forums.ddo.com/new_bug.php? to aid in the research of this issue. Be sure to fully review the information at the top of the bug report form to understand how bug reports are handled.

~So I have an in game problem that an in game GM can not fix! WORTHLESS! I think the real issue is that some people just don't like doing their job! Either way, it doesn't matter what I think. You all need to hire people to actually fix in game issues such as this. But while we are at it, when are you going to follow through with the blank LFM's? You know, instead of fixing the minor issues that you all have as your agenda try fixing some of the issues players really have issues with!


01-22-2013, 11:55 PM
ID#2837255 Status: Closed Updated: 01/23/13 12:51 AM

As per the Social panel Greatrenown has had an LFM up for 1,491 mins! How is this Possible and why cann you all not fix the empty group postings? Please have a GM fix these issues today.

History: [NOTHING]

*There was nothing posted or wrote in the history!!!! Are you kidding me? And the LFM is still up!*

Why would I say this? I have been playing this game Since 2006. This is the FIRST post I have ever made and I am really upset with INGAME (worthless) Support! Here is why. Today (23 Jan 2013 1230 am EST) Greatrenown on the Argo server has had an LFM up for 3,242 mins active! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? The better question is why has DDO In Game support not done ANYTHING about it? I have submit trouble tickets.

ID#2836263 Status: Closed Updated: 01/21/13 08:25 PM

As per the Social panel Greatrenown has had an LFM up for 1,491 mins! How is this Possible and why cann you all not fix the empty group postings? Please have a GM fix these issues today.

01/21/13 08:25
The issue you have described is not an issue that the In-Game Support team can assist with. We recommend that you take a moment to submit a formal bug report at this url: http://forums.ddo.com/new_bug.php? to aid in the research of this issue. Be sure to fully review the information at the top of the bug report form to understand how bug reports are handled.

~So I have an in game problem that an in game GM can not fix! WORTHLESS! I think the real issue is that some people just don't like doing their job! Either way, it doesn't matter what I think. You all need to hire people to actually fix in game issues such as this. But while we are at it, when are you going to follow through with the blank LFM's? You know, instead of fixing the minor issues that you all have as your agenda try fixing some of the issues players really have issues with!


02-05-2013, 02:57 PM
maybe he was just avoiding dungeon alert?

02-06-2013, 01:47 AM
ID#2837255 Status: Closed Updated: 01/23/13 12:51 AM

As per the Social panel Greatrenown has had an LFM up for 1,491 mins! How is this Possible and why cann you all not fix the empty group postings? Please have a GM fix these issues today.

History: [NOTHING]

*There was nothing posted or wrote in the history!!!! Are you kidding me? And the LFM is still up!*

You state that you have been playing this game for years. Are you aware that posting a characters name in a personal attack on the forums is against the EULA?

One of the moderators recently posted that feedback, be it positive or negative is welcome but personal attacks will not be tolerated!

Yes, I am the one of which you speak in your post and I do have a question for you.

What "in game" issue were you having?(as you state in a later post)

Notice I only reference in game because

1) I have no interest if you have personal issues.
2) I have no intention of attacking you on a personal level.

I am trying to figure out why someone having an LFM up for say 12,000+ minutes is your problem, please sir - enlighten me.

- Greatrenown (still wondering why no one will join my groups)

02-06-2013, 01:51 AM
They might bug out occasionally, but you can also put your LFM back up after it fills (unless they 'fixed' this recently). I do this occasionally when I am leading PUGs so that I can see at a glance what house everyone is in as they make their way to the quest entrance. There have been times I've forgotten to take it down.

They should not be able to be put back up. Period.
It's not an ingame player GPS panel and it should not be able to be used as such. I get extremely tired of seeing full raid parties clogging up the LFM panel long after they've filled & started the raid.
This and the blank LFG entries get to be a real problem during peak gameplay hours...

03-24-2014, 12:00 PM
They should not be able to be put back up. Period.
It's not an ingame player GPS panel and it should not be able to be used as such. I get extremely tired of seeing full raid parties clogging up the LFM panel long after they've filled & started the raid.
This and the blank LFG entries get to be a real problem during peak gameplay hours...

players in most CITW raids use LFM to easily switch toons at the end..whats the problem? Devs can probbbly do smthin ,but such a small issue,why hate it? click ignore in your brain;)

12-23-2014, 10:53 AM
Go ON to THE FORUM TRADE section.... spamming lfm's and wanting justification is silly,the lfm rules are clear.

02-27-2021, 10:10 PM
No communication allowed to form groups, such as "cheat nurfed R1 with extreeme diff" -I suspect this is mostly to keep a victim of "stick to the gloom" from contacting other players to explain that running with him on R1 is going to be extreme diff due to stalker activity and nurfing that makes grouping and playing almost impossible. I have not seen anybody using the group finder to sell or trade items.

02-27-2021, 10:20 PM
Social outcast queue, in group whisper character assaination, 2 man go nowhere groups, guys standing around at check points for silent harassment. If these things are not to be addressed, they should at least be acknowledged.