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  1. Mo9 released in the 80's
  2. New Themed Shroud
  3. new player bank
  4. +2 Con Tome For Picture Of Festival Mask
  5. Ghallanda PD Guild Planning for Raids
  6. So...
  7. Katet is on Risk II
  8. ADQ Pugging Etiquette
  9. For those running shroud at the moment ...
  10. To the Souther Farmers:
  11. Bloodrage Symbiont
  12. Battle Cleric Shroud Run
  13. chime in
  14. About the ongoing abbot *entering process*
  15. Any VoD's tonight?
  16. Situation clearity
  17. Plat riches
  18. fun Wed. night
  19. PuGgers beware!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. data centers unavailable?!?
  21. cant log in!
  22. Just my luck - a shout to Wamjratl1
  23. group wipe question
  24. The "Misfit" Challenge
  25. Was Ghallanda affected by release notes?
  26. Ding!!
  27. April 14 - Mainstream Support for Windows XP Ends Next Week
  28. Wop
  29. Hi Ghallanda
  30. Hello Ghallanda
  31. Attention Ghallandians
  32. D&D Legend Dave Arneson Dies
  33. Goodbye Ghallanda
  34. To Shroud PUG Makers
  35. Mornin' Ghallanda!
  36. Hmmm hummm...
  37. The Official Complain About Arlose Thread!
  38. Whats up Thelanis
  39. Breakfast
  40. What's Up, Ghallanda?
  41. 2 Million Platinum Contest
  42. Evenin' Ghallanda
  43. give us more
  44. More!!
  45. Guilds
  46. Forget Breakfast! What are you listening to?
  47. Famous Last Words
  48. work
  49. poll
  50. Greensteel swap
  51. A request for Smatt
  52. The Strangest Thing...
  53. Hey Cache
  54. Britney
  55. The best thread ever!
  56. Dropping from Raids
  57. Stormreach Parade
  58. Time To Leave It Behind!
  59. Off topic posts
  60. Really bad lag tonight(April 24th, 11pm-12am eastern)
  61. Usual Suspects
  62. Help please, Ghallanda
  63. Rabble!
  64. rainbow right before the crash
  65. Defenders of Light - DFoL are recruiting
  66. Things suck without Gunga
  67. To those who cant be named
  68. A Salute
  69. A message to the minions
  70. A Thank you to Ghallanda Community
  71. sry to shroud grp
  72. Speed Shroud!
  73. Elite SOS - 3 chests and great time
  74. Later ALL
  75. Thinking about taking the plunge.....
  76. Sad day for our sever...
  77. A forum troll says goodbye...
  78. the Get Into Multiclass Project (G.I.M.P.)
  79. I am pulling Ioun Stones
  80. Anyone here also play Poxnora?
  81. Finally, the weekend is here
  82. to ravensgaurd
  83. My Shroud Ingredient Pulls
  84. Knock knock. Who's there?
  85. So Long and Thanks For All The Fish
  86. Bad move
  87. Anywhere I might be able to lodge up?
  88. Ghallanda is welcomed to compete
  89. Large scales from VoD??
  90. G.I.M.P. members discussion thread
  91. Circle of Night
  92. Ghallanda Photo Album
  93. See ya later alligators....
  94. Ghallanda's speed shrouds, whats your fastest?
  95. Purely Hypothetical...
  96. Looking to buy major pots & transmuting/adamantine returner of greater construct bane
  97. Consider yourself...
  98. 3 weeks of for Le fent
  99. Im bored - List your top 3 Kubrick movies.
  100. Forced Break
  101. you all took the good monk names
  103. Devven-Elevven is back
  104. Last Minute Call: 21 Gun Salute 3PM House D
  105. Memorial Day Event a Success!
  106. Soooo...
  107. Dear RG
  108. Dear cerial
  109. Statistics for Alchemical Ritual Collectable locations
  110. Looking for a new guild to run with
  111. abbot pug
  112. Raid ooops by Chairy.
  113. Crips TSS feed
  114. I'm back...
  115. that which must not be named...
  116. *sigh*
  117. Why Im so great.
  118. LoTR announces new expansion! and give timeframe!
  119. Part 5 of Shroud Disconnect
  120. On the Couch with Amabel, ep 7 - Oddlived
  121. Shroud 3-man Attempt
  122. Heya all
  123. Trying to make static all WF Party.
  124. Static group
  125. Looking for new guild and friends.
  126. I love you ghallanda
  127. Facebook
  128. circle line in middle for new lamannia server
  129. To Shroud Casters
  130. Did you know?
  131. back to check in
  132. Guild Wars!!!
  133. My <dramatic adjective> Mistake
  134. Rep points
  135. Im Back!
  136. New to server and looking for a guild
  137. Bye guys! Gone on the 30th
  138. From This Point Forward..
  139. Happy Father's Day Ghallanda
  140. /Rant
  141. Read at your own peril. Danger.
  142. 18 Xorian Cipher Loot Runs on Normal
  143. Please, ask questions!
  144. Need Some Cliff Notes
  145. Stop The Grease!!
  146. Advice for Shroud Clerics
  147. Last Night's Shroud
  148. Server Elite !
  149. New Ddo Beta Info Leaked!
  150. I'm back
  151. Kipyre has logged off.
  152. Snowey is an honorable player
  153. PUG quality lately...
  154. I Challenge the Uber-Meek of Ghallanda Server
  155. Arizona 11u State Champs
  156. Hotkeys
  157. Looking for Old Guild Players
  158. Elite Solo
  159. Goodbye from Gunga
  160. Going Rate - +1 Vorpal Kopesh of Rightousness?
  161. Play movie - GOP, cleric's solo
  162. Deadliest Warrior/Battle of the Builds
  163. WF Help (OddliveX?)
  164. need help getting back online!
  165. hrmm
  166. To the guys in that SoS
  167. To the Sabbat Hound Group
  168. All Battle Cleric Shroud!
  169. receiving dndclient error ALOT
  170. Dammit Comfy...
  171. Solo both Ice Dragons in Prey you say?
  172. Deadliest Warrior Round 2
  173. Hi Ghallanda
  174. PD Halls of Valhalla gives a shout to Ghallanda
  175. symbiont guy
  176. Who Needs A BloodRage Symbiont?
  177. Whats with the symbiont whinner
  178. Lazy farmers?
  179. Grease in the sub
  180. Best Places Alchemical Ritual Collectibles
  181. HEYA Ghallanda Pachet is BACK!!!!
  182. Question for the smart
  183. To the retired guy.
  184. To make the game fun
  185. Goodbye Ghalanda
  186. i am back ghallanda!!!!
  187. dance party
  188. Thank you DEV's!
  189. ghallanda is a ghost town
  190. To all the Stone Throwers
  191. So now that its a little 'Unfomfortable' around here...
  192. Oh come on!
  193. Wow is that all of the old guard that are left?
  194. Instead of trolling locked threads and chasing individuals..
  195. PVP dogchair style
  196. sigh...
  197. [Memories]
  198. Awesomeness and Uberness ^^
  199. holy cow
  200. Warhammer, AoC, Aion, Mortal
  201. highest unbuffed dr?
  202. [Dogchairs Birthday Wish]
  203. Giggiddy and Paleforce back!!
  204. Bets kept Feature ?!?!?!?
  205. A Big Hello
  206. Chivalry is Undead?
  207. Honoring the departed ...
  208. Doos#vana ...
  209. need more kindling
  210. Drama
  211. Connection issue
  212. Apologies to Paxs
  213. Where for art thou?
  214. The Perfect Thrower Build
  215. Congrats Rockna and Fan
  216. Fair Thee Well, Threnal Giants
  217. 200kpp bet mod is delayed again who wants in
  218. Stepping stone guild
  219. Wanted to say thanks
  220. Elite Shroud
  221. ltrs
  222. sigh
  223. ok who didn't get the memo??
  224. Adios
  225. Yep, still here.
  226. Cya
  227. borked Elite Shroud run
  228. Oogly's Out!
  229. I wonder what VoD PUGS will be like at 20th?
  230. Thx for elite shroud run
  231. Turbine
  232. Soo..
  233. RIP Les Paul.
  234. I'm back....
  235. Hey Bloody...
  236. Elite shroud 8-24
  237. Shroud raid tonight
  238. Leet shroud mon night
  239. I just want to complain
  240. Hoping to see old faces
  241. Shout out to Mord - lvl 8 Ranger/8 Bard
  242. OFF TOPIC: DDO Ghallanda Fantasy Football!
  243. Super Raid Saturday?
  244. Leaders of new guilds
  245. Trolling.
  246. Player Seeking Refuge
  247. Lag on Ghallanda right now
  248. Guder
  249. Fallen Earth
  250. 48 Xorian Cipher Loot & Collectable Runs