View Full Version : Hotkeys

07-02-2009, 05:52 PM
Just wondering what or if anyone uses key bindings besides the standard 1-0? I use R, T, The Middle Mouse button , = , ] ..... I bound R for my Improved Trip, T for Stunning Blow, the middle mouse button for heal pots on my Barb , ... and have many other uses for other toons. I am curious if others do the same. The = and ] are for foot pedals but thats another thread. :rolleyes:

07-02-2009, 05:59 PM
I use right ctrl for jump, right shift for talk, page down for toggling collectibles, 7 for picking them up, lots of others....

07-02-2009, 06:02 PM
I use E for voice chat in game and Q for Vent. I have several extra keys on my mouse that I use as Modifier Keys.

07-02-2009, 06:04 PM
1 - sunder armor
2 - trip
3 - rage
4 - heal pot

R - use/interact

07-02-2009, 06:10 PM
hmmmm ... interesting.... If ppl dont use A,S,W,D then using R is dumb... but for the rest of us using R or T or E or Q for quick Twitch skills is a no brainer for me.. I play a Barb with a 45 DC imp Trip and bind that to my R key ... Stunning Blow on another.. For anyone who uses or relies on Twitch skillz this would be a any option to use them..

07-02-2009, 06:18 PM
I use hot keys so much that I ended up buying the older version G15 Keyboard with 18 extra side buttons and still use r, t, g, h, c, v for various uses depending on the toon. My casters by far make the best use of all of the key bindings...

On the barb it's ` = heal pots, 1 = sunder, 2 = trip, 3 = stunning blow (probably switching it to "r"), 4 = haste pots, 5 = rage, 6 = dismiss rage, g = intimidate, h = diplomacy

Nice thread OP!

07-02-2009, 06:20 PM
I use hot keys so much that I ended up buying the older version G15 Keyboard with 18 extra side buttons and still use r, t, g, h, c, v for various uses depending on the toon. My casters by far make the best use of all of the key bindings...

On the barb it's ` = heal pots, 1 = sunder, 2 = trip, 3 = stunning blow (probably switching it to "r"), 4 = haste pots, 5 = rage, 6 = dismiss rage, g = intimidate, h = diplomacy

Nice thread OP!

Well ... I use the 1-0 for my weapon slots .... hmmm ... interesting

07-02-2009, 06:22 PM
I use a standard logitech controller and almost never use the keyboard. I did bind players to the number pad on the keyboard (the calculator style on the right).

07-02-2009, 06:26 PM
With an introduction of a 9 button mouse and cutom modifier key i'm up to 3 full hot bars. Some combinations are a little clunky to hit so I religate them to buffs. It's kind of been like learning to type again, but on the characters I play often it's worked out really well.

07-02-2009, 06:28 PM
Well ... I use the 1-0 for my weapon slots .... hmmm ... interesting

I did for a long time but ended up moving them to my g buttons since I use them less. Then I still end up hitting the hotbar icons most of the time without noticing for my weapon swapping. Really doesn't make any sense but I just can't seem to stay consitent with weapon selection. My 9 on all of my toons on the number pad is always dimension door. Nice and out of the way but easiliy reachable in a pinch.

lol we won't get into the casters hotkeys...they are always being moved for better efficiency when I swap out sorc spells...

The logitech mouse hotkeys are for push to talk, block, tab and backspace for ddo.

07-02-2009, 06:29 PM
I use my Notromo n-52 with all the keys set up for different toons, It has only 1 drawback typing in chat but thats what mic's are for.

07-02-2009, 07:07 PM
I use a very nonstandard setup (primarily because my goal is to not use the mouse, ever).

1) Numpad, every button does something.
2) G is a customer modifier for me, now every button on the Numpad does something different, again.
3) My movement keys are shifted 1 over to make it more like normal hand placement on the keyboard.
4) All extraneous keys around my movement keys correspond to additional hotkeys (Q, T, X, C, V, B, CapsLock, Shift, Tab - Z stayed standard).

So basically, I have the majority of my first four toolbars all hotkeyed using the above configuration. Some things are standardized (haste on bards or casters is G9; and spring boost on melees is at the same spot) and some aren't (I tried to leave vorpals on T, but T is also heal scrolls, so this causes issues on battle clerics and bards); but overall it is a vaste boost to my reaction time to not have to use the mouse.

07-02-2009, 07:18 PM
I use a very nonstandard setup (primarily because my goal is to not use the mouse, ever).

1) Numpad, every button does something.
2) G is a customer modifier for me, now every button on the Numpad does something different, again.
3) My movement keys are shifted 1 over to make it more like normal hand placement on the keyboard.
4) All extraneous keys around my movement keys correspond to additional hotkeys (Q, T, X, C, V, B, CapsLock, Shift, Tab - Z stayed standard).

So basically, I have the majority of my first four toolbars all hotkeyed using the above configuration. Some things are standardized (haste on bards or casters is G9; and spring boost on melees is at the same spot) and some aren't (I tried to leave vorpals on T, but T is also heal scrolls, so this causes issues on battle clerics and bards); but overall it is a vaste boost to my reaction time to not have to use the mouse.

wow ... holy **** thats different ...

07-02-2009, 09:35 PM
Just wondering what or if anyone uses key bindings besides the standard 1-0? I use R, T, The Middle Mouse button , = , ] ..... I bound R for my Improved Trip, T for Stunning Blow, the middle mouse button for heal pots on my Barb , ... and have many other uses for other toons. I am curious if others do the same. The = and ] are for foot pedals but thats another thread. :rolleyes:

Mine's pretty similar, minues the =] ...
R E Q 3 4 F T are my twitch keys... tons of other slower-access hotkeys for equipment and junk. middle click does heal.. mouse 4 push to talk, mouse 5 macro

screenshot or it didnt happen (http://i625.photobucket.com/albums/tt340/tjunk/ScreenShot00345-1.jpg)

07-03-2009, 06:36 PM
Mouse 4 in game voice
Mouse 5 Vent