So you are inferring that:
1) The DDO code isn't that complicated --
At least 12 year old core code that has had many different development crews modifying it would argue otherwise.
2) The devs here don't communicate with their customers --
I think the devs actually communicated with the customers too much recently and got more grief than it was worth. Better that they spend their time developing rather than defending themselves all the time against an insatiable customer base that often fails to realize that they are customers, not game managers/coders/developers (and they certainly don't know what the current devs are actually dealing with).
3) The devs don't try to fix bugs --
Yeah, because they *like* them. 
4) The devs here don't spend enough time in front of their computers --
Baseless accusation. You don't know these guys. How many hours a week do they have to put in to avoid your criticism of not spending enough time on their computers? If you're going to throw out the accusation, at least be man enough to put a number on it.
And then you say:
Dude. Who, exactly, is insulting who here?
You're a customer. If you're not happy with the product, get your Warlock refund and move onto a product that better suits you. Why are you spending any time and money on a game you have such a low opinion of?
Had you just come along and said something like -- "Hey, this spell/ability doesn't have a sound or animation. Given the cost, it should. Are we going to see this addressed anytime soon?" -- You'd have far fewer people calling you out. In fact, I bet you'd have a lot of people agreeing with you! But, instead, you've inflated the importance of a couple minor cosmetic issues that many people were completely unaware of, threatened the game with a bad review to your hypothetical 900K FB subscribers (to which I say, "Do it!"), and taken a bunch of pot-shots at the devs.
You may have had good intentions... but you turned your own thread into a joke.